Goofy Law prize


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Just saw scrolling headline across the bottom of my TV screen on CNN that China had passed a law indicating it would be illegal to reincarnate without their permission. Wonder if they will create a special visa office which you go to to put in your request right before you kick off.:p earl
Hi Earl...Yeah, I saw that one also, and thought...what the...?
Just goes to show you how far power structures will go to attempt to try and control things which are inherently spiritual . What a waste of time and energy !

Come on. Let's think about it. A gov't spends big bucks to educate an individual...and then you go and come back again and want it again?? What a waste.

I totally see their point.
There is a more sinister undertone to this that it would first seem..

you recall that the Chinese have abducted the Panchen Lama and his family and they have not been seen since.

Canada Tibet Committee

the Panchen Lama plays a special role in Tibetan society, it is this being which seeks out the tulku whom will be the next Dalai Lama. With the Red Chinese in control of the current Panchen Lama it will be they, not Tibetans, that select the next Dalai Lama and further secure their conquest of Tibet.



There is a more sinister undertone to this that it would first seem..

you recall that the Chinese have abducted the Panchen Lama and his family and they have not been seen since.

Canada Tibet Committee

the Panchen Lama plays a special role in Tibetan society, it is this being which seeks out the tulku whom will be the next Dalai Lama. With the Red Chinese in control of the current Panchen Lama it will be they, not Tibetans, that select the next Dalai Lama and further secure their conquest of Tibet.



That's horrible! :mad:
That's sadly true V and why, of course, the Dalai Lama has indicated that, as long a Tibet is under China's control, he will not be "reborn" in Tibet. Of course, am skeptical that even a very accomlished spiritual adept can necessarily know the circumstances of their rebirth, though Tibetan lore is some can. The statement, though, serves a religio-political purpose. Sad when governments so cruelly rule another people/religion, (though would be just as concerned with the converse-good argument for separation of church and state). earl