Dancing Inmates Do "YMCA"

Earl...Really enjoyed the pink jumpsuits ! Let's see pink in the Phillipines, orange here...sounds like grounds for a research grant proposal if you ask me. And we could include procedures for the analysis of choices of choreographic patterns and accompanying music too.

Hi InLove...kiss, kiss .

I only heard of them today when they interviewed the warden on CNN. He claims since taking over the prison 1 year ago and instituting the dance program-also love their rendition of MJ's "Thriller-" prison violence is way down. Of course he also purged the place of corrupt guards which also may have had something to do with the turn-around. earl
Hi Flowy :). You saw me, huh? I was just on here for a second! Keen eye.

Was going to gripe on the feedback forum about the many posts by one person that are really starting to bug me. But instead, I think I'll just do this:

Easy to find the corrupt guards...they wouldn't dance...

and yes IL we are all tiring of D1...appears ignoring and PMs don't have any affect..
Hey earl--just reread the OP--lol--that's why flo said "Hi". Sorry--I'm a bit foggy these days! Seems that I saw these dancing inmates on a Keith Oberman (sp?) segment not too long ago. (Yes, I watch ol' Keith just about every evening :eek:) I can't remember what else I saw them do, but maybe it was something from "The Sound of Music"??? Gee...wish I could remember.

wil--I'm thinking that it would be good if something could be done soon to curtail what looks like some kind of coup d'etat on the part of that new member. It just ain't right. There's no balance.

wil--I'm thinking that it would be good if something could be done soon to curtail what looks like some kind of coup d'etat on the part of that new member. It just ain't right. There's no balance.
As we lay this to rest...I contemplate our recently departed...and what I can learn from his short stay here.

my lesson...thanx d1

One may have a point, one may have a valid point, one may have a pertinent, needed, timely point. However if one constantly babbles on incessantly no one will listen and no one will hear the point.