Al Gore

Al Gore wins the Nobel.
Do you win Nobel prizes or earn them?

I think if he decided to run he'd steam roll all current candidates....

that being said....inconvenient truth would have been a lot more powerful if it didn't have so many half truths... documentaries with bias are just propaganda... He gets credit for making folks contemplate....

And I like the internet.
If he doesn't announce his candidacy I'll be very surprised.
It is an interesting contemplation. He's actually doing quite well outside of politics. And if he can seriously make an effort environmentally that would be a powerful legacy.

He currently has a world view that goes beyond our borders and I don't know if that will benefit as President. Plus contemplating standing on a pedestal with the world stringing their gotta have a drive for that. He already has that issue but he isn't on the top pedestal....I believe he could do more on the side....and much less likely to get shot down or fall completely on his face.

4-8 years of Al Gore will cause the pendulum to swing as much as 8 years of Bush has and more... Always in the back of my mind....what will Tipper do...her old campaign was record burning if we recall...
How about vice-president Al Gore? ;)

(I agree about Tipper, wil--she is a kind of unknown factor. However, regarding her views on free speech from before, the rating thing and parental controls and such did grow out of that to an extent, and that's not all that bad. But, yeah, she does make me a little nervous...)
OMg....oh you said malcolm!! thats ok Just get scared we are into a tollerance free zone when is see "X" round here.

Gore deserves sweet F A for laying down and dying first time round. If he had any balls back then history would have a different story to write. Now he is marketing half truths and loving the adulation much more than the purpose. He reminds me of Sarkosy, with him you just get another corruptable.

America needs a genuinely outward looking President. Believe me I think you have little idea of how isolated you are and nobody can have a good life without friends. You need another Carter, someone with heart that's not afraid of serving only one term to restore international faith in the American people.

He reminds me of Sarkosy, with him you just get another corruptable.

Not familiar with Sarkosy, Tao. Thanks, you have given me something to look into this morning! Well, I'll do it later actually. My list grows.

America needs a genuinely outward looking President. Believe me I think you have little idea of how isolated you are and nobody can have a good life without friends.

Tao, my friends over at the White House wanted me to forward this memo to you:

George Dubya Bush said:
Friends? Who needs friends? I'm a cowboy, and a Christian to boot. Hey, and they let me wear this nice fighter pilot suit when I deliver turkeys, too! Thanksgiving, anyone? Maybe after dinner, we can play Cowboys and Indians. Smoke 'em out!!

Tao said:
You need another Carter, someone with heart that's not afraid of serving only one term to restore international faith in the American people.

Hey, Carter writes books now, too. Fiction and Christianity books. See, he's not perfect, either! A vote for Malcolm and CCR is a vote for progress.

Well..Al the Pal. we all saw this coming in the U.S., but if he's got his head screwed on straight he'll follow Jimmy Carter's example and be a force for change OUTSIDE of the political boxes which automatically trap and negatively exploit the good intentions which might be brought to elected office. IMHO we are witnessing the breakdown of democratically motivated nation-state systems on a global basis because of cases of terminal corruption within the ranks of both liberal and conservative viewpoints. New ways of global governance are needed simply because we are all so intimately interconnected in real time these days.

Al, Jimmy and others of like mind have the popularity, motivation, and ability to begin to try and devise governance systems outside of the box that have more of a chance of transcending all of the crap foisted upon ordinary people by their well-intentioned, but functionally decrepit governments. There are others who have a stake in these changes that are doing their parts also, such as Warren Buffet, Bill and Melinda Gates, and Bill Clinton through their foundations. Let's hope and pray that positive changes happen from all of this.

IMHO we are witnessing the breakdown of democratically motivated nation-state systems on a global basis because of cases of terminal corruption within the ranks of both liberal and conservative viewpoints.

Whew!!! Did you really just say that all in one breath?? Breathe, flow, breathe!!! Flow, Breathe!! Let your chi circulate! There's no need to get all huffy n puffy, Bro Flow! :eek: :D

Flow said:
New ways of global governance are needed simply because we are all so intimately interconnected in real time these days.

Independent city-states? Anarcho-syndicalism? Non-dominator partnership loosely interconnected democratic participatory autonomies?

Breathe, Pathless, Breathe!!
