Zecharia 14


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United States
Is Zechariah 14 a book written to be about future events and the end times? Is the Jewish perspective of this book the same as the Christian one?

Does Zecharia 14:12 about nuclear war?

And this shall be the plague wherewith the LORD will smite all the people that have fought against Jerusalem; Their flesh shall consume away while they stand upon their feet, and their eyes shall consume away in their holes, and their tongue shall consume away in their mouth.

Or is Zecharia 14:12 supposed to be about God doing the plague on the people?

Both Jews and Christians please share your perspective.
prophecies about the Messiah are to be interpreted with extreme care. certainly, saying "it's about nuclear war" is a leap of logic. it could just as easily be about ebola virus or something equally nasty, or just about famine. and, given how much we tend to tick G!D off in the minor prophets, it could be aimed at us, or the romans, or the babylonians, or whoever. all i can do is advise you not to jump to conclusions without a full knowledge of the context and a grounding in biblical hebrew.


Here is the christian perspective:
zechariah chapter 14 deals with features and facts connected with the second coming of christ to earth.
verses 1-7 deals with the consummation of the campaign of armageddon and the return of christ. when christ returns to this earth, he will touch down on the mount of olives. this is the same place from which he ascended into heaven. there will be a great earthquake at his coming and there will be changes in the lightning.
verses 8-9 deals with the lord jesus christ being living water and light and king and he will reign over the earth.
verses 10-11 deals with the land and that it will become the land of milk and honey.
verses 12-15 deals with the living death against the enemies of god.
verses 16-21 deals with the people of the earth, both jew and gentile, and they will go to jerusalem to celebrate the feast of tabernacles. this feast will mean that every man is dwelling safely under his own vine and fig tree. true holiness will be on earth.
verses 16-21 deals with the people of the earth, both jew and gentile, and they will go to jerusalem to celebrate the feast of tabernacles. this feast will mean that every man is dwelling safely under his own vine and fig tree. true holiness will be on earth.
What do you feel this is speaking to, Blazn ... in particular the part about "every man dwelling safely under his own vine and fig tree"?


umm, ohh-kay. anything more? perhaps a bit of elaboration?
blessings such as peace, safety, tranquility, brotherly love, and abundance of all that is good to those that obey and worship the Lord.
blessings such as peace, safety, tranquility, brotherly love, and abundance of all that is good to those that obey and worship the Lord.
okay ... thanks, blazn.

I was wondering if the "vine and fig" meant anything in particular ... I'm not familiar with those, or their symbolism.