‘the golden rule’ ~ of everything; duality does not exist!

So to paraphrase...are you saying: apart from those who don’t agree, are we all in agreement?
If so, I think the answer must be a resounding yes!

ha, oh my i walked into that one. :D

i actually meant that arguments against the notion are peripheral. ;)
ha, oh my i walked into that one. :D

i actually meant that arguments against the notion are peripheral. ;)
Resistance is Futile. You shall be assimilated.
i have read through all your replies, so apart from subjective and holistic views and perceptions, are we all in agreement that duality doesn’t actually exist?
Nope... there is a duality in many things. Where there is a difference... there is a difference. One side of the difference is often the opposite of the other. There is always a difference on some level even where there is some symmetry or similarity. Some good news is that differences can be eradicated just as easily as the similarities can. A symmetry can be formed out of a difference. If a person delves into it there is a difference between things and it is well worth the effort to understand... thus, making a symmetry around those differences.

i don’t see any actual edges between things, there is difference yes, but all things are connected. it is like light, yellow is very different from purple just as one person is different to another, yet we all belong to the same spectrum.

show me where there is an actual division between one thing and its neighbour? if there are no instances of such then everything is linked as one on the greater scale of things.
show me where there is an actual division between one thing and its neighbour?
Are you a male, or a female? Sexual reproductive organs on the inside, or on the outside?
well both sexes start as female then the male organ grows hence we males have nipples.

it is similar to magnetism, one is an inversion of the other so they belong to a polarity. its all like yin and yang, a read up on taoism may help you see where i am coming from.