Thomas: Did the sun stop moving?


A thread on the Theosophical version of the origin of the universe? That would be interesting. By the way, some years ago, I read the story of a Theosophist who took the words of Genesis, and re-worded them to fit the Theosophical interpretation of Genesis. For Christians, I think it is a fascinating read. If anyone is interested, I will try to dig it up.

I just had a synchronistic moment. Just this morning, I was reading my Theosophical study-guide. It mentions that, in Gen1 the animals were created before man, yet in Gen2 man was created before the animals. You had just mentioned that in your post.

Hence my implication that they are either two versions of the same story (Yahwist and Elohist as Thomas says, or Jerusalem creation and Bethlehem creation) or metaphysically thoughts in mind (Gen1) appear in kind (Gen2) ie law of mind action Mind, Idea, Expression, G!d, Gen1, Gen2, or Father, Holy Ghost, Son, or First Cause, Second Cause, Manifestation or Napolean Hill, if you can conceive it and believe it, you can achieve it.
Nick said:
Theosophical interpretation of Genesis. For Christians, I think it is a fascinating read. If anyone is interested, I will try to dig it up.
dig away and for your reading check out a metaphysical interpretation of Genesis
By the way, some years ago, I read the story of a Theosophist who took the words of Genesis, and re-worded them to fit the Theosophical interpretation of Genesis. For Christians, I think it is a fascinating read.

