Awareness test

I have to admit, I lost count of the passes, missed the bear because of my short attention span that...ohhh look at that cool we have any cheetos left? How far away is England anyway..........
I have to admit, I lost count of the passes, missed the bear because of my short attention span that...ohhh look at that cool we have any cheetos left? How far away is England anyway..........
OK, I'll try harder to stay on topic in the threads I participate in. :eek:
OK did you do like I did and say BS outloud, scroll it back to verify that such an obvious thing WAS actually there the first time?

I am greatly disappointed with myself. I usually consider myself to be much more aware of my surroundings than people around me. Particularly the movements of "wildlife".
"the real question is how observant were you?"

Mate..... There was a maid...... How much focus do you really think I was showing to the room and it's surroundings.... I was to busy thinking about polishing brass :/ I noticed not one thing....

I thought we were gonna guess who did it... Not what changes in the room... So I was only listening to them lol.... Man that sucks... Meh I got all the basket balls and bear though when we did that one so PFT!