Mods, please move/merge this thread if you think appropriate (I can't see straight)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine

Junior Moderator, Intro
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Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Re: Mods, please move/merge this thread if you think appropriate (I can't see straigh

AIG sent their execs to a spa at a cost of $440,000 to "everybody else".

ABC News: After Bailout, AIG Execs Head to California Resort
After bailout, AIG sent executives to the spa - U.S. business -
Lawmakers steamed over ritzy AIG retreat after bailout -
visit spa after bailout - Google Search

Sorry to post this, but I just needed to get it off my not-so-small chest. :mad:

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine

I don't understand. Do you have a problem with this? :confused:
Re: Mods, please move/merge this thread if you think appropriate (I can't see straigh

Yes. Their company was bailed out of bankruptcy less than a week before, and on taxpayer money, to a tune of $85 billion which, if I have it correctly, the money for the "vacation" is a part of.

The money spent on the spa vacation should've been set aside in a slush fund so that it wouldn't have to "borrow" more money in case they have another downturn.

If you or I did something like this, we would be charged with fraud or something like that (not to mention we would have to repay everything we borrowed, whether we could afford it or not.) Plus the money could've gone towards Social Security or veterans' benefits, Q's (as well as other government workers) paychecks, helping states pay for roads/schools/health care/etc.

Sorry for my rant here. :eek:

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
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Re: Mods, please move/merge this thread if you think appropriate (I can't see straigh

Understandable rant there Phyllis. Talk about rubbing salt in the wound.