
  • Thread starter Eclectic Mystic
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Eclectic Mystic

13:31 This is the ratio of New Threads by members other than dattaswami1 to total New Threads in my search.

Just FYI....
dattaswami has left the building - another bloody "modern prophet". Despite my previous PM to him, he saw fit to start almost 50 threads over 24 hours. Removed pretty much everything I could find, along with 30+ posts, which all were nothing more than copy/pastes from his personal treatise on life, in order to help teach us why we're all dumb and he's so enlightened. Bloody moron.

Anyway...any more offending threads, let me know, and I'll remove them.
Am I the only one who noticed that?

No, Brother 17th. You weren't alone in your keen observation there. I thought the post rather ironic myself, and wanted to post a little joke about a taddle-tale, but couldn't think of one, so the mentioning of the word 'taddle-tale' in this post will have to suffice. ;) :)

Welcome to the boards though, Eclectic Mystic. Are you a cop, prosecutor, or just overly analytical?

/hazing off

We at the post/thread count department are not critical of the amount of posts or threads per day. There are a number of people who would be regularly admonished had there been such actionable requirement to review said actions. As a matter of fact there is a poster known quite well for high post and thread counts, and many of posts being the short dine and dash, ring the doorbell only to find a bag of dog feces on fire on the front porch sarcastic little minimal posts.... This poster has been known to be rude and useful, straightforward and ludicrous, inciteful and insightful, yet this poster is tolerated.

The thing that rung many bells and instigated many PMs, emails and observations similar to our Eclectic Mystic is the barrage, the bombardment, the continual influx of ctrl c ctrl v in board after board with little concern for placement or appropriateness. The canned ctrl c ctrl v responses to questions and comments. The inability to actually enter into discussion...

Those active members of this community who raised concern were numerous....the 13/31 ratio is actually interesting as while the bombs were dropping they I would have said the ratio felt like 3/31...

and yes I too am intolerant of intolerant people, impatient with impatient people, and am judgmental against judgmental people...so I can empathize with a thread pointing out so many threads...

Any similarities with the previously mentioned poster to any poster on this forum or thread are purely coincidental and in the mind of the reader.
wil...did I also mention that I'm also "Bureaucrat Challenged" ? Boy...give a good ole' mountain man a little responsibility and he's magically transformed into a French railroad ticket agent/conductor.

No, Brother 17th. You weren't alone in your keen observation there. I thought the post rather ironic myself, and wanted to post a little joke about a taddle-tale, but couldn't think of one, so the mentioning of the word 'taddle-tale' in this post will have to suffice. ;) :)

Welcome to the boards though, Eclectic Mystic. Are you a cop, prosecutor, or just overly analytical?

Well in this case, I'm being analysed, wouldn't you say? :)

By the way, isn't this the feedback forum? Is it even possible to over flood this forum in the manner you suggested, much less ironic?

Why is it that we can talk all day here in CR about how terrible it is for one society to push its way of life onto another peaceful and established one, but when it comes to someone invading our own little village here, and a few sets of antennae perk up, we call that intolerance?

From what I understood when I joined these forums, and from what I still understand, C-R was established in order to give people a chance to discuss, debate, and socialize over subjects and issues that interest us. It is an online community, not a one-person nor one-point-of-view website. It is free to join, and while there is a Code of Conduct, it is designed so that all voices have at least a chance to be heard while still allowing for a reasonable and sincere exchange of ideas. Why would people join a moderated forum with an established Code of Conduct, and then proceed to ignore the requests of not only the site administrators, but also numerous individual members? I can think of only one reason—their interest in the community is minimal but for purposes of their own, whatever they may be.

There is plenty of room here for differences of opinion in a wide range of genres--spiritual, philosophical, political, educational, and so on. It isn’t a difference of opinion that bothers me, for that is what drives many a great thread and can have the result of discovery. It is when the flow of these ongoing conversations are disrupted to the point where finding them amidst the rubble of volumes of proselytizing and/or cut-and-paste material becomes a chore.

It may sound pitiful to some, but I spend quite a bit of time on the Internet because it is a source of information and exchange that I can’t get anywhere else. I can’t get out much, so I no longer feel that little tinge of guilt that used to whisper in my ear, “Get off the computer and do something else.” There just isn’t that much else I can manage right now! I consider C-R pretty much my “home”, even though I am not associated except by casual acquaintance here with any part of the administration. I guess I am just happy to have a place where I am able to participate on a daily basis if I want—a place where I can listen, learn, and sometimes even offer a snippet of something worthwhile to someone else. I understand that it takes time for many a new member to acclimate to just about any discussion forum, but it doesn’t usually take too long to figure out when someone is not trying and does not care.


InLove, my sentiments exactly...except for one.

Our relationship with you and yours with us is "anything but" casual. Many of us view CR as a respectful and loving community of kindred souls. If just one of us "goes missing" then we are all disabled.

I believe that this recent episode taught us the truth of that in a reverse way. Thank you for your insights.

The thing is, I don't mind having a flood of OPs of varying questions/opinions as long as the initiator is willing to engage in conversation and not just datamine his own website with pat answers to paste here. I hate it when I've responded to a post and it either just gets ignored completely or the ibot just scatters more of his own diatribe linked over from his "secret knowledge". Nor do they offer or accept critical analysis of what they believe. That's just not conversation.
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please humbly accept my apologies for my part in ribbing and hazing the new guy...

i wasn't very affected by dattaswami's presence here and i didn't realize the extent of the problem. Eclectic Mystic, i did notice your arrival, however...

let me simply re-extend my welcome, with no more jabs. Welcome to the forums!! :)

InLove I add my voice to the reverberating echo of others in saying what you say is akin to my own sentiments.
