Islam: theory and application

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salam everybody,

As Muslims, we know that Islam is a religion of peace, justice, morals, beauty and brotherhood......

As Muslims, we know how the Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) was a teacher of good morals and principles in words and in deeds as well.....

As Muslims, we are so proud of our religion and our prophet....We talk proudly about the beautiful teachings of Islam and the civilized behaviours of the prophet Muhammed (pbuh).....

As Muslims, we are certain and sure of the effectivness of Islamic teachings and morals....

But, I wonder why some Muslims suffer from a big split between what they believe in and between what they practice?.......Dont they know that they are the embassadors of their religion? Dont they know that Islam is a practice and that the prophet Muhammed (pbuh) was a walking Quran?

As Muslims, all our actions, words, gestures, deeds should reflect what we believe in. How we deal with each others, with plants, animals, ourselves all these should reflect the beautiful teachings of Islam. We are the embassadors of our religion.....People of other religions make judgments about Islam from our actions...they don't read the Quran and the Prophet's sayings. to know about Islam as they read Islam in our, have you ever asked yourself: how much harm have I done to my religion, and how much goodness have I done to it?.....So, please let us present the right image of our beautiful religion through our actions...

let's beautify the world by being real eradicating the border between theory and application...

God says : "O ye who believe!why say ye that which ye do not?3 Grievously odious is it in the sight of God that ye say that which ye do not (61:2-3)"

Dont they know that Islam is a practice and that the prophet Muhammed (pbuh) was a walking Quran?

Hey, I remember reading about "the seven gates of the city of the heart," or something like that, and could not find it online. This analogy says that one of the gates would be our ears and another gate would be our eyes. Basically there are different ways of gaurding what we choose to listen and watch. I was wondering if anybody has any quotes from the Koran relating to this, because I could not find them online. Perhaps the name of the analogy is wrong, but I remember reading it in the "Koran for dummies." It was in the chapter about living the koran.

If anybody has a link on this, hook me up.
But, I wonder why some Muslims suffer from a big split between what they believe in and between what they practice?.......Dont they know that they are the embassadors of their religion? Dont they know that Islam is a practice and that the prophet Muhammed (pbuh) was a walking Quran?

As-sallamu aleykum....

I know I do this all the time, but Muhammad (saws) is a person I like to look at carefully;

"The time is near in which nothing will remaion of Islam, but it's name, and the Qur'an but it's mere appearance, and the mosques of Muslims will be destitute of knowledge and worship; and the learned will be the worst people under the heavens; and contention and strife will issue from them, and it will return upon themselves." - Muhammad (saws)

So from this can we see? Can we see that Muhammad (saws) the prophet of Allah, was foretold that such events you witness will happen? It is indeed sad, but you see it every day, people killing in the name of Islam.... I'm sorry I didn't realise you had to go and take life in the name of peace.... In the name of mercy and in the name of righteousness........

"Men will be liars towards the end of the world; and will relate such stories as neither you nor your fathers ever heard. Then avoid them, that they may not lead you astray and throw you into contention and strife." - Muhammad (saws)

And here he speaks of the leaders, and how to deal with them.. I am not sure how it is so hard.... If it isn't in the Qur'an, then it isn't Islam. Yet, we still trust and listen and follow some of these liars... Sorry I mean scholars.... Yet their teachings are clearly of a personal agenda, not of the will of Allah. Something to think about....
Reminds me of the "electronic monk" in Douglas Adams' "Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency". The monk was programmed to believe things that people no longer wanted the trouble of believing themselves. Unfortunately, he was accidentally plugged into a cable TV outlet, and was forced to believe four soap operas, seven commercial ads, and two political ads simultaneously: this fried his motherboard.
Hey, I remember reading about "the seven gates of the city of the heart," or something like that, and could not find it online. This analogy says that one of the gates would be our ears and another gate would be our eyes. Basically there are different ways of gaurding what we choose to listen and watch. I was wondering if anybody has any quotes from the Koran relating to this, because I could not find them online. Perhaps the name of the analogy is wrong, but I remember reading it in the "Koran for dummies." It was in the chapter about living the koran.

If anybody has a link on this, hook me up.

salam brother Ahanu,

thank you for your reply...In fact, I surfed the net about "the seven gates of the city of the heart"(the title is so interesting), but couldnt find anything....if you find it later, please hook me up....I will be gald to read it

thanks, brother
As-sallamu aleykum....

I know I do this all the time, but Muhammad (saws) is a person I like to look at carefully;

"The time is near in which nothing will remaion of Islam, but it's name, and the Qur'an but it's mere appearance, and the mosques of Muslims will be destitute of knowledge and worship; and the learned will be the worst people under the heavens; and contention and strife will issue from them, and it will return upon themselves." - Muhammad (saws)

So from this can we see? Can we see that Muhammad (saws) the prophet of Allah, was foretold that such events you witness will happen? It is indeed sad, but you see it every day, people killing in the name of Islam.... I'm sorry I didn't realise you had to go and take life in the name of peace.... In the name of mercy and in the name of righteousness........

"Men will be liars towards the end of the world; and will relate such stories as neither you nor your fathers ever heard. Then avoid them, that they may not lead you astray and throw you into contention and strife." - Muhammad (saws)

And here he speaks of the leaders, and how to deal with them.. I am not sure how it is so hard.... If it isn't in the Qur'an, then it isn't Islam. Yet, we still trust and listen and follow some of these liars... Sorry I mean scholars.... Yet their teachings are clearly of a personal agenda, not of the will of Allah. Something to think about....

Alaykom-sallam brother 17th angel,

Thank you for your is so interesting....are you a Muslim, brother?(your citations were surprising to me).... the sayings of the prophet Muhamed (pbuh) reflect , in fact, prophecies that now, unfortunately, we begin to witness....

Yes, this is what the prophet Muhamed(pbuh) said, but does it mean to sit down cross-handed, watching what's going on.....The Quran and the prophet Muhamed's sayings are full of dos and donts in order to make this world a order to draw smiles on people's order to turn darkness light, and hatred love......

I dont know, brother...sometimes, I feel I have to do transcend the worries of my everyday embrace others' worries, and do something to make people around happy and work for Allah's feel the orders of Allah directing feel myself with Allah in all my steps.....I feel I have to do something...something big and great.something for humaity, for happiness,justice and love...something for Allah's cause, but I dont know from where to start,and how...

May Allah guide us to what He loves, brother

all the best, brother
sis, DB

PS: by the way, what does "17th angel" refer to?