‘the golden rule’ ~ of everything; duality does not exist!

Hi Wil,

No denying we all experience the world in our own ways. :rolleyes:

And I understand from a rational view it cannot be seen as rational.

But sure as you know....... when in the appreciation of the incredible let go acceptance of differences brings it reveals it's self as the most perfect sense.

The rest is a dance, an outward play...........

- c -
Still a little arogant don't you think? Who is to say I want you to use your will on me as you would have me use my will on you?

How about?

Use your will/mind/heart for others AS THEY WOULD HAVE YOU use your will/heart/mind for them.hehe funny on the nonduality contemplation.
So you think it is evil for me to think about you and offer you my thoughts? You think it is evil for me to make something and give it to you without your permission? Interesting.

How is it that you feel the people are so lowly, vile, and apathetic that they must have a government to rule over them, exact taxes, and punish them if they deviate from submission... yet you appear to decry a person thinking or doing something for you as they would that others do for them???

With your own children and family... do you first ask them what it is you are to apply your mind to before speaking with them? Do you first ask your children what it is they want to learn before you will show them something?
We are of two different experiences Cyberpi............
Yet here you are perturbed and applying your mind... even taking a fraction of a step towards self evaluation with comparison and differentiation.

cyberpi said:
I wonder if they can be perturbed by my mere words... without using their mind?
So you think it is evil for me to think about you and offer you my thoughts? You think it is evil for me to make something and give it to you without your permission? Interesting.

How is it that you feel the people are so lowly, vile, and apathetic that they must have a government to rule over them, exact taxes, and punish them if they deviate from submission... yet you appear to decry a person thinking or doing something for you as they would that others do for them???

With your own children and family... do you first ask them what it is you are to apply your mind to before speaking with them? Do you first ask your children what it is they want to learn before you will show them something?
Namaste Cyberpi,

Boy did I strike a nerve or something? oops, my bad. Second Agreement, don't take anything personal.

Let's see in one post I've called people evil, lowly, vile, apathetic or is that a culmination of your beliefs about me? Yikes, I'll crawl back into my hole.

No I don't give my kids a choice. Imagine that. Last night, college fair at the local community college. "We don't want to go." my response? "Doesn't matter, you are going."

Now if it were you, I'd be different, but my kids I'll feed brussel sprouts, brocolli, peanut butter and onion sandwiches. For you I'd ask you what you want for lunch. I would not feed you as I want to be fed. I'd feed you as you'd like to be fed.

As I said, it is a little arrogant FOR ME to determine how you would like me to treat you. I would like to treat folks as they'd like to be treated. I'll not be offering a Muslim or a Jew pork loin, nes pas?

of course this thread is derived from the notion of non duality, but that is different, it is the teaching of having a non dualistic approach to life. the difference here is quite vast; here i am saying that the universe/reality [i.e. inc omniverse etc] goes by that rule!? i.e. that it is a universal rule.

buddhism appears to say that everything which is not of the buddha being is an illusion, whereas here i would not say that, i am saying that duality doen’t exist at all. not that i am contradicting buddhist philosophy as i see it.

if we look at the consciousness aspect; in one sense we may ask how consciousness is bounded, e.g. when you kiss your lover your consciousness could touch hers as it would not be limited like our brains are. it would appear that consciousness is localised and that is all we can say about it from the individuals perspective. does it have edges? if the principle is true then no, hence our consciousness would diminish as it filters away from its locality [like light from a dim bulb] eventually stretching via infinite sets into the vastness of infinity proper. at this juncture all consciousnesses would meet and be one.
in terms of enlightenment, perhaps we can say that after physical death the consciousness is only localised by the way we perceive ourselves and the way we are used to thinking. ultimately with nothing to bind it to its locality it would hmm ‘invert’ [for want of a better term] into the great oneness of infinity ~ where we are approximating infinity as opposite to the local.
Boy did I strike a nerve or something? oops, my bad. Second Agreement, don't take anything personal.
Personal? If you are not describing your personal beliefs then whose beliefs do you claim to be describing?

Let's see in one post I've called people evil, lowly, vile, apathetic or is that a culmination of your beliefs about me? Yikes, I'll crawl back into my hole.
No I'm drawing from many other posts and threads with that question. You have indicated that you are pro-Republic, pro-representative government because people for whatever reasons need to be governed, or ruled over... the chosen laws of government enforced on the people. Correct? Is that not the very arrogance you described?

Regarding daughter: Does the golden rule not apply?

As I said, it is a little arrogant FOR ME to determine how you would like me to treat you. I would like to treat folks as they'd like to be treated. I'll not be offering a Muslim or a Jew pork loin, nes pas?
Anyone who uses their mind and presents their thoughts, no matter how disagreeable or vile, it is like a gift. If you don't like the proverbial Christmas fruitcake then don't eat it... or rebuke it. The majority of thoughts and words that come from people are unsolicited. If you call some of them arrogant, or ugly, or beautiful, or wrongful, or rightful, etc... it is your judgment, or judgmentalism... not theirs. I value that judgmentalism... I am pro-thought and pro-speech... unsolicited... free.
If it's possible to tune into it, it must exist and it does.

Yet in terrestial reality it does and it doesn't.
Yet Earth is part of the universe. So............

It can only be an added G-d dimension.

- c -
Light/Dark, Hot/Cold, Wet/Dry, Rough/Smooth, Life/Death, Work/Taxes, Love/Loss, Particle/Antiparticle... and how many more? Where but where is there no duality?
If it’s possible to tune into it, it must exist and it does.
Yet in terrestial reality it does and it doesn’t.
Yet Earth is part of the universe. So............
It can only be an added G-d dimension.

yes [ i think i see where ya comin from], the god dimension, hmm perhaps for now it is better to define our terms more i.e. to consciousness, mind or infinity etc. whatever ‘dimensions’ we add they must also be part of the whole...
the way i am seeing it at the moment, is that all exists in a perceivable reality ~ we just don’t see it all yet [and some less still than others].

tao, thought this one would be right up your street?

Light/Dark, Hot/Cold, Wet/Dry, Rough/Smooth, Life/Death, Work/Taxes, Love/Loss, Particle/Antiparticle... and how many more? Where but where is there no duality?

grey, warm, moist, course [less rough lols], change, to give is to receive [or somin like that], all-love, neutral [goes for all polarities].
Lol...you gave up on me...but you aint stopped.
I will not ask you questions, but I am not the one who gave up.

People fall in a pit over the very first word in the Golden Rule: DO.
I find that until I DO, I am full of illusion and maybe fooling myself. Upon some of the DO, a relationship with God was further revealed and strengthened. It is important to DO the DO. If someone else can get away without the DO, it won't be for long. If someone finds bliss by keeping their plate or their cup empty, it won't be for long. If someone finds they can DO without their mind, their heart, or their soul, then it won't be for long. There is so much to DO. There is no shortage of opportunity with DO. It is not DONE.

Getting past that comes the issue of what to DO and why to DO and when to DO and how to DO and where to DO and for who to DO.

I first review a couple of tools: there is a word in a sword, but there is no sword in a word. There is a tone in a stone, but there is no stone in a tone. The words and tones are per the will of an author. The swords and stones are per the will of an Arthur. So I will to be an author, and will not to be the Arthur. But there is still the issue of unsolicited, per the will of another or not. Words and tones are per the will of the beholder. Swords and stones are against the will of the beheaded. If there is any doubt of that then I offer proof by handing over the remote. Like a gift any food for thought is easily declined.

Words reveal, but I know they do not remove planks. Words may or may not help people to remove their own planks. Back to the top, to remove some planks I discovered that rule... it requires the DO. My words are: Don't miss out on the DO (heart, mind, and soul) in the golden rule. More than Gold, really. So you say that I have given up Tao... nonsense, I've barely begun. There is just so much to DO.
a clever post cyberpi ~ nice wordplay! :)

If someone finds bliss by keeping their plate or their cup empty, it won’t be for long.

if the urge to do is gone the cup is itself only i.e. empty, doing after a small elapse of an eternity would become most tiresome. if the heart is expanded into infinity [found] all is fully resolved and it yearns no more, if so to the mind it has no need to conceive not perceive as all is found and all is seen.
No I'm drawing from many other posts and threads with that question. You have indicated that you are pro-Republic, pro-representative government because people for whatever reasons need to be governed, or ruled over... the chosen laws of government enforced on the people. Correct? Is that not the very arrogance you described?

Regarding daughter: Does the golden rule not apply?.... I value that judgmentalism... I am pro-thought and pro-speech... unsolicited... free.
In reverse order. You may be pro thought, pro speech, but seem to get excited when someone has another thought which is contrary to yours.

And no that Golden Rule does not apply to my son or daughter, at the age they are at I determine what is best for them, in my opinion. They'll not be going out at any hours, with any friends, wearing, doing whatever they want. They or you may not like it, but it doens't matter, I spend the gold, I make the rules.

And yes, I was lucky enough to be born into this representative democracy we call a republic. I can leave if I don't like it, I can protest, I can run for office, I can petition to change laws. I don't like how we are involved in others affairs or our arrogance, but I'll be here until I finish being a dictator over my kids lives and they move on. (won't be long a few more years, I get to go on, and they get to make their own mistakes)

Light/Dark, Hot/Cold, Wet/Dry, Rough/Smooth, Life/Death, Work/Taxes, Love/Loss, Particle/Antiparticle... and how many more? Where but where is there no duality?
Are those all opposites or varying degrees on a scale of some sort of existence. Are they all from our perspective living in a sensory world? Could you imagine a perspective where they were without duality?
I will not ask you questions, but I am not the one who gave up.

People fall in a pit over the very first word in the Golden Rule: DO.
I find that until I DO, I am full of illusion and maybe fooling myself. Upon some of the DO, a relationship with God was further revealed and strengthened. It is important to DO the DO. If someone else can get away without the DO, it won't be for long. If someone finds bliss by keeping their plate or their cup empty, it won't be for long. If someone finds they can DO without their mind, their heart, or their soul, then it won't be for long. There is so much to DO. There is no shortage of opportunity with DO. It is not DONE.

Getting past that comes the issue of what to DO and why to DO and when to DO and how to DO and where to DO and for who to DO.

I first review a couple of tools: there is a word in a sword, but there is no sword in a word. There is a tone in a stone, but there is no stone in a tone. The words and tones are per the will of an author. The swords and stones are per the will of an Arthur. So I will to be an author, and will not to be the Arthur. But there is still the issue of unsolicited, per the will of another or not. Words and tones are per the will of the beholder. Swords and stones are against the will of the beheaded. If there is any doubt of that then I offer proof by handing over the remote. Like a gift any food for thought is easily declined.

Words reveal, but I know they do not remove planks. Words may or may not help people to remove their own planks. Back to the top, to remove some planks I discovered that rule... it requires the DO. My words are: Don't miss out on the DO (heart, mind, and soul) in the golden rule. More than Gold, really. So you say that I have given up Tao... nonsense, I've barely begun. There is just so much to DO.

OK, that's the most prescient thing I've ever read here. Seriously. That's absolutely superlative.

These things have everything to do with doing:


1. Right view
2. Right intention

Ethical conduct

3. Right speech
4. Right action
5. Right livelihood

Mental discipline

6. Right effort
7. Right mindfulness
8. Right concentration

Light/Dark, Hot/Cold, Wet/Dry, Rough/Smooth, Life/Death, Work/Taxes, Love/Loss, Particle/Antiparticle... and how many more? Where but where is there no duality?

Where exactly does light end, and dark begin? Same with hot/cold - rough/smooth, etc ... If they were really seperate, then we could identify the seperation, but they are not seperate, they are one and the same substance. They are just opposite ends of the same thing. I think perhaps that they vary only in degree of 'vibration' ...

I think duality is an illusion; there are opposite poles, but the poles are of the same substance. My question is, is there an [absence of] in any of these opposing poles? Like a negative existence of some sort?

Where exactly does light end, and dark begin? Same with hot/cold -
is there an [absence of] in any of these opposing poles? Like a negative existence of some sort?
Ummm, I realize my physics is really lacking...but by my understanding (to be corrected by someone who knows better):

There is no cold, only lack of heat. There is no dark, only lack of light.

How exactly this applies to the ongoing discussion I am not certain.
Ummm, I realize my physics is really lacking...but by my understanding (to be corrected by someone who knows better):

There is no cold, only lack of heat. There is no dark, only lack of light.

How exactly this applies to the ongoing discussion I am not certain.

I would say that if you are correct, it applies in that there is no such thing as a duel existance of light/dark, or hot/cold, etc ... Darkness is merely an absence of light, but darkness is not a substance in and of itslef, just a negative end of the light spectrum.

Err, it makes sense to me, lol. :cool:
