Jesus, Father, Buddha, and Dhamma

well, as u probably know, dhamma(pali) does not just mean Buddha's teachings... the word dharma (skr) can also mean... truth, righteousness...

Is Buddha's name ever used as synonymous with truth? I'm trying to learn how different Holy Books define truth or where they state to find truth.
Is Buddha's name ever used as synonymous with truth? I'm trying to learn how different Holy Books define truth or where they state to find truth.

"Buddha" means one who is awake; awake to the truth of reality.

The "teachings" of the Buddha are called the "Dhamma" (in Pali, "Dharma" in Sanskrit). Dhamma has a variety of meanings, such as (teaching, of course!), law, nature and truth.

As far as "Buddhism" goes (sorry, having a bit of a quote marks clear out :p) there isn't a Holy Book. Truth is found within us.

Hope this helps. :)

And welcome to IO. :)

Hi all!

I'm new to this site, I couldn't find any newcomers threads!

This site has a very good discussion on the commonalities between the sayings of Buddha and Jesus.

This site has Buddha as the Father and Jesus as a part of the Sangha (Arahants) or sons of Buddha, born from his mouth or made Buddha Vacanam, the word of the Buddha.
based on John.
Jesus-- the Word of Buddha?

John 7:16 Jesus responded to them, "What I teach doesn't come from me but from the one who sent me.

8:26 but he who sent me is true and what he has said to me I say to the world.

28 that I do nothing of myself, but as the Father taught me, I speak these things.

"for the Father is greater than I." John 14:28

"Buddha" means one who is awake; awake to the truth of reality.

The "teachings" of the Buddha are called the "Dhamma" (in Pali, "Dharma" in Sanskrit). Dhamma has a variety of meanings, such as (teaching, of course!), law, nature and truth.

As far as "Buddhism" goes (sorry, having a bit of a quote marks clear out :p) there isn't a Holy Book. Truth is found within us.

Hope this helps. :)

And welcome to IO. :)


In Buddhism, Dhamma has only one meaning -- teachings of Buddha:

Dhamma Anusati:

Svakhato Bhagavato Dhamma
Well proclaimed is the Lord's Dhamma

Samdithiko - right view

Akaliko - Timeless

Ehipassiko - invites one to come and see

Opaniako - leading one to nibbana (skt. equivalent (Upanayanam)

Pacchatam Veditabo Vinu - known by the wise.

This comes from Buddhist Suttas known as the Pali Tipitika and can be viewed at access to insight.
In Buddhism, Dhamma has only one meaning -- teachings of Buddha:

Dhamma Anusati:

Svakhato Bhagavato Dhamma
Well proclaimed is the Lord's Dhamma

Samdithiko - right view

Akaliko - Timeless

Ehipassiko - invites one to come and see

Opaniako - leading one to nibbana (skt. equivalent (Upanayanam)

Pacchatam Veditabo Vinu - known by the wise.

This comes from Buddhist Suttas known as the Pali Tipitika and can be viewed at access to insight.

Thank you. I'm learning so much from this site! I've never studied Religions and am eager learn.