Santo Daime: the drug-fuelled religion

Lol, Catholicism and acid....a heady brew indeed.

Saw you lurking last night yee artist formerly known as 17th ;)
These guys aren't really alone are they?

Don't Rasta's include pot as ceremonial and sacred?

And others have utilized mushrooms, peyote, etc?

Seems I remember there are tribes in the US that have an exemption from our laws for religious use?

But DMT? What is that naturally?
DMT is the bomb lol.... Drug of the gods.

This is a religion coming to England? I seriously will look into it.

Will is right... also...

Wil, not just rastas... I see weed as a sacred plant it puts me directly right hand side of the throne of the Creator(best place I have ever been and that is where I belong.)... It holds divine power.

"All who drink this holy beverage must not only try to see beautiful things without correcting their faults, but give shape to perfection of their own personality to take their place in this battalion and follow this line. If they would act this way, they could say, I am a brother" - Mestre Irineu
The only thing I disagree with is they make their children and babies use it... That is just as wrong as forcing the bible or torah or watchtower or qu'ran down your childs throat... Yes just as wrong... not worse... Even, religion is for adults not children... They should choose that for themselves when they are capable of doing so.
That is just as wrong as forcing the bible or torah or watchtower or qu'ran down your childs throat... Yes just as wrong... not worse... Even, religion is for adults not children... They should choose that for themselves when they are capable of doing so.
This is interesting and has been discussed elsewhere to some degree.

What about 'the classics' Reading Shakespeare, whatever (I never read any of it and wish I did) I also wish I'd had a little more bible reading in my youth. Now I also wish the Vedas, Koran, Tao te Ching, etc were part of my reading so I would have a larger foundation as an adult.

I know folks that were made to read the bible daily. Even a couple who were made to memorize the new testament. Now none of them are dogmatic, literal fundamentalists that they were raised to be...but they honor the foundation that their parents gave them. They appreciate knowing what they know.

Also if I remember correctly I've heard there is certain level of study in Judaism that isn't started till your 40?? But there sure is a lot of study before you are 13 as well!! And I hardly know a Jew who isn't appreciative of that heritage.
/yeah you are right about the Judaism thang... I'll leave that for one of our heroes from the Judaism board to explain it as they would do a much better job..... And I will look into this thread you mentioned as it is something worth a deep talk on... Openess and freedom is the gate way to happiness and truths.

But I know what DMT can do to an adult mind, and that is a lifetime experience really as I said drug of the gods, it is a spiritual trip everytime. But to give that to an infant? Even younger a baby? That is not good brah.
DMT makes you horny as hell too, wonder if the services descend into orgies. If they do I may have to give up on this atheism m'larky:D
Been looking into them a little... And it all started a bit like the mormons, instead of the angesl saying there are some hidden golden plates that only you can read Mr smith lol it was the queen of the forest she came to the founder and told him to create this religion, anyway, the MAIN deals with them are drinking the daime and their hymns... this is like the major thing for them... Thought I'd share one of their hymns (I suck bad at portugese so bare with me lol)

Todos querem

Todos querem ser irmãos
Mas não têm a lealdade
Para seguir na Vida Espírita
Que é o Reino da Verdade
É o Reino da Verdade
É a Estrada do Amor
É todos prestar atenção
Os ensinos do professor
Os ensinos do professor
É quem nos traz belas lições
Para todos se unir
E respeitar os seus irmãos

Respeitar os seus irmãos
Com alegria e com amor
Para todos conhecer
E saber daro seu valor

All want
(it marches)

All want to be brothers
But they do not have loyalty
To follow in the spirtual Life
That it is the Kingdom of the Truth
It is the Kingdom of the Truth
It is the pathway of Love
He is all, all to give advertency
Teachings of the teacher
Teachings of the teacher
He is who is within them, [and] brings beautiful life
For all to join him
to respect their brothers

To respect our brothers
With joy and love
All to know
to know the soucre and its value

My bad if that translation sucks lol.....