Christians should not be afraid to think


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Reno, Nevada
Our minds are mirrors, if engrossed in materialism the mirror becomes dusty and the light emitted is distorted not seeing the truth, but if the mirror is pure it will radiate the same light as the sun. That reflection is the soul, which Jesus sanctioned by saying, "I and the Father are one." Similar to Christ we should put aside every thought except a longing for truth. Thoughts being causes, we must realize that when we control our thoughts, we control their effects, and the conditions they cause. It then follows that our health, happiness and abundance are under our control and the way to change our conditions on earth is to change our thoughts. This realization of our power to control our destiny is the truth that sets us free. With this power to think we can guide our thoughts into spiritual activities instead of just dealing with the effects. We can use visualization, concentration, imagination, realization, and meditation to direct our thoughts to our soul. This brings us close to the all-pervading consciousness in everything.
Thanks for your words Soma. You always help me to appreciate the longing for "unity" that all believers profoundly share.

With that in mind, I ran across this disturbing opinion piece this morning and it gives me pause to ask the question, "Is it useful for humans to destroy our collective histories in the pursuit of forced, and possibly artificial, unities ?"

Thanks for your words Soma. You always help me to appreciate the longing for "unity" that all believers profoundly share.

With that in mind, I ran across this disturbing opinion piece this morning and it gives me pause to ask the question, "Is it useful for humans to destroy our collective histories in the pursuit of forced, and possibly artificial, unities ?"

Good point, flow. The Tower of Babel comes to mind...
I have faith that we can deal with the truth, but are we given the truth to deal with? Thank you for the encouragement
I have faith that we can deal with the truth, but are we given the truth to deal with? Thank you for the encouragement
hopefully that is what you are looking for--the truth, not convenience. dont be afraid to take a stand for what is right, dont be afraid to humble yourself before jesus.
One aspect of Catholicism that has always appealed to me is the Church's beatification of ordinary people who have made a positive, collective difference in lessening the conflicts of the world, often at the sacrifice of their own well being.

This practice allows individual Catholics to "adopt" such people/heros as their particular focus to revere, worship, and emulate. It is my belief that this practice in all of the cultures of the world in which the Church has been an integral part, has brought more people into G-d's fold than that which might have otherwise happened on its own.

Positive examples are always the best teachers of moral and responsible behavior. Alas, these days positive examples seem fewer and farther between.


ps. Patti I think it was some dude at a keyboard in a Munich beer hall who most likely "did it".

Catholic Church beatifies WWII objector - Yahoo! News
Mork вызывая Orson! Mork вызывая Orson!

Something like that. Or maybe not... why don't you call and find out?

Hmmm well, I've never owned that kind of phone. My kids think I'm nuts. They're really perceptive adults by the way. I've been thinking about an i-phone in my future, but not until they're a bit cheaper.

I just maybe learned a little too much about what can be done with microelectronics and cleverly designed software in the past.

Snoopy...8o813u48775nt c19o48t 0 kjiiureyhfcnliuhsdsfv Nanooo...nanooo !

