no one will say i am sick



ISAIAH 33;24
And no resident will say: "I am sick." The people that are dwelling in [the land] will be those pardoned for their error.

And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away." REVELATION 21;4

down the middle of its broad way. And on this side of the river and on that side [there were] trees of life producing twelve crops of fruit, yielding their fruits each month. And the leaves of the trees [were] for the curing of the nations. REVELATION 22;2

no more sickness, now that is a good promise from the God of the bible :)

But the meek ones themselves will possess the earth,
And they will indeed find their exquisite delight in the abundance of peace.

psalm 37;11

"Happy are the mild-tempered ones, since they will inherit the earth. matthew 5;5

The righteous themselves will possess the earth,
And they will reside forever upon it. psalm 37;29

No matter what people may do to care for their health, they grow older, get sick and finally die. No one can avoid it. Even men devoted to God could not. (1 Kings 1:1; 2:1, 10; 1 Timothy 5:23) Why is it that way?

Our body cells seem to have the potential for replacing worn-out ones far longer than they now do, and our brain has more capacity than we could use in many life-spans. Why—if we are not meant to use these capacities? Actually, scientists cannot explain why we grow old, get sick and die. But the Bible does

I laughed so hard at the irony :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Under Christ’s Kingdom the inhabitants of the earth "will indeed find their exquisite delight in the abundance of peace." (Psalm 37:11)

No one will say: "I am sick." (Isaiah 33:24)

Any incapacity we may have had to endure will be reversed, for "the lame one will climb up just as a stag does, and the tongue of the speechless one will cry out in gladness." (Isaiah 35:6)
Aged individuals will regain their youthful vigor; their flesh will "become fresher than in youth."—Job 33:25.

jJesus showed on a small scale when he was on earth ,how it will be on a large scale at a future time under Gods kingdom .

Jesus healed people , and it will happen again on a worldwide scale .

Jesus had the power of the ALMIGHTY JEHOVAH with him .

yes JEHOVAH causes to become :)
Our body cells seem to have the potential for replacing worn-out ones far longer than they now do, and our brain has more capacity than we could use in many life-spans. Why—if we are not meant to use these capacities? Actually, scientists cannot explain why we grow old, get sick and die. But the Bible does

Actually, science does not entirely know how the brain works, so our capacity may well be what is needed. It has nothing much to do with life-span. Different areas of the brain do different things, and we are not entirely sure that the areas that appear to be not useful are in fact not useful. It is like "junk" DNA- it appears to do nothing, but we really don't know. It does seem that this "unused" part of the brain is useful in some select cases, particularly since there are instances of people with severe brain damage to one part of the brain, and somehow, though it isn't "supposed to" do it, other parts will pick up the slack. So we may have evolved/been designed to have some redundancy in our body's capacity so that we could handle these events.

Furthermore, I think various sciences have uncovered many reasons why we age, get sick, and die. This is why various medical traditions get fairly successful at healing us, prolonging our lifespan (as in, now we live 80 years instead of 40), and understanding the causes of death.

For my part, I can't understand why some Christians see death and sickness as an enemy or somehow this horrible thing. Illness and old age may be uncomfortable, but they lead us and prepare us for the transformation from our current body to being with God. Now, if I remember correctly, the JWs think we just hang out and sleep for a while, but even if that were the case (and I totally disagree, since I'm not JW)- is that so bad? You sleep a while and then you wake up with a perfected body and earth in the JW doctrine. What is so awful about that?

I guess it's my Pagan side, but I have never understood why many other Christians have such a problem with normal, natural processes. Personally, I believe that at least some beings are reincarnated. So, me personally, I've been 'round before and will probably go 'round again. Death is a doorway, not a final destination, so what is so worrisome about it? It is uncomfortable, it is sad to lose the others we love, but we never really lose them anyway if we realize our true nature and how we are connected to them through God.
For my part, I can't understand why some Christians see death and sickness as an enemy

because as christians they take heed to what the bible teaches. and the bible tells us that death is an enemy .

The Bible teaches: As the last enemy, death is to be brought to nothing. (1 Corinthians 15:26)

That is good news!:) none of us can out run that enemy death , he gets us all, but no worries we have a rescue at hand .

The Bible teaches that the dead "are conscious of nothing at all." They are not alive and have no conscious existence anywhere. The account of Lazarus confirms this.

Upon returning to life, did Lazarus thrill people with descriptions of heaven? Or did he terrify them with horrible tales about a burning hell? No. The Bible contains no such words from Lazarus. During the four days that he was dead, he had been "conscious of nothing at all." (Ecclesiastes 9:5) Lazarus had simply been sleeping in death.—John 11:11.

Jesus showed on a small scale how easy it will be to bring people back to life .

Jesus taught that someday "all those in the memorial tombs" will be resurrected. (John 5:28)

I guess it's my Pagan side, but I have never understood why many other Christians have such a problem with normal, natural processes.quote]

it may seem normal to us because we have never known anything else but sickness and oldage and then death.

but it was never part of Gods original purpose for mankind , his purpose was for man to live forever on a paradise earth , and that purpose still stands ,even though the one in opposition to God (satan) put a spanner in the works of God , but not for much longer , because we have a rescuer who has all things in hand to put a stop to the works of the wicked one .
I feel Christ has already rescued me. If I am asleep in death, waiting for Him to come to me, or if I am doing something else somewhere else- either way, what is there to fear?

Furthermore, just because Lazarus did not experience anything but sleeping and didn't remember anything does not mean this is how it is for all people in all times. Lazarus is one person who experienced death; there have been countless others, and some have come back to life (I've known a few personally).

Some of them did experience meeting God and/or other loved ones who had passed before them, and they did remember their experiences of heaven. Some have preached in Christian churches. Others I know have died and remember nothing of it at all. I presume God knows why some needed to remember and others to forget.

At any rate, I'm not saying what is or is not a correct Christian view point. The JWs can believe whatever they want, and other Christians whatever they want, and me whatever I want. It doesn't change what is- that we will die and we can either let fear and sorrow at that thought ruin part of our life, or we can embrace death for what it is- transformation. And whether we sleep or dream or leave for heaven... we are transformed now or eventually.

This is in the B&S forum, so I can basically say my viewpoint, which is obviously not the JW one (or even the same as some other Christian denominations) and leave it at that. If you'd like Biblical debate, I'd suggest posting the issue in the Christianity forum and maybe you'll get more response.