World Wide Concensus


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a figment of your imagination
Bishadi's truth thread made me ponder.

Is there anything we could get World Wide Consensus on?

Now in this discussion consensus doesn't mean we all agree 100%. There are three flavors, thumbs up - I agree, thumbs down - I disagree, thumb sideways - I can live with that.

So we are shooting for up and sideways.

Without symantics?

Earth is round?

We revolve around the Sun?

I guess any implication of higher power is out of the question?

Are we inately evil or inately good?

What is the most extreme thing you think we can agree on or live with?
Earth is round? Spherical surely!! :p

We revolve around the Sun? Agreed

I guess any implication of higher power is out of the question? Absolutely :D

Are we inately evil or inately good? No, we are the product of our environment with some predisposition from our wiring.

What is the most extreme thing you think we can agree on or live with? That war is sometimes a necessary evil?

Can we achieve World Law ?
Are we inately evil or inately good? No, we are the product of our environment with some predisposition from our wiring.
Inately good! But the environment is what builds the blinders. Meaning as knowledge is learned and realized, unless true, a disposition of distrust can develop. The self can be isolated from reality by the errors of knowledge and the conflicts caused to comprehension, development and the awareness of equality.

Meaning when one form of teaching suggests ‘do not do this’ and then to recognize, well ‘they do’ a set of mental conflicts can cause an isolating rebellion against peers and groups.

What is the most extreme thing you think we can agree on or live with?
That we are alive, today! That without community (associations) not much can be achieved.

That war is sometimes a necessary evil?
is an awful supposition even in the light of what is coming; the last one. And once the priorities are returned back to survival and the simple necessities to continue life, then the needs of things and deep pockets can be eliminated as the priority intent of each ‘self.’

Can we achieve World Law ?
By preparing knowledge grounding all phenomena and literal facts of life and how it works, enables the new generations the physical understanding of the individual responsibilities to existence.

The “world law” already exists all around you in nature but the comprehensible knowledge to understand that is what is missing which has caused the separation from truth and misunderstandings.

In a concensus basis: do the words above make sense?