Book Groups


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I've got a notion that's so half-baked it's practically still dough...

What about IO Book Groups?

In the media forum?

In the social groups?

In our profiles?

Don't know how it would work...Could it work?

Thought I'd just run it up the flag pole and see if there were any takers.

Good idea, and very doable.. You could do it either through a thread or a group... Say once a week meet... (open group talk / unlock thread) speak of a chapater(s) or whatnot how it effected you and all the other book group stuff... Arrange the next reading and then off ya go (shut group talk lock thread) week later do the cycle.
You simply have a mod who is interested and inclined to be dedicated to the book club... They will be the one who locks/shuts the thread/group discussion...

which is best as then it doesn't go off topic, it doesn't have people coming in out of nowhere with random questions that may not even be related to it and so on.. And no one gets lost... It is kept as routine... Time for people to absorb the opinions of others and so on.. ALSO gives you time to prepare your posts lol... (edit there)

Hey just trying to help give you some ideas to help make your idea a bigger idea :D
Hey, I appreciate it :)

I was thinking of more than one group....

I'll leave the thread to fester a while so plenty of people can give it a gander.

And then of course, there's the choice of books....:rolleyes:

As I see it they are ready and rolling now.

Unlimited number of groups available. Post a comment about your favorite book. Tis like tossing a worm on a hook in the river waiting for a bite.

once you get a nibble the discussion begins...

In this area we are specifically asking folks who have never read the book or seen the movie to stay on the sidelines until they have.

Once you have your comments and discussion points are welcomed.

I'll toss out a couple titles I wouldn't mind reading again... Four Agreements~Miguel Ruiz, Jesus and Bhudda reunited as brothers~Tich Nhat Hanh, Tao of Pooh, Jonathan Livingston Seagull, The Prophet~Gibran.
Thanks wil. Not read that particular Thich Nhat Hanh and could be interested....

well hang on in there sg...I think a while needs to pass, if only for folk to actually buy an agreed book!!! Personally I think one of his books might be a good un cos it's comparative after all (and for me, knowing a little of Buddhism too).

do you reckon a social group or a thread in media?

locking/unlocking would need a mod's involvement...

OK I seem to have stumbled upon a couple of books that caught my eye, so I guess I should start threads for them, feel free to join in! I’m a slow reader so there’s no rush! :)

Pema Chödrön: No Time to Lose.

David Gamez: What we Can Never Know.
