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Has anyone else noticed how there is no mention of third party candidates in the media? It seems that our candidates here in the states have already been chosen by a media that marginalizes all but the few mainstream candidates.
More and more I am noticing that like China we too have a "Great Firewall" though it is more invisible and therefore insidious.
Has anyone else noticed how there is no mention of third party candidates in the media?
I've been third party involved since before Perot. If you ever have a chance to go to their local primaries/caucuses it is a truly unique experience. Especially because it is so accessable, meeting, talking to, discussing policies with the candidates.

But most of them have hardly started, they'll be waiting to see what comes out of the big boys selections and see who filters over. Even then when they try to get their candidates on ballots the system state by state is completely tilted against them. That combined with the electoral college makes their electablity nearly nonexistent.

We'll hear more as they start to make waves about wanting to be in the national debates. More, but still hardly a mention. Pat Paulson used to make a big noise...
For sure. Kucinich was firewalled out and he dropped out. I've noticed recently that Mike Gravel is keepin' on, despite the great picture show.

I think the most revolutionary thing that people can do right now is to throw out their televisions, newspapers, and magazines, and seek out for themselves what is important to them--politcally, spiritually, aesthetically, whatever. It's all tied together. Television and other mediums of corporate influence work overtime to separate our whole lives into hundreds and thousands of fake cardboard compartments. We easily become consumers of the tripe that is marketed to us. The quickest way out of that trap is to tune out all the noise and trust that, once we're in a quieter space, sanity will return.



Oh. I guess I'm not writing about the third parties here, but more about the marginalized within even the two-party system. My bad. But it's still relevant, so the post stays. ;)
For sure. Kucinich was firewalled out and he dropped out. I've noticed recently that Mike Gravel is keepin' on, despite the great picture show.

I think the most revolutionary thing that people can do right now is to throw out their televisions, newspapers, and magazines, and seek out for themselves what is important to them--politcally, spiritually, aesthetically, whatever. It's all tied together. Television and other mediums of corporate influence work overtime to separate our whole lives into hundreds and thousands of fake cardboard compartments. We easily become consumers of the tripe that is marketed to us. The quickest way out of that trap is to tune out all the noise and trust that, once we're in a quieter space, sanity will return.



Oh. I guess I'm not writing about the third parties here, but more about the marginalized within even the two-party system. My bad. But it's still relevant, so the post stays. ;)

You betcha!
If it wasn't for the internet I don't think I would know anything of what was really going on. Even so, how ignorant must I be next to countries with more forthcoming media outlets?

Hmmm I wonder how things are in Edinburgh? Tao?
I think the most revolutionary thing that people can do right now is to throw out their televisions, newspapers, and magazines, and seek out for themselves what is important to them--politcally, spiritually, aesthetically, whatever. It's all tied together. Television and other mediums of corporate influence work overtime to separate our whole lives into hundreds and thousands of fake cardboard compartments. We easily become consumers of the tripe that is marketed to us. The quickest way out of that trap is to tune out all the noise and trust that, once we're in a quieter space, sanity will return.


Hey, what he said!
From outside the corporate media comes this report on the Green Party, specifically former congresswoman Cynthia McKinney's bid for candidacy:

Amy Goodman said:
Former Democratic Congressmember Cynthia McKinney is now seeking the presidency, not as a Democrat, but as a Green Party candidate. McKinney was the first African American woman elected to Congress in Georgia. She is among the most outspoken critics of the Bush administration, and one of her last measures in office was to introduce a bill calling for the impeachment of President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney.

Democracy Now! | Former Democratic Rep. Cynthia McKinney Seeks Presidency as Green Party Nominee