sign of the times



"Earthquakes." (Matthew 24:7) During the past 100 years, earthquakes have snuffed out the lives of hundreds of thousands of people.

According to one source, earthquakes with the power to ruin buildings and split open the ground have averaged 18 per year since 1914.

Deadlier quakes strong enough to level buildings have occurred about once a year. Despite advances in technology, the death toll remains high because many rapidly growing cities are located on earthquake fault lines.

yet again its in the news again :(

Thousands dead in Chinese quake
Namaste Mee,

After the deaths and dying in Myanmar. The tragedy in China, the deaths in tornadoes in the US...I was just wondering how long it would take to get to the sky is falling thread to be reignited or for you to open a new one.

Your post reminds me
So if Christians and Muslims stuck to building beautiful cathedrals and mosques, administering to the poor and sick and making peace between warring parties, who would ever criticize their theology, deconstruct their holy books or rewrite their founders’ biographies?
Now a question for you, why is it your first response, first post isn't one of prayer?
for mee pointing to what the bible foretold , brings Gods word to the fore ,:) and now in this time of the end the signs that Jesus foretold are happening on a worldwide scale .
the bible is always right , and whatever the bible says will happen will always come true . and as you mentioned we are in critical times hard to deal with .... 2 timothy3

But know this, that in the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here.

its good to know that there will be an end to it all :) as the bible foretells.

but for now we are going through many things that Jesus foretold , but among all of those bad signs there was some GOODNEWS matthew 24;14

how we respond to that GOODNEWS will reveal our attitude , which in turn will reveal our attitude to the most high(Jehovah) and his son (Jesus christ)

I like the GOODNEWS, :)but for now the badnews such as Earthquakes are happening as Jesus foretold .Yes its all part of the signs of the times.
for mee pointing to what the bible foretold , brings Gods word to the fore ,:) and now in this time of the end the signs that Jesus foretold are happening on a worldwide scale .
the bible is always right , and whatever the bible says will happen will always come true . and as you mentioned we are in critical times hard to deal with .... 2 timothy3

But know this, that in the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here. .
I know its hard for some people to think of but Gods wrath will be a real thing. He is going to judge this earth.
I know its hard for some people to think of but Gods wrath will be a real thing. He is going to judge this earth.
Is there a need to? Think of it that is. Constantly berate folks about it coming. Darn near rejoice when disaster hits so we can paint our placards and march in the street. Is there a need? Is that the prime directive?

Seems to me it was along the lines of Love the lord your G!d with all your heart, all your strength, and to love one another. Seems to me it was to not worry about today, or what you will wear or eat, but simply focus on the kingdom and not the temporary.

We just had tornadoes hit here and there, seems strange not to provide them some compassion and a prayer.

I don't expect at anytime to see Jesus dancing around "Nanny nanny boo boo, I told you so!!"

So it just amazes me that others do.
Is there a need to? Think of it that is. Constantly berate folks about it coming. Darn near rejoice when disaster hits so we can paint our placards and march in the street. Is there a need? Is that the prime directive?

Seems to me it was along the lines of Love the lord your G!d with all your heart, all your strength, and to love one another. Seems to me it was to not worry about today, or what you will wear or eat, but simply focus on the kingdom and not the temporary.

We just had tornadoes hit here and there, seems strange not to provide them some compassion and a prayer.

I don't expect at anytime to see Jesus dancing around "Nanny nanny boo boo, I told you so!!"

So it just amazes me that others do.

If we werent supposed to think of it... why would the bible talk about it so much? Sin holds consequences... its in the bible from Genesis all the way through Revelation.. Thats why the gospel of Jesus Christ is so wonderful..

And of course we are supposed to pray.. we are supposed to pray about everything without ceasing..

There isnt a rejoicing that people are dying and suffering.. :(

Its joy that the birthing pains are increasing and Jesus Christ will be returning soon. Matthew 24 is such a comfort to some of us. This is why we take sharing the gospel so seriously... every life is precious and when the time of the gentiles is fulfilled there are a lot of us that believe that this is when the church age is over and the church will be raptured.
Its joy that the birthing pains are increasing and Jesus Christ will be returning soon. Matthew 24 is such a comfort to some of us.
Define soon, the desciples thought it would be in their lifetime. And then any number of groups have predicted any number of earthquakes and wars as the 'proof' that Christ's coming was eminent. This has been going on for 2000 years and to think it would be anytime in our lifetime, might as well buy lottery tickets, the odds are better.

So what is your defintion of soon?
Darn near rejoice when disaster hits quote]

i havent seen anyone rejoicing about the earthquakes , but one thing is for sure, it shows that the time is very near now to an end to all the suffering that we do see going on in the world.

the fact that Jesus left us signs to look out for means that we know the time is near .

and it brings an illusration that Jesus spoke of to my mind.

Jesus Christ, did not simply paint a picture of hopelessness and helplessness. He said "When all this begins to happen, stand upright and hold your heads high, because your liberation is near." (Luke 21:28, NE)

Then, by means of an illustration, Jesus Christ called attention to the nearness of that liberation and also the instrument through which it would be brought about.

"Look at the fig-tree," he said, "or any other tree. As soon as it buds, you can see for yourselves that summer is near. In the same way, when you see all this happening, you may know that the kingdom of God is near. Luke 21:29-32, NE.
and when the time of the gentiles is fulfilled quote]

1914 was the end of the Gentile times , it was at that time that Jesus became a ruling king in the heavenly kingdom goverment
Daniel 7;13-14 Daniel 2;44

and that is why all of the signs that Jesus spoke about are happening , it is a composite sign .

soon he will go into action at Jehovahs due time.

but first as psalm 2 informs us, we have to KISS THE SON in other words welcome Jesus as Gods reigning king.

So deliverance from today’s distressing world situation will not come through any man or group of men but through God’s kingdom.

Jesus Christ himself is the king of that government.

So, then, the time for God’s kingdom to take over all of earth’s affairs and to bring about a perfect unification of mankind under Christ is drawing very near.

This means that everything in opposition to that grand unification must be removed, including the Devil and his demonic hordes.

The King Jesus Christ will be the chief one to crush all opposition, paving the way for the start of mankind’s rehabilitation, having the atoning benefits of his sacrifice applied to them.—2 Thess. 1:6-10; Rev. 19:11-21; 20:2, 3.

I know its hard for some people to think of but Gods wrath will be a real thing. He is going to judge this earth.
very true indeed and welcoming Jesus as Gods reigning king is the thing to be doing .psalm 2.

notice that the psalm talks about AN EMPTY THING
What "empty thing" have the present-day national groups "kept muttering"?

Instead of accepting God’s Anointed One—the Messiah, or Christ—the nations have "kept muttering," or meditating on, the perpetuation of their own authority.

These words of the second psalm also had an application in the first century C.E. when Jewish and Roman authorities worked together to kill God’s King-Designate, Jesus Christ.

However, the major fulfillment began in 1914 when Jesus was installed as heavenly King. Since then, not one political entity on earth has acknowledged God’s enthroned King.:(
"Nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom," thats what Jesus said,

FIRST WORLD WAR IN 1914 the signs of the times have been happening since 1914.

"and there will be food shortages and earthquakes in one place after another." and we are well along into the signs of the times right now.

"All these things are a beginning of pangs of distress." (Matthew 24:7, 8)

critical times hard to deal with 2 timothy 3;1-5

Jesus Christ set his followers an excellent example as an evangelizer. Regarding the ministry of Christ and his apostles, God’s Word states:

"He went journeying from city to city and from village to village, preaching and declaring the good news of the kingdom of God. And the twelve were with him." (Luke 8:1)