Follow the Children



Politics is the sleaziest when it indoctrinates the kids. I don't know about you dear reader but the linked video is repulsive to me. I see these kids and their blank stares and say there but for the grace of God go I. The parents have no clue. How they can allow their kids to be used in this way is beyond me.

It is hard to comment on such a video. If one doesn't feel in their gut what is repulsive in it, there is nothing I can say. You either understand it or you don't.

I do believe though that you have the right to look at it and either clap in agreement or shudder as did I. Your choice.

While you're at it, you may as well consider this bit of indoctrination. Nothing like using kids to further cheap politics.

YouTube - School Children Sing Praises of Obama

Yep, change is coming with martyrs and all and all for the sake of universal love and peace. *Sigh* All we need is love la la la la la.

I guess it is appropriate for the collective human condition. It is just sad to see this kid being made a puppet. You may say it is a small sacrifice in the quest for universal love and peace. For fantasy though I prefer good scotch and a willing cute blonde to child abuse but again I am old fashioned.
Suggestion for I. Brian

Here's how you can make a buck and help save the world.

Simply create the Interfaith choir of Obama lovers here and I'll write a song called "Obama Will lead us and save the World." We could practice getting that same hypnotic look the kids have in these videos and keep chanting "Obama will save us" in various keys and tempos.

We could make a video and you'll be famous around the world. How exciting! A hundred Interfaith voices singing and proclaiming that Obama will lead us into the new world of peace and love. You could sell copies on the Internet and split the profits with Obama. He will smile upon you and you'll be famous.

Watcha think? Inspired thinking eh.
Nick, Nick, Nick,

We all learn at one time or another to not post after the scotch.

Dems is fiting woids. By the way, I'm looking for a good bass singer, a few baritones and some tenors to provide that hypnotic sound. Gotta help Brian make a buck or two. The ladies can be the altos and sopranos. How should I sign you up? How do you sound best singing proclamations on peace and love offered by our new savior? Just copy the kids and see what suits you best.
Well at least not everyone has lost their sanity in this time of Obama lunacy. It seems a teacher was suspended for another of these "follow the children" videos. It was actually ruled that such videos are not for the classroom. Who could think such a thing as it pertains to our new savior? :) So for you dear reader that has not been fully Obamasized, you may appreciate the following:

MyFox Kansas City | Teacher Suspended For Releasing 'Obama Youth' Video
Obama is a career politician and thus automatically in my book is relegated to untrustworthy scumbag. But how you can sit preaching your antipathy against him when the alternative scumbag is McCain just mystifies me.

Obama is a career politician and thus automatically in my book is relegated to untrustworthy scumbag. But how you can sit preaching your antipathy against him when the alternative scumbag is McCain just mystifies me.

It's called partisan subjectivity.:) earl
Obama is a career politician and thus automatically in my book is relegated to untrustworthy scumbag. But how you can sit preaching your antipathy against him when the alternative scumbag is McCain just mystifies me.


I am against child abuse and the indocrination of children. These Obama supporters favor these techniques. If McCain does it, it will be equally as repulsive.

Will you become part of the Interfaith choir and adopt that same hypnotic stare these children have while seeking to follow our new savior. He needs YOU. Reserve your place in the New World Order Obama will lead you to. What does a little child abuse matter in pursuit of such a peace loving future?

All we need is love; la la la la la.
I am not allowed to call you a nutter because it would be deemed a personal I restrain myself :)

But can I say that you sound a bit like a nutter? The focus and fervour of your words are far more interesting than their subject for sure. I like a rant myself ....but even when everybody seems to be in conflict with my opinion I never felt the need to think it was some conspiracy :cool:

Can I ask you how do you feel about Obama being of mixed race??

I am not allowed to call you a nutter because it would be deemed a personal I restrain myself :)

But can I say that you sound a bit like a nutter? The focus and fervour of your words are far more interesting than their subject for sure. I like a rant myself ....but even when everybody seems to be in conflict with my opinion I never felt the need to think it was some conspiracy :cool:

Can I ask you how do you feel about Obama being of mixed race??


Actually Tao I appreciate being considered a nutter. I think Mark Twain had it right:
"Whenever you find that you are on the side of the majority, it is time to reform." - Mark Twain

There is no conspiracy that I know of. My interest is in human dynamics. I always was a fan of individuality but until discovering my path, I really did not understand the difference between social individuality and human individuality.

I've come to admire more and more a very unique artist I am directly related to. When he was on a roll not even your own Joseph Turner could match him in depicting water. Of course this sounds absurd since Turner has sold for over forty million yet it is true. He was a complete individual both within art and in social standing. Only since discovering my path did I finally come to realize what an individual free of egotism is. As good as my ancestor was, his ego was a big part of it. Yet now I became aware of what an individual from the human perspective actually is. Naturally this has raised fascinating questions for me.

The reason I bring this up is to try to show why your question is absurd for someone like me that has been on a path that values individuality in the human sense as opposed to being defined by the whims of the "Great Beast." People like us define individuality and human worth by what a person IS in relation to "above and below"as opposed to outer characteristics. The Man I admire as the greatest male individual of the twentieth century has been called both a Christ and the Devil. Any real individual will be thought of in this way by normal conditioned humanity.

The fact then that someone is of mixed race has nothing to do with the quality of their individuality. The potential for individuality has become my concern for our future because I'm convinced that without a minority of these beings, we are doomed. As much as they will be hated, their influence is absolutely essential to minimize the results of normal and natural cycles that fluctuate humanity between both war and peace.

I know such ideas must be hated but at the same time I know they are essential for a minority. So for me the idea of mixed race is irrelevant. My concern is for individuals in the true meaning of the word and not the conditioned social definition.

Obama being a mixed race has nothing to do with anything for those like me. we are concerned with what they are on the inside rather then the outside.. I know that there are those like Dogbrain that use such characteristics for defining attraction but I've learned enough through my path to really come to value individuality as a qualitative part of a person's "isness" rather than conditioned responses.

I appreciate being considered nutty. If it were not the case, it would mean I were too conventional which would be very disappointing for me.
It seems that the majority accept and look the other way politically correct forms of child abuse as with these indoctrination videos. Yet it is encouraging to see that there is a minority that are against child buse as a whole rather then be restricted to politically incorrect child abuse

THE MESSIAH MODE AND BARACK OBAMA?S POLITICAL MADRASAS by Anthony Del Pellegrino — indoctrination of children, political indoctrination, child abuse | Gather

It is time for Barack Obama to denounce such tactics and help to stem the prostituting of our youth in an attempt to promote a political agenda. Does he adore and endorse these tactics the same way that Kruschev did when children from all over the former Soviet Union gathered in Red Square to sing his praise behind a backdrop of the latest military hardware? Or does Barack reject such spectacles and tactics as an illegitimate and inappropriate use of children for political purposes? Having the messianic complex that he has of himself, I think I know the answer to that question.

I don't expect him to denounce it unles a strong public outcry forced him to as it did with Rev. Wright.

But at least you are not afraid to admit child abuse when you see it. It is frightening that so many openly accept it when it favors our political opinion. It is fallen human nature.
*Sigh* It seems there isn't always peace and love in the choir. What sort of example is this supposed to set for IO members of the choir? This kid needs education. Must send her to Bill Ayers for an attitude adjustment session. She lack gratitude for her messiah. :D

Riehl World View: No Obama Choir Girl
Obama is a career politician and thus automatically in my book is relegated to untrustworthy scumbag. But how you can sit preaching your antipathy against him when the alternative scumbag is McCain just mystifies me.


there *are* other candidates and parties running in the election.. but, alas, the big 2 have made it such that third parties are excluded from television debates and pretty much national media coverage.

i, personally, think Alan Keyes would make a fine POTUS. who is Alan Keyes you may ask? whilst his religious views are not shared by me his domestic policies make sense.

i wouldn't mind seeing Bob Barr as POTUS either. who is Bob Barr? Bob Barr 2008 — Liberty for America

indeed.. there are 4 other parties with candidates standing for election yet they barely get national press attention and, i suspect, no international press attention.

