God's Judgement


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A fellow Christian friend of mine was saying today that although we are given eternal life through Jesus that we will still get punished for our bad deeds and rewarded for our good ones. Now I thought that when we are standing at the judgment of God's throne Jesus will plead our case and say that he paid our debt and we are not guilty, so no punishment for our bad deeds, right?

But still as Jesus said, when you do something good "your Father, who knows all secrets will reward you."
A fellow Christian friend of mine was saying today that although we are given eternal life through Jesus that we will still get punished for our bad deeds and rewarded for our good ones.
We still face judgement.

Now I thought that when we are standing at the judgment of God's throne Jesus will plead our case and say that he paid our debt and we are not guilty, so no punishment for our bad deeds, right?
Not quite.

Supposing, knowing what you know, you think, "I can do just what the hell I like, 'cos' Jesus will argue the case for me," and set off on a spree of epic proportion, engaging in every sin you can think of, cos the Man's gonna get you off. Then when you die, you give Him the nod and say, "hey dude, do your thing."
See what I mean?

we all face judgement. but judgement is not always a negative word. those hidden in christ, their judgement is heaven. those that have believed in him, tried to live a good life guided by the spirit, and have accepted him as their lord god and saviour have eternal life and no one can snatch them out of his hand. and those of a humble heart who have continuously prayed and asked God to help them and let him
into all the secret rooms of their lives so he can work in one's life, and have repented for their sins to Jesus Christ have been forgiven.
Supposing, knowing what you know, you think, "I can do just what the hell I like, 'cos' Jesus will argue the case for me," and set off on a spree of epic proportion, engaging in every sin you can think of, cos the Man's gonna get you off. Then when you die, you give Him the nod and say, "hey dude, do your thing."
See what I mean?

I understand completely what you mean. Paul dealt with some early church who thought the same thing.

But still, why would God punish us for our sins still when Jesus already paid the penalty for them? Wouldn't that be un-just?
I think we either tackle the sins as they happen, repent, and learn during life or we face this after death. For those of us in Christ, the evidence of our salvation is repentence and growth during our life. It is not that we are saved because we do good things, but rather that we do good things because we are saved. So we are suffering for our sins now, and repenting now, which is much easier than saving it all up for later.

I don't know about others, but I suffer for my sins right here and now as they happen. I prefer it that way. I want to be uncomfortable, to be refined by God's fire, a little at a time. So the Spirit continually reveals my mistakes and errors and flaws- my sins- to me during life, and I continually repent, ask for forgiveness, and humbled by the grace of God given through Christ, and am encouraged by Christ's teachings and example to reach for being something more... to reach for being Christ's hands and feet, voice and eyes and ears on earth.

I figure that after I die, it is not that I had a "get of judgement free" card. Rather, being in Christ during life and having been saved has caused me to face God's refining judgement each day, gently guiding me. By repenting as I sin, I avoid building up a bunch of sins that have not been accounted for. If we refuse to repent during our lives, we accumulate all that suffering for the end. Either way, every person is accountable for their sins, whether in Christ or not. It is just that when we are in Christ, we have the gift of recognizing sin as we do it and repenting continually, and our sins are covered by His grace.

There is no danger of the sort of "sin as ye will, you're already forgiven" as a reality, because any person who happily sins in this sort of mindset is not showing evidence of salvation. The person who is in the Spirit and saved by Christ will show it through their attitude/character (the fruits of the Spirit) and their actions (a good tree bears good fruit).
I understand completely what you mean. Paul dealt with some early church who thought the same thing.

But still, why would God punish us for our sins still when Jesus already paid the penalty for them? Wouldn't that be un-just?
Jesus can wash you clean of all sins, because he paid the price, a price that only God could accept, the only one that could please him. But this is something one must personally accept in order to be saved. Someone that does not believe that Christ died for their sins and that they are sinners, their punishment is the wrath of God for their sins at judgment, whatever that may be.
Jesus can wash you clean of all sins, because he paid the price, a price that only God could accept, the only one that could please him. But this is something one must personally accept in order to be saved. Someone that does not believe that Christ died for their sins and that they are sinners, their punishment is the wrath of God for their sins at judgment, whatever that may be.

Yeah, but I'm not talking about that. I'm referring to God punishing the saved for their bad deeds and rewarding them for their good deeds, which my friend says will happen.
Yeah, but I'm not talking about that. I'm referring to God punishing the saved for their bad deeds and rewarding them for their good deeds, which my friend says will happen.
what do you mean by punishment ? the bible only teaches that wicked people will be cut-off from blessings . so the bible teaches that the righteous ones will recieve blessings but the wicked will not . and the future blessing is everlasting life, but the wicked will not have everlasting life .

but at the end of the day the wicked will have put them selves on the wrong side .

i am trying my best to put my self on the right side ,but at the end of the day the final judgement is with Jehovah and Jesus christ .

but NOW people are already showing their real attitude and showing just whos side they really want to be on .

actions speak louder than words as the saying goes.:)
Yeah, but I'm not talking about that. I'm referring to God punishing the saved for their bad deeds and rewarding them for their good deeds, which my friend says will happen.
those that ask God for forgiveness thru the name of Jesus Christ are forgiven by grace.
what do you mean by punishment ? the bible only teaches that wicked people will be cut-off from blessings . so the bible teaches that the righteous ones will recieve blessings but the wicked will not. and the future blessing is everlasting life, but the wicked will not have everlasting life .

That's what I'm saying. My friend says that we recieve everlasing life, but are also punished for our bad deeds and rewarded for our good deeds. Doesn't make sense to me.
That's what I'm saying. My friend says that we recieve everlasing life, but are also punished for our bad deeds and rewarded for our good deeds. Doesn't make sense to me.
the bible does not say that God punishes anyone :)