Sophistication: Recognizing piece, part, and whole


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Sophistication: Recognizing piece, part, and whole

In “Art and Visual Perception”, the author Rudolf Arnheim speaks of the master cook “whose cleaver remained sharp for nineteen years because when he carved an ox, he did not cut arbitrarily but respected the natural subdivision of the animal’s bones, muscles, and organs”.

The master cook was a sophisticated butcher. The sophisticated butcher recognizes the natural pattern of the animals he was required to dissect; under such a sophisticated individual the parts seemed almost to melt away, they almost dissected themselves. The student of life becomes sophisticated as s/he studies and learns the patterns of the parts and wholes comprising reality.

The sophisticated student of educational institutions, or the sophisticate autodidact, has learned many of the patterns of reality; perhaps we might properly call these patterns as being the domains of knowledge that can be both wholes and parts of reality. They are whole or part depending upon their relationship to that which surrounds them in the situation that is under study.

Learning how to distinguish between part and whole or fragment and part is the key to success in all of our endeavors.

Humans are meaning creating creatures; much of what is important to us are what is artificial, i.e. not the result of Mother Nature directly but through the human creator. I suspect that it is these artificial creations for which we live, die, and kill are the most difficult to comprehend even though the human created world is designed specifically to fit human needs.
forgive my ignorance, but are you saying that sophistication is knowledge? Im not agreeing or disagreeing with you, im just getting it straight in my head. LOL
forgive my ignorance, but are you saying that sophistication is knowledge? Im not agreeing or disagreeing with you, im just getting it straight in my head. LOL

We were born smart enough but we weren’t born intellectually sophisticated enough to handle this high tech world we have invented. Knowledge together with understanding are essential aspects of sophistication.

What is the difference between “being smart” and “being sophisticated”? I would say that we can use the handyman and his tool box as a good analogy for comprehending this difference. The number and quality of the instruments in a handyman’s tool box is a measure of his smartness and his experience using those tools is a measure of his sophistication.

If a handyman has only a hammer then every job is a job that will get hammered on. If that handyman has a great tool box but has experience only with a hammer then that handyman will look for things that can be hammered into place.
The number and quality of the instruments in a handyman’s tool box is a measure of his smartness and his experience using those tools is a measure of his sophistication.

I see it the other way. The handyman who only uses hammers for everything could be quite smart with that hammer, but he lacks the sophistication to pick the right tool for the job.