Conan the Chihuahua...

I know, and I'm more of a cat person myself.

Me too. :cool:
Biggest chihuahua I ever saw was a chihuahua / border collie cross. I don't know how they managed it and I don't WANT to know.
my dog does yoga with me, but not so much meditation. my cat loves to sit in my lap when i meditate though, if that counts. :)

be well in peace
To what? the tiger? (I'll have to resize down to avatar size, though.)
The entire painting doesn't look good resized down to avatar size, though, as you can see from the artist's website.

See what you mean about the entire picture (great pics on the artist's site BTW).

The tiger does look good, but I wouldn't want to try to tell sg what her avatar should be (especially if it's that chocolate time of the month :eek:)

See what you mean about the entire picture (great pics on the artist's site BTW).

The tiger does look good, but I wouldn't want to try to tell sg what her avatar should be (especially if it's that chocolate time of the month :eek:)

Fear not, Snoopster, I've had my fill of chocolate, for now. :rolleyes: