Your average conspiracy theorist.


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a figment of your imagination
Okee dokee.

What do you think?

I haven't been able to discover any stats on the web. Sounds like a job for some police/gov't profiler.

What is the demographic of your average conspiracy theorist?

I'd say, raised in a religious house with literal interpretations, conservative, 30-50 year old white male (this is for western civilization), and they didn't spare the rod.

But I'd love to see a chart as I'd say this may make up the largest group but not a majority.

Of course this is all conjecture on my part and is only based on the ones I've run into..(problem is they are all aging...)
There are so many types of conspiracy theory that I would imagine that there is one for every type!! I think most seem to live in the US though :rolleyes:
Well the illuminati is behind it all aren't they?

Whether it is CIA mind control, 9/11, Oklahoma, AIDS, Vaccines, World Wars, Holocaust or whatever isn't the illuninati behind it all?

So I've been told.

And yeah, I think we have cornered the market. But don't you think there must be some good Chinese, Indian, and African theories?

as far as age goes, seems we speak to our own demographic the most so we'd know most the CTs of near our own age group?
I know, I know you want your graph... Here...

I remember a black comedian doing a whole routine on this.
"Kennedy ... the other Kennedy ... Elvis ... Monroe ... what is it with you guys? As far as we're concerned, Bob Marley's dead, and that's it. If Bob Marley had been a white guy, you'd have guys insisting they saw him in Safeways, that he was taken out by a government organisation, or the mafia, that he's living in secrecy ... "

Personally I wonder whether 'conspiracy theory' is just plain old superstition under a new guise.

I think an interesting correlate is between those with and without a religious understanding. I'd bet money religious types are old fashioned superstitious, non-religious are conspiracy theorists.

What is the demographic of your average conspiracy theorist?

I'd say, raised in a religious house with literal interpretations, conservative, 30-50 year old white male (this is for western civilization), and they didn't spare the rod.

Damn it, how did you know?
You have to admit that conspiracy theorists also get a bad press. There are well thought out and presented arguments that involve heaps of credible evidence that are labelled conspiracy theories. Conspiracy theory has indeed become a statement of prejudice against taking a body of evidence seriously. A one size fits all umbrella that predetermines an unbalanced scepticism.

FaithfulServant kicked all this off by calling me a holocaust denier and referring to my older posts on the 9/11 issue. For the first part of that she should be thoroughly ashamed. For the 9/11 part she reveals her own prejudice as a republican Bush lover and unquestioning fundamentalist American. She defines who she is rather than who I am. Interesting to note too that she likes to believe in a Kennedy theory.

On the conspiracy theory thread, (which I started because I had come across a site by chance), I was led to the 9/11 theory. As I stated on that thread I, previously to delving into it, would never for one second thought that an American President would be involved in such a heinous crime in his own country. But the more I looked at the evidence, the vast bulk of it legal document and government file, the more convinced I became that there was some element of truth to the claims. The more I looked into the history of the Bush family and the people they associate with the more I felt they were capable of such an audacious crime. Is it a conspiracy theory or is it the most momentous truth ? I dont know. To me the circumstantial evidence is compelling. I think if it was presented to a jury they would have a very difficult job coming to a decision.

I am on the whole sceptical about the vast majority of conspiracy theories I have looked at. But I think it foolish to dismiss everything ever labelled so by the powers accused as crackpot. The very term conspiracy theory has become the ally of the conspirator, and we should always be aware of this.

I think there is a line between those who believe, say, in a second shooter in the Kennedy assasination and one who believes that the Earth was spawned by lizard men in the beginning of life on this planet or that the Illuminati is taking over the world.

The fundamental difference is the amount of evidence or perceived evidence of the claim. There are many eyewitness accounts that attest to hearing shots coming from different directions that autumn day in Dallas some 45 years ago. Ballistics of the prestine 'magic bullet' shed doubt. Audio recording of the shots that suggest more than three round were fired. The descrepancies in the two autopsy reports, one of which was closely supervised and coordinated by the military at the Parkland hospital. The Zaputer film showing what appears to be Kennedy hit from the front. The assassination of Oswald as a possible 'hush' hit. The seizure and disappearance of camera film from bystanders close to the scene. Even Bobby Kennedy was convinced there was a 'they'. A myriad of books have been written on the subject, both pro and con. With such a large body of 'evidence' one cannot dismiss the theory so readily, regardless of what the implications are.
9/11 Facts:

The brother of George Bush took over the security at both Dulles Airport and the Twin Towers complex in the months preceding 9/11.

A friend of the Bush Family bought the Twin towers Complex, (totalling 15 buildings in all), from the City Of New York Port Authority for $14million less than 4 months before the attack. Under $1million a piece for prime New York real estate!! This man negotiated a very specific non-standard insurance policy for the complex that eventually netted him 7 billion dollars.

In the weeks before 9/11 several floors were cleared and offices moved. The weekend before both the twin towers were closed for 'maintenance'. Many witnesses claim that a new network of cabling was seen throughout the buildings following this work.

It is impossible for a jet fuel fire to get hot enough to melt steel girders.

Traces of US army issue type high explosives were found on the steel.

The brother of Osama Bin Laden was in Texas at the Bush ranch at the time of the attack. The only civilian flight authorised to take off in the 36 hours immediately following the attack took them back to Saudi Arabia.

Osama Bin Laden was a CIA trained operative charged with controlling the mujahadin and ousting Russian forces from Afghanistan. Bush snr was intimately linked with the Bin Laden family at this time.The Bush family have links to key players in the opium trade of Afghanistan going back at least 4 generations. Russian occupation and then the Taliban was not good for profits.

And there is more, so much more. I cannot prove it, and if I am honest I do not want to believe it, but there are so many fingers pointing in one direction that it is hard to dismiss it. Some of you may remember I started writing a report on all the information I was gathering. I have still not completed it. The reason for that is there is so much evidence and so many players all seemingly complicit in not just 9/11 but the global drugs trade, illegal arms trade, several high profile deaths and more. It is the biggest Pandora's box I ever opened. But this is giving me motivation to get back to work on it. And i will complete it!!

Namaste Tao,

There is the case of the repeat a lie often enough and it is beleived to be true. (For instance you seem to feel religion has done this to the masses)

There does exist a conspiratorial religion yes?

Anywho these 'facts' can you name the sources, which means do your source web pages contain source information?

Like a brother of George Bush, does the man not have a name?

A friend of George Bush, same question, his name? Transfer of titles of property and owners are public record, 14 million for 15 buildings would be a steal and unless it was part of a 1031 exchange I seriously doubt it. (ie who would sell at that price, who was previous owner)

Tens of thousands of folks are directly linked to the Bin Laden family the family is HUGE and has its hands in construction, manufacturing and oil around the world. Osama is not very popular among the brothers.

I remember reading the claims and the refruting of the claims (ie building was not shut down) however floors are cleared all the time, one tenant moves out, entire floors are gutted and rebuilt under the designs of the new tenant. On building that size I'm guessing there are always 5-10 floors being worked on.

Funny, Dondi wants degrees of Theorists ie, second shooter not to extreme...I believe we had knowledge of pearl harbor...hmmmm to find our demographic do we only have to look in the mirror?
What??!! You don't believe in the second shooter theory, wil? Are you that naive?
Heck in the book written by the 3 decade mistriss of LBJ she said that he came to a party the night before, he was late, she was pissed, he told her to cool her heals and headed into a cigar filled room with his oil cronies. When he came out he said lets go, headed to the limo, she was still pissed and about to let him hear it when they got in the limo when he said, "Well I guess we've finally got rid of that Irish Mafia" And he was gone the next day.

In Jackie's book she wrote that on the flight back to DC from Texas in Airforce One she headed back to the bedroom in tears, wanting to be alone, only to find LBJ in there who told her, "this isn't your room anymore"

Now I've also seen marksmen who laugh at the second shooter theory as they show how they can rattle shots rapidly and accurately out of that weapon.

I don't know what to believe except that I do believe the department of disinformation is actively putting as much disprovable stuff into the mix to increase the chatter, cloud the facts and make conspiracy theorists out to look like ...well.. conspiracy theorists.

Just cause your paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get you.
There were enough people who hated the man to concoct dozens of theories. One things for sure, we're no closer to finding the truth than 45 years ago. I doubt if such an assassination were attempted today that it would be as abiguous in light of better technology and the widespread use of cell phone cameras and such.
wow Tao.. You keep digging yourself in deeper dont you..

In my neck of the woods... you would be called a nazi.
9/11 Facts:

The brother of George Bush took over the security at both Dulles Airport and the Twin Towers complex in the months preceding 9/11.

A friend of the Bush Family bought the Twin towers Complex, (totalling 15 buildings in all), from the City Of New York Port Authority for $14million less than 4 months before the attack. Under $1million a piece for prime New York real estate!! This man negotiated a very specific non-standard insurance policy for the complex that eventually netted him 7 billion dollars.

In the weeks before 9/11 several floors were cleared and offices moved. The weekend before both the twin towers were closed for 'maintenance'. Many witnesses claim that a new network of cabling was seen throughout the buildings following this work.

It is impossible for a jet fuel fire to get hot enough to melt steel girders.

Traces of US army issue type high explosives were found on the steel.

The brother of Osama Bin Laden was in Texas at the Bush ranch at the time of the attack. The only civilian flight authorised to take off in the 36 hours immediately following the attack took them back to Saudi Arabia.

Osama Bin Laden was a CIA trained operative charged with controlling the mujahadin and ousting Russian forces from Afghanistan. Bush snr was intimately linked with the Bin Laden family at this time.The Bush family have links to key players in the opium trade of Afghanistan going back at least 4 generations. Russian occupation and then the Taliban was not good for profits.

And there is more, so much more. I cannot prove it, and if I am honest I do not want to believe it, but there are so many fingers pointing in one direction that it is hard to dismiss it. Some of you may remember I started writing a report on all the information I was gathering. I have still not completed it. The reason for that is there is so much evidence and so many players all seemingly complicit in not just 9/11 but the global drugs trade, illegal arms trade, several high profile deaths and more. It is the biggest Pandora's box I ever opened. But this is giving me motivation to get back to work on it. And i will complete it!!


lol I just read this and it sounds like Michael Moore propaganda. Let me ask ... do you believe everything you read or hear? Do you understand the difference between fact and fiction? Whats even more hilarious is that you make claims like this without proof and you think that it holds legitimacy based on your word alone.. Give me a break.
Namaste Tao,

There is the case of the repeat a lie often enough and it is beleived to be true. (For instance you seem to feel religion has done this to the masses)

There does exist a conspiratorial religion yes?

Anywho these 'facts' can you name the sources, which means do your source web pages contain source information?

Like a brother of George Bush, does the man not have a name?

A friend of George Bush, same question, his name? Transfer of titles of property and owners are public record, 14 million for 15 buildings would be a steal and unless it was part of a 1031 exchange I seriously doubt it. (ie who would sell at that price, who was previous owner)

Tens of thousands of folks are directly linked to the Bin Laden family the family is HUGE and has its hands in construction, manufacturing and oil around the world. Osama is not very popular among the brothers.

I remember reading the claims and the refruting of the claims (ie building was not shut down) however floors are cleared all the time, one tenant moves out, entire floors are gutted and rebuilt under the designs of the new tenant. On building that size I'm guessing there are always 5-10 floors being worked on.

Funny, Dondi wants degrees of Theorists ie, second shooter not to extreme...I believe we had knowledge of pearl harbor...hmmmm to find our demographic do we only have to look in the mirror?

The reason I did not state names Wil is that all this is still on the hard drive of my old computer and in making the post here I was not stopping to get the cables out etc to connect up that drive. Most of the documents are public record. If they had not been I myself would have dismissed this long ago. I'm afraid you are just going to have to wait till I have completed at least a summary synopsis of what I found. Alternatively you could look into it yourself. I also checked out 2 debunking sites and found both to be full of people employed by Bush and Co.

lol I just read this and it sounds like Michael Moore propaganda. Let me ask ... do you believe everything you read or hear? Do you understand the difference between fact and fiction? Whats even more hilarious is that you make claims like this without proof and you think that it holds legitimacy based on your word alone.. Give me a break.

You know I have very little time for fatuous people that are too lazy to think for themselves. A few months ago you were stalking me round my posts and your back at it again. Jumping in with your fawning additions to other peoples posts to me, trying to provoke me. I really think you should go see your doctor. You are obviously sick in the head.

Nazi, you mean like him?....


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