A question to anybody of the Jewish faith


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NE, England
The story of the golem is as I understand belonging to the Jewish faith (correct me if I'm wrong)
Could someone fully explain this tale and the morals behind it with regard to the Hebrew faith?
Thankyou very much bananabrain for the link.

From what I am reading (and do correct me if I am wrong) the creation of a golem in Jewish belief is just one way of connecting with God.
The tale of the Golem running amok was nothing more than an anti-semetic tale
suanni said:
The tale of the Golem running amok was nothing more than an anti-semetic tale

After reading this thread, I looked into the legend of the golem. I don't fully understand how the tale of the golem running amok was meant to be anti-semetic in and of itself. It was based on actual Jewish writings and it even had a worthwhile moral to the story.

I can understand, however, if Christians of the day and age would have used this folk tale as "evidence" to be used against the Jews, to connect them to black magic. But did someone really create the story for that purpose? I haven't been able to find anything that suggests this.

actually, i never understood the tale of the golem running amok to be anti-semitic; just a warning not to get involved in stuff you shouldn't. when the nazis occupied prague, they went looking in the loft of the altneuschul [synagogue] where the original golem is supposed to be stored. the story goes that they all disappeared in mysterious circumstances.


it does. boogyboogyboogy!

but seriously, folks, there are many other issues raised by the golem question other than the prague stuff. it is still a concern of kabbalists, but i don't think it has anything to do with clay servants.


I'm bumping this thread from nearly 20 years ago and long before my time due to having just seen this youtube video and thought it pertinent
How is a spoof video - you did know it was done as an elaborate joke, I assume - riffing on the golem legend pertinent to a more serious discussion of the golem?
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I don't know the golem story. Can someone share a link to the story that's decent? (Preferably something to read as opposed to something to watch.)
I would think you could do a search.

I don't know the concept well enough to speak as if I know something. My limited understanding is that a Golem is a clay form or figure brought to animated life...not sure I would say it has a soul.
I would think you could do a search.
Of course. I asked for suggestions, however, because I'm so unknowledgeable on the topic I'm not sure if what I'd find would be accurate or not. :D
I don't know the concept well enough to speak as if I know something. My limited understanding is that a Golem is a clay form or figure brought to animated life...not sure I would say it has a soul.
Hm. Does it have will of its own, or does it simply carry out orders?
Of course. I asked for suggestions, however, because I'm so unknowledgeable on the topic I'm not sure if what I'd find would be accurate or not. :D

Hm. Does it have will of its own, or does it simply carry out orders?
I would only be guessing to answer. I believe it has no will of its own, but that is only my guess.
Of course. I asked for suggestions, however, because I'm so unknowledgeable on the topic I'm not sure if what I'd find would be accurate or not.

One of the more famous golem legends is about a great rabbi (the Maharal a.k.a Yehuda Loew) creating a golem out of clay and commanding it to protect the Jewish community of Prague against persecution and the accusations of the blood libel. In the end, while the golem performed as designed, it had to be deactivated because it threatened the lives of innocent people.

So if you search for "golem" "maharal" "prague", you are likely to get a few good hits with more detail.
I don't know the golem story. Can someone share a link to the story that's decent? (Preferably something to read as opposed to something to watch.)
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How is a spoof video - you did know it was done as an elaborate joke, I assume - riffing on the golem legend pertinent to a more serious discussion of the golem?
I just thought the story was cleverly done.
My intuition tells me the man was a mind controlled human. They says he was made from clay but so was Adam.