Real Muslims protect Baha'is


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"Let there be no compulsion in religion" -The Holy Qur'an

Real Muslims respect the religious liberty of Christians, Jews, Zoroastrians, Buddhists, Hindus, Sikhs AND Baha'is.
I thought the context was that so long as one was on approximately the right path, ie, Jewish, Christian - moving within the sphere of Islam - then they were already on the road to God, so to speak.
I thought the context was that so long as one was on approximately the right path, ie, Jewish, Christian - moving within the sphere of Islam - then they were already on the road to God, so to speak.

Welcome to the Baha'i Forum Brian.. I haven't seen you post for awhile.

Maybe in your study of the Baha'i Faith you know that we believe religion is progressive revelation so that God reveals Himself through the Messengers and Manifestations over time... So yes you are correct but also time moves on and the latest revelation from God is the latest Word for the day.

- Art:)
Hello Brian and Art!

The context I'm getting at is the current situation in certain countries where there is religious liberty only for certain people. Some people who claim to follow Islam are going against it by persecuting Baha'is. People who truly follow Islam will respect the religious liberty of non-Muslims such as Baha'is.
Yes but the muslims think bahais are heretics

to them theres worshipping god wrong and denying mohammed as the last prophet is quite something else.. it irks them that someone would say , but wait theres more from god.

the probkem is, is their religion is one of finality (is that a word?)

but to their own ends they have tried to disccredit chrisitanity to make themselves look better.. but when faced with the 2nd to none bahai logic that quran and bible not only sit side by side.. BUT also as i found, the quran doesnt make much sense without the bible..

i think babi and the most glorious manifestation.. were because the mutation of islam via the sunnah and general sunni doctrine. god saw that man once again had tried to make what was god their own and for theirr own gain. hence another and not a final revalation..



much love

well if you are a bahai you still practice islam

doesnt islam mean "submitting your will to allah?"

mohammed didnt say anything in the hadith sorry.. but you have been lied to.. and you are defending it forthwith.. without logic.. god can do anything..

god can change his mind..

god did..


enjoy worshipping utman
Welcome Abdillah!

Hello Abdillah and welcome to the Baha'i Forum... You'll note that there is also a Forum for Islam here at Comparative Religions and a forum for Comparative Religion at

That's where you would normally post your concerns rather than in this Forum as we are representing Baha'i ideas primarily for peoples' information or responding to questions.

The belief that Jesus will descend bodily and will be the same is in our belief incorrect as scientifically a body is not preserved and living over two thousand years... Yes bodies are preserved and mummified but they are not living. That Jesus' body is somehow preserved and alive is in our belief a morbid idea foisted on people by priests and doctrinaire people who have a vested interest maybe in dogmas. Maybe you could post this in the Comparative Religion section I've provided for you above and see what the Christian response is but it has nothing to do with Baha'i belief.

Baha'is believe the Spirit of Christ has returned...not His old body...

Now as to your statement that the Baha'is believe in reincarnation this also is untrue. Baha'is do not believe that the soul returns to earth. We believe that the soul progresses through the spiritual worlds of God and eventually will come into the presence of God.

Hope that helps!

- Art
well if you are a bahai you still practice islam

doesnt islam mean "submitting your will to allah?"

mohammed didnt say anything in the hadith sorry.. but you have been lied to.. and you are defending it forthwith.. without logic.. god can do anything..

god can change his mind..

god did..


enjoy worshipping utman

Hello Radunzel and welcome to the Baha'i forum..

If you have any questions you'd like to ask Baha'is please feel free to do so!

- Art:)
Please, let's keep the forum clear of attempts to superimpose one faith over another, as being the superior faith. This is the Baha'i forum, where Baha'i discussions should be kept sacrasanct to the Baha'i faith.



Edit: To clarify, asking questions and having discussions about Baha'i faith, while using another faith for reference and comparrison is perfectly fine. Attempting to denounce the Baha'i faith, is not fine.
Please, let's keep the forum clear of attempts to superimpose one faith over another, as being the superior faith. This is the Baha'i forum, where Baha'i discussions should be kept sacrasanct to the Baha'i faith.



Edit: To clarify, asking questions and having discussions about Baha'i faith, while using another faith for reference and comparrison is perfectly fine. Attempting to denounce the Baha'i faith, is not fine.

Sorry but that adillah guy posted unpleasentrys about bahai's being heratics and i replied in the wrong bit.. sorry i meant no animosity.. but bahais are one of THE (if not THE) most tollerant religions in the world..

i shouldnt have been bad to him im sorry he keeps flaming me..

i offer my most sincerest apologies..

love.. my friends
