not what he asked



Not everyone saying to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter into the kingdom of the heavens, but the one doing the will of my Father who is in the heavens will. Many will say to me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not . . . perform many powerful works in your name?’ And yet then I will confess to them: I never knew you! Get away from me, you workers of lawlessness."—Matthew 7:21-23.

it seems that from these verses in the bible, which are Jesus words, many would be thinking they are doing what is right, but it seems that Jesus will not be thinking that they are doing the right things .

they even think that the works they are doing are powerful works , but not according to Jesus .
he will even say GET AWAY FROM ME

he will not be very happy with some who claim to be doing the will of God

oh dear,
it would be best to find out what Jesus wanted his followers to do would it not?

well if we go to the bible and listen to what Jesus said to his followers just before he went back to heaven, this is what he said , in fact it was the very last thing he said to them.

it is in matthew 28;18-20

And Jesus approached and spoke to them, saying: "All authority has been given me in heaven and on the earth. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded YOU. And, look! I am with YOU .

Jesus left instructions with his representatives to feed people spiritually by teaching them the truth of God’s Word and helping them to be spiritually clean. (John 21:15-17)

Yet, Christendom has dismally failed to obey his direction. christendom has left people spiritually starved, confused by falsehoods and ignorant of basic Bible truths. (Isaiah 65:13; Amos 8:11)

which reminds me of an illustration here it is

A father and mother need to go on a trip. They cannot take their children along, so they hire a babysitter.

Their instructions to her are simple: "Take care of our children. Feed them, make sure they are clean, and keep them from harm." When the parents return, though, they are shocked to see that their children are famished.

They are dirty, sickly, and miserable. They are crying for the babysitter’s attention, but their cries go unheeded.

Why? She is up on a ladder, washing the windows. Furious, the parents demand an explanation. The sitter replies: "Look at all that I did! Aren’t the windows clean? I made repairs to the house too, all for you!" Would the parents feel better? Hardly!

They never asked her to do those jobs; they just wanted their children cared for. Her refusal to heed their instructions would infuriate them.

Even christendoms attempts to better this world can hardly excuse her willful disobedience.
The churches of Christendom have sponsored charities, aided the poor, built hospitals and schools, and performed many other works. To see why they have earned Jesus’ anger, consider the illustration.

Christendom has acted like that babysitter. Jesus left instructions with his representatives to feed people spiritually by teaching them the truth of God’s Word and helping them to be spiritually clean. (John 21:15-17) Yet, Christendom has dismally failed to obey his direction.

thats because they are busy doing other works .

On the other hand, Jesus must be very happy to look down from heaven and see that millions of people are fulfilling the disciple-making commission that he gave his followers before leaving the earth. (Matthew 28:19, 20) What a privilege it is to contribute to the joy of the Messianic King!

by assisting "the faithful and discreet slave." (Matthew 24:45)

Unlike Christendom’s clergy, this class of anointed Christians has obediently spearheaded the preaching work and has faithfully fed Christ’s sheep.

and it is clear as clear who is doing the will of God .

and mee has found them and i have joined them REVELATION 7;9-10

Feed my sheep... many sheep I have which are not of this fold....

The Qur'an feeds people spiritually. The Bayan, which you may not have heard of, feeds people spiritually. The Writings of Baha'u'llah feed people spiritually. The Torah feeds people spiritually. The Gospels feed people spiritually. Who's to say that if you're not in "my" fold, you're not getting fed?
You might say, "oh but the sheep are supposed to be gathered together into one fold." And in my religion, the Baha'i Faith, people come from every background, Zoroastrian, Hindu, Buddhist, Jewish, Christian, Muslim, etc. I myself was Mormon before searching and becoming a Baha'i. The four countries with the most Baha'is each have a different religious majority... if I remember correctly those four countries are:

1. India, a majority Hindu country
2. Iran, a majority Muslim country
3. Kenya, a majority Christian country (or half Christian, I forgot)
4. Vietnam, a majority Buddhist country
oh dear,
it would be best to find out what Jesus wanted his followers to do would it not?

"Take up my cross and follow me." I take that to mean, emulate Christ in all ways possible.

well if we go to the bible and listen to what Jesus said to his followers just before he went back to heaven, this is what he said , in fact it was the very last thing he said to them.
it is in matthew 28;18-20

Actually, Jesus told us and showed us what to do throughout all four Gospels. There is no *single* thing we should be doing. We should heal people, feed them (literally), visit those who are incarcerated. Love each other. Forgive. And share Christ's message... which was in his ministry.

It's not about a religion. It's about following Christ- it's about action.

I don't focus on one verse of the Gospel, but all the verses. I seek to follow Christ as completely as possible. And the Gospels are very straightforward, in my opinion. When asked what to do, Jesus said that there were basically two commandments to keep, from which spring all else: love God with all your heart and love your neighbor as yourself. Keep those two, and all else automatically follows...

Yet, Christendom has dismally failed to obey his direction. christendom has left people spiritually starved, confused by falsehoods and ignorant of basic Bible truths. (Isaiah 65:13; Amos 8:11)

Tsk, tsk. Judging others when it is only God's place to judge. I believe Jesus had something to say about that...

The churches of Christendom have sponsored charities, aided the poor, built hospitals and schools, and performed many other works. To see why they have earned Jesus’ anger, consider the illustration.

Oh, so we should ignore everything else Christ told us and showed us to do and just knock on doors. I get it. You know, mee, it isn't like charity, improving poverty, healing the sick and so forth aren't exactly what Christ did while here on earth. Oh, no. He just wandered around preaching. Never said anything about "what you do to the least of these, you do unto me."

Yeah, um, read the Gospels lots of times. I am not easily swayed from Christ's work.

and it is clear as clear who is doing the will of God .


and mee has found them and i have joined them REVELATION 7;9-10

I don't seek to join manmade groups. I seek after Christ alone. My group is all who seek to love as God loves, to heal as Christ healed, to have their very life as their message. If someone loves God with all their heart and loves their neighbor as themselves, and they show the fruit of the Spirit... the Bible tells us they are following Christ. That's simple enough to me.

"Take up my cross and follow me." I take that to mean, emulate Christ in all ways possible.

Light.... the cross is electric and magnetic fields in perpendicular planes....

take up 'the light' and shine

Actually, Jesus told us and showed us what to do throughout all four Gospels. There is no *single* thing we should be doing. We should heal people, feed them (literally), visit those who are incarcerated. Love each other. Forgive. And share Christ's message... which was in his ministry.
Great energy for the good of others; compassion.

To know light and how assciation perform literally;

good association increase the life of the energy, this a a true concept in the association of all mass.

In which for the consciousness of our species we can choose an action at each interaction.

By retaining compassion to 'others' then understanding how life exists in the exchange of interactions than a set of pure rule unfold;

Light is life.

Good: supports life

Bad: loss to the common.

Look at the last 6 commandments (jesus injil) as well note the pursuit of compassionate giving of the self for the benefit of all. The compare these ideas to the 2 base rules.

It's not about a religion. It's about following Christ- it's about action.

The perception of choice and what we do with it.

make babies


plant seeds

these are examples of what to do and each have responsibility for them to be 'good'

raise the child

make sure the knowledge is pure

water the seeds


I don't seek to join manmade groups. I seek after Christ alone. My group is all who seek to love as God loves, to heal as Christ healed, to have their very life as their message. If someone loves God with all their heart and loves their neighbor as themselves, and they show the fruit of the Spirit... the Bible tells us they are following Christ. That's simple enough to me.

In the bible it speaks about the channel that Jesus is feeding matthew 24;45-47

and just as Jesus when he was on earth focused on the kingdom preaching, and sent his followers out, so today his followers are making known the only way to salvation and it is GODS HEAVENLY KINGDOM DANIEL 2;44

we are now well along into bible prophecy and Jesus as a reigning king, is directing a great global preaching work and those who respond to that GOODNEWS about the KINGDOM MATTHEW 24;14 are putting themselves in line and in unity with the purpose of God . this is the way PSALM 2;12
Oh, mee- LOL- we've been down this road of discussion before a few times. You already know my views on the JWs.

So, no need to run through that whole discussion for the umpteenth time. :) I don't care that you are a JW- if that works for you, good for you. I believe CR has hashed out almost every main point of contention between the JW and mainstream Christianity in this forum already, so I don't know why you keep reiterating the same things.
Mee said:
On the other hand, Jesus must be very happy to look down from heaven and see that millions of people are fulfilling the disciple-making commission that he gave his followers before leaving the earth. (Matthew 28:19, 20)
Mee, you are confused: Jesus gave this commission to his disciples knowing that they could complete it, and they did complete it withing their lifetimes. Why you don't know this? First look at Mathew 28:16-20 which Mee has mentioned, and then look at the parallel account of the event in Mark 16:12-20.

Notice that at the end of the account in Mark it says "they went forth and preached everywhere, while the Lord worked with them and confirmed the message by the signs that attended it." These signs were: speaking in other tongues, trampling on snakes & scorpions, & drinking poison. Notice, too, that these activities have since fallen out of practice, because the commission was fulfilled. Don't get stuck on the word 'nations', and think the commission wasn't fulfilled. I think that 'Nations' referred to the tribes. The Jews (from the tribe of Judah) are referred to as a nation in John 18:35, for instance; and Abraham is the 'Father of many nations'.

There are several scripture verse ways to confirm that the commission was completed:
  • Colossians 1:23 "provided that you continue in the faith, stable and steadfast, not shifting from the hope of the gospel which you heard, which has been preached to every creature under heaven, ..."
  • The signs (tongues, snakes, scorpions, poison) were specifically geared towards the Hebrews
  • Acts 1 refers to this commission which was by the disciples and apostles towards all Hebrews. This process was to continue 'Even unto the ends of the earth'. For this purpose they were enabled with special powers to witness (1:8) - which would have included the snakes, languages, scorpions, and poison.
So, what am I to think about someone who comes to me and says not only was the commission never fulfilled (aka, it failed), but that Jesus is in town --- just outside of my reach?

Mat 24:23 Then if any one says to you, `Lo, here is the Christ!' or `There he is!' do not believe it.

So, what am I to think about someone who comes to me and says not only was the commission never fulfilled (aka, it failed), but that Jesus is in town --- just outside of my reach?

mee never said that the early followers did not do as Jesus asked ,they did ,as we all know.

they went into the known world of that time .

but Jesus said that his followers would do works even greater than him , because NOW it is GLOBAL. MATTHEW 24;14

When Jesus began his ministry in 29 C.E., he knew that he was starting a work that he would not finish on his own.

In the short time he had left on earth, there was a limit to the area he could cover and the number of people he could reach with the Kingdom message.

True, he confined his preaching mainly to Jews and proselytes, "the lost sheep of the house of Israel." (Matthew 15:24)

However, those "lost sheep" were scattered throughout the length and breadth of Israel, a land covering thousands of square miles.

Besides, the rest of the world field would eventually have to be reached with the good news.—Matthew 13:38; 24:14.

Jesus recognized that much work would remain to be done after his death.

To his 11 faithful apostles, he said: "Most truly I say to you, He that exercises faith in me, that one also will do the works that I do; and he will do works greater than these, because I am going my way to the Father." (John 14:12)

Since the Son was returning to heaven, his followers—not just the apostles but also all future disciples—would have to carry on the preaching and teaching work. (John 17:20)

Jesus humbly acknowledged that their works would be "greater than" his.​

Jesus’ followers would cover more territory.

Today their witnessing has reached the extremities of the earth, far beyond the borders of the land where Jesus himself preached.

Second, they would reach more people. The small band of disciples Jesus left behind quickly grew into the thousands. (Acts 2:41; 4:4)

Now they number into the millions, and hundreds of thousands of new ones are being baptized each year. Third, they would preach for a longer period of time—right down to this day, almost 2,000 years after Jesus’ ministry of three and a half years ended.

As followers of Christ, JEHOVAHS WITNESSES pattern their ministry after his example.

so , they leave no stone unturned when it comes to giving "a thorough witness." (Acts 10:42) Like Jesus, we call on people in their homes. (Acts 5:42)

With the words "Go . . . and make disciples," the resurrected Jesus placed a heavy responsibility upon his followers.

He had in mind more than just the disciples who were present that spring day on the mountain in Galilee.

The work he commissioned involves reaching "people of all the nations," and it continues "until the conclusion of the system of things." Clearly, this commission applies to all followers of Christ,

As "head of the congregation," he has authority over his followers on earth. (Ephesians 5:23)

Since 1914, he has been ruling as Messianic King in heaven. (Revelation 11:15) and with Jesus directing the preaching work he has great aurthority and great things are acomplished .
Preaching from house to house is a most effective way to make personal contact with people. (Acts 20:20)

JEHOVAHS WITNESSES also look for opportunities to witness informally

we are eager to initiate a conversation about the good news wherever appropriate in the course of our daily life.

Our specific methods of preaching may vary, being adapted to local needs and circumstances. One thing, though, remains the same: We "go" and search for deserving ones.—Matthew 10:11.

because my bible based beliefs are still the same :)

My point is that we all hear the same exact verses and text from you every day. So we're not clueless about your beliefs. Saying it over and over like a broken record just makes people tune out.

And Dream, very interesting points... well worth consideration.
mee never said that the early followers did not do as Jesus asked ,they did ,as we all know.

they went into the known world of that time .

I'm inclined to go with this, but I find it amusing that it is not what the NT says. "Every creature under heaven" is hardly equivalent to "the known world," unless you refuse literalism and put it into historical context.

but Jesus said that his followers would do works even greater than him ,

This is scriptural.

because NOW it is GLOBAL. MATTHEW 24;14

This is your interpretation. The scriptures never said what it meant to do works greater than him. They didn't say that what it meant was to go global. That's an interpretation- a layer on top of the original text.

In the short time he had left on earth, there was a limit to the area he could cover and the number of people he could reach with the Kingdom message.

Actually, this is not true.
20For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse. Romans 1:20

Now, you have your ideas about what the "Kingdom message" is. I spread the Gospel, and I do it in the ways that Christ said to serve him, rather than focusing rather exclusively on one verse, and misinterpreting it out of context.

However, those "lost sheep" were scattered throughout the length and breadth of Israel, a land covering thousands of square miles.

So you doubt that he and the disciples carried out their God-given purpose.

Besides, the rest of the world field would eventually have to be reached with the good news.—Matthew 13:38; 24:14.

Perhaps you are interpreting the verse correctly, perhaps not. What is clear, is that you have an interpretation.

To his 11 faithful apostles, he said: "Most truly I say to you, He that exercises faith in me, that one also will do the works that I do; and he will do works greater than these, because I am going my way to the Father." (John 14:12)

Do the works that I do. What did Jesus do? Healed. Raised the dead. Fed people. Loved people. Cast out demons.

Jesus did lots of things... not just preach at people. And in fact, he talked a lot about the importance of doing things to help others.

I find it interesting that he said to "do the works that I do" not "say the words that I say."

Jesus’ followers would cover more territory.

Your interpretation, and not the only one that would be appropriate.

Like Jesus, we call on people in their homes. (Acts 5:42)

Jesus preached in public places to huge crowds of people. Read the Gospels. Acts is primarily about the disciples' ministry. If you want to preach like Jesus, having a large meeting in a park and handing out food first or healing people and then teaching in parables would be more appropriate.

He had in mind more than just the disciples who were present that spring day on the mountain in Galilee.

Your interpretation. Not stated directly in the text.

Since 1914, he has been ruling as Messianic King in heaven. (Revelation 11:15)

Your interpretation. Not stated directly in the text.

Preaching from house to house is a most effective way to make personal contact with people. (Acts 20:20)

Then why did Jesus draw those big crowds?

we are eager to initiate a conversation about the good news wherever appropriate in the course of our daily life.

Yes, but is "appropriateness" determined only by you, or by the people you interact with?

We "go" and search for deserving ones.—Matthew 10:11.

tsk, tsk. There is a context there, mee. That's not all Jesus said to do.
1. Jesus sent out the twelve.
2. He said not to go to the Gentiles or Samaritans.
3. He said to preach the message "The kingdom of heaven is near." Wow, that's a short and to the point message. Hardly in need of a bunch of Watchtower magazines!
4. He said to heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse leprosy, and drive out demons. I haven't seen any JWs doing that, but it sure would be neat if they did.
5. He said they were to travel without any money, without any luggage, without any extra clothes or even shoes, but just rely on whatever was brought to them. I haven't seen that yet, either.
6. He didn't say to search out deserving people for the message, but rather deserving people with which to stay while in town.

Matthew 10:5-13
5These twelve Jesus sent out with the following instructions: "Do not go among the Gentiles or enter any town of the Samaritans. 6Go rather to the lost sheep of Israel. 7As you go, preach this message: 'The kingdom of heaven is near.' 8Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy,[a]drive out demons. Freely you have received, freely give. 9Do not take along any gold or silver or copper in your belts; 10take no bag for the journey, or extra tunic, or sandals or a staff; for the worker is worth his keep.
11"Whatever town or village you enter, search for some worthy person there and stay at his house until you leave. 12As you enter the home, give it your greeting. 13If the home is deserving, let your peace rest on it; if it is not, let your peace return to you.
Path of course has a point, mee seriously... It isn't just about faith, it's a popularity contest... You take your lesson to whomever, but look at what they show interest in... You have what it takes to be big ;) Could take it to being an influencial elder... But you have to devlop character and charisma ;) It's how ya fill the seats.
My point is that we all hear the same exact verses and text from you every day. So we're not clueless about your beliefs. Saying it over and over like a broken record just makes people tune out.

And Dream, very interesting points... well worth consideration.

yes its true many people are not interested in THE GOODNEWS OF THE KINGDOM matthew 24;14

They tune out ,but that does not stop the message from being made known and the message goes on :)
Path of course has a point, mee seriously... It isn't just about faith, it's a popularity contest... You take your lesson to whomever, but look at what they show interest in... You have what it takes to be big ;) Could take it to being an influencial elder... But you have to devlop character and charisma ;) It's how ya fill the seats.

mees only interested in making known the goodnews not about being influencial , and what is important is the message not the messenger.

Jehovah draws righthearted ones to the message and it is the ones that respond to that message that gain great blessings right now and on into the future.

and mee likes the message and feels for the sheep that are thrown about and with out a shepherd .

but the good thing is, mee has found lots of like minded ones and they are all doing what mee likes doing. and it is this MATTHEW 24;14 and it is verrrrry goooood :)
ok but a bit of human touch doesn't harm, because as I have said before, you just might as well say in every thread... instead of posting as it would be just the same thing.... I think when people look at peoples faiths and religions they know the outlines, the laws, the rules, the faiths, the dogmas and so on.. But what people tend to be interested in is what followers of that religion have to say... Such as me with Scientology currently sure there are many out there trying to tell me what they believe and what they don't believe, and so on and so forth, but to me the interest is getting in there and talking to the people that follow whatever faith it may be. You know? See how it affects the person, not how it claims to do whatever it is it claims to do.
ok but a bit of human touch doesn't harm, because as I have said before, you just might as well say in every thread... instead of posting as it would be just the same thing.... I think when people look at peoples faiths and religions they know the outlines, the laws, the rules, the faiths, the dogmas and so on.. But what people tend to be interested in is what followers of that religion have to say... Such as me with Scientology currently sure there are many out there trying to tell me what they believe and what they don't believe, and so on and so forth, but to me the interest is getting in there and talking to the people that follow whatever faith it may be. You know? See how it affects the person, not how it claims to do whatever it is it claims to do.
Well i am glad to say that for JEHOVAHS WITNESSES it is all about what the bible REALLY TEACHES.and that is our focus and we like to let our light shine
:) but many people do not like to know what the bible REALLY teaches, they like to know instead the thoughts of man . and that is what the religions of the world are interested in , manmade doctrine

mee likes what the bible really teaches :)
its better