this broke my heart

[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]Astra: Yeah. I'm 15…I was so embarrassed. I didn't even know what I was doing and I'm telling this 40 year old to not masturbate. And it's the most embarrassing thing in the world! No one's allowed to masturbate. Masturbating is a big issue. You get in big trouble. You won't get promoted. No masturbating, you know. Even if your wife's gone or you're a young kid or anything, no masturbation is allowed. It's really frowned upon. You're considered aberrated. You're considered, like, messed up if you masturbate.[/FONT]

Poor kid. I never would have made it. Not at 15. Not at 10. Not at... well, nevermind.

Yeah, Vajradhara, I am getting a better picture of where you are coming from with your vehement opposition to this organization. It really is ridiculous and quite fascist--a total fusion of state and religion. Seems like Scientology, at least this Sea Org aspect of it, is an insular nest of authoritarian dysfunction.

What a waste of human potential. And for what? An ego trip? For a dead man? Didn't L. Ron make up this "religion" on a bet?
"It could never happen to me."

"I'm not in a cult."

"Other people don't understand things as well as us."

"You've obviously been listening to lies."

"There's just so much that you don't know."

"You need guidance."
Namaste Astra,

thank you for the post.

Poor kid. I never would have made it. Not at 15. Not at 10. Not at... well, nevermind.

indeed.. the criminalization of a natural activity is despicable.

Yeah, Vajradhara, I am getting a better picture of where you are coming from with your vehement opposition to this organization. It really is ridiculous and quite fascist--a total fusion of state and religion. Seems like Scientology, at least this Sea Org aspect of it, is an insular nest of authoritarian dysfunction.

see... i'm not just part of the "internet hate machine" nor a "religious bigot" :)

What a waste of human potential. And for what? An ego trip? For a dead man? Didn't L. Ron make up this "religion" on a bet?

nope.. he made it up for money and he plainly states so.

of course $cilons don't believe that L.Ron is dead.. they believe that he "exterorized" (left his body) so that he could travel to one of the other planets in the Galatic Federation to continue his research into further OT levels.

given this knowledge and the understanding of their irrational hatred for psychology... could you imagine being a kid with, say, autism or depression? of course, if you have those things that is because you've committed a crime against $cientology so most $cientologists with children with such problems claim that they are suffering from things like Kawasaki Syndrome Kawasaki Disease which is exactly what John Travolta claims his son, Jett, is suffering from.

i don't know.. perhaps as a parent myself i become a bit more agitated when i see children being mistreated and abused than i should be.. but it really gets my ire up.


Namaste Astra,
i don't know.. perhaps as a parent myself i become a bit more agitated when i see children being mistreated and abused than i should be.. but it really gets my ire up.

I couldn't express myself in a ladylike way so I shall just say :mad::mad::mad:

Believe me V as a woman that cannot have children this also sickens me, I sometimes ask Allah why I cannot have them when people like this can but I trust in Him and know He has a plan for us all.
Namaste Pathless,

thank you for the post.

Pathless said:
What the hell does Sea Org do anyway? Besides neglect kids, I mean. Maybe I'll find out. Watching Part Two right now.

Sea Org was created when Hubbard was escaping some various governments, they bought a few ships and went out into international waters to avoid any particular jurisdiction.

in time they discovered that not many people were all that keen on going all over the place to get the higher trainings and, of course, it is much easier for folks to get someplace on land.. thus, the Sea Org came ashore in Clearwater Florida where they purchased the Ft. Harrison Hotel and, essentially, transfered the Sea Org there.

that is why those folks are all running around in faux navy uniforms and salute each other and all of that.

Sea Org has several main functions with, perhaps, the most important one being the OT level courses and the Auditor training courses. it is also the place where they have most of their large gatherings and social events. it is the "elite" of the $cientology, Hubbard had a hand picked group of teen aged girls that were his private guard.. they would dress him, bath him, feed him and prepare his food.

here's a expose from a German news outlet:

YouTube - Scientology's Military

there are, of course, the ships which are still out and that has become something very different than it was originally. currently the ship, Freewinds, is docked in Bon Aire and is offloading some strange sort of water which is destroying the small islands habitat.

here's a video which may be of interest:
YouTube - Scientology ship "Freewinds" polluting Bonaire (part 1)

part 2

YouTube - Bonaire Waste Water Part 2


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Astra, her sister highlight that governments are failing to adequately monitor the rights of children born into a cult. The treatment they received is no less than systematic brainwashing. The punishment regimes leave no other possible interpretation. The mother is a monster, plain and simple, and I hope that one day this interview will help bring charges of manslaughter against her for the death of Lisa McPherson.

The scientology protest in Edinburgh last month passed off pretty quietly but quite a few folk turned up, over 50 at one point which is not bad. The spooks did not show tho, which was a bit of a disappointment.

YouTube - Edinburgh Scientology Protest - 10/02/08

"It's giving off gas. It's bubbling. It has a horrendous odor, and it's not water you'd want to drink."

"Raw sewage..."

"Old engine oil, cooking oil..." in that tarry sludge they've dumped on the island! And these are people, these Scientologists, who delude themselves and their followers proudly about saving the world?

Jesus H. Christ. Wait... I mean, L. Ron Hubbard!! :mad: :mad: :p

Thanks for posting, Vajra.
Namaste Pathless,

thank you for the post.

no worries... here's an interesting quote:

Did you ever read...Orwell's uh.. 1984?...That would be...the palest imagined shadow of what a world would be like under the rule of the secret use of Scientology with no remedy in existence. -- L. Ron Hubbard, Phil. Doctorate Course, Lect. 20


Do crosses and garlic bulbs work on scientologists too?