why do you love the Bible ?


There is a River
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One of the reasons I love the Bible is that there is so much positive and empowering stuff in it, its wonderful and helps me so much when I am facing adversity :)

Praise God
One of the reasons I love the bible is that everytime I read it I get something new from it. Even though I may have read the same passage a hundred times.

I love that it can feed babies in the faith with milk and honey and it can feed adults in the faith with meat and vegetables.
One of the reasons I love the bible is that everytime I read it I get something new from it. Even though I may have read the same passage a hundred times.

I ditto this and also find a lot of beautiful prose and poetry in there, too. Some books and passages are very artistically pleasing to me.
I ditto this and also find a lot of beautiful prose and poetry in there, too. Some books and passages are very artistically pleasing to me.
I love the bible because it informs mee about the purpose of God .

it also informs mee how the first humans went wrong, and why humans are in the state that they are in now, and it tells mee how God is going to fix that wrong and it gives mee hope . :)
The Bible has so many stories about so many men and women of God who overcome troubles, find solutions. It is relevant in my life even today.
Bingo. (tencharacters)
:) nice one :) its good to make his name known and to bring it to the fore

That people may know that you, whose name is JEHOVAH,
You alone are the Most High over all the earth.
psalm 83;18​

And this is what love means, that we go on walking according to his commandments. This is the commandment, just as you people have heard from [the] beginning, that you should go on walking in it.
2 JOHN 1;6
The Bible has so many stories about so many men and women of God who overcome troubles, find solutions. It is relevant in my life even today.
Very true and those TRUE life stories are for our example .
And not only does it tell us about those who were faithful to God who had great faith, it tells us about those who were quite the opposite and the out come of those ones.
"These things went on befalling them as examples, and they were written for a warning to us upon whom the ends of the systems of things have arrived."

As you read Hebrews chapter 11, note how he brings the examples of Bible characters to life. He says, for instance, that Moses "continued steadfast as seeing the One who is invisible." (Hebrews 11:27)

In other words, Jehovah was so real to Moses that it was as if he could see the invisible God.

why do you love the Bible ?

because it has sayings of EVERLASTING LIFE JOHN 17;3:)
why do you love the Bible ?
because it teaches us the truth:)
and talking about truth ,Jehovahs witnesses are at the moment doing a worldwide tract it is going out in 235 lands and it is all about TRUTH . ITS GOOD

the tract is called WOULD YOU LIKE TO KNOW THE TRUTH , and it is full of bible answers :) as always it is pointing to the bible for answers . i have got my copy , i wonder who will get theirs:) if i am correct it is even on video for the deaf on the official website of Jehovahs witnesses.