How can i pray and be heard by God ?



People in practically all religions pray, yet, many feel that their prayers are not answered.
Jesus taught us to avoid repeating set formulas in our prayers.
When praying, he said, do not say the same things over and over again matthew 6;7
if we want God to listen to our prayers,we must pray in the way that he approves.
To do that,we need to learn what Gods will is and then pray accordingly.
First John 5;14explains .....No matter what it is that we ask according to (Gods)will, he hears us.

see also psalm 65;2
john 14;6,14. and 1 john 3;22

the bible tells us alsorts of things which put us right its good isnt it?
Our thoughts are prayers
and we are always praying

every word is heard.

hence the issues for most folks...the complaints and whining and negative attitudes and actions towards others overshadow those moments of piousness
Our thoughts are prayers
yes , its amazing how God hears our thoughts and he is the hearer of prayer.

and if those thoughts are inline with his purpose he will hear us, it worked in my case and he was the hearer of prayer.AMAZING :)

i can remember my first ever prayer and the most high answered me and gave me the answer to my prayer.

when i prayed i was not religious at all , and i didnt even know if there really was a God . but i prayed anyway , so the most high must have heard me because he answered me .

i think it is correct to say that everyone has an inbuild need to pray , but people resist it and fight against that need.

i know i did , because from the times i was very young i used to tell myself that there was not a God , and refused to talk to God even if that inbuild need to pray came upon me .

but the very first time that i did pray, i was saying to God IF YOU ARE UP THERE blaa blaa blaa and i was having a right go at him:eek:

but he did answer me , and now i know he is the hearer of pray . He gave me the answers and it was very clear to see .:)


"O Hearer of prayer, even to you people of all flesh will come."—Ps. 65:2.
How did he answer you?
its all in the bible .

i said to him
IF THERE IS A GOD UP THERE then i said ,if i was you i would start all over again .

what a right mess this world is in , thats what i said to him .

and then LATER when i started to study the bible with JEHOVAHS WITNESSES. the bible GAVE ME THE ANSWER .

DANIEL 2;44 AND 2 PETER 3-13

But there are new heavens and a new earth that we are awaiting according to his promise, and in these righteousness is to dwell. 2 PETER 3;13 :)

And in the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be brought to ruin. And the kingdom itself will not be passed on to any other people. It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, and it itself will stand to times indefinite;
DANIEL 2;44:)

but at the end of the day i suppose it depends on how we respond to the answers in the bible . mee liked the answers in the bible , some are in opposition to the answers
its all in the bible .

i said to him
IF THERE IS A GOD UP THERE then i said ,if i was you i would start all over again .

what a right mess this world is in , thats what i said to him .

and then LATER when i started to study the bible with JEHOVAHS WITNESSES. the bible GAVE ME THE ANSWER .

DANIEL 2;44 AND 2 PETER 3-13

But there are new heavens and a new earth that we are awaiting according to his promise, and in these righteousness is to dwell. 2 PETER 3;13 :)

And in the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be brought to ruin. And the kingdom itself will not be passed on to any other people. It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, and it itself will stand to times indefinite;
DANIEL 2;44:)

but at the end of the day i suppose it depends on how we respond to the answers in the bible . mee liked the answers in the bible , some are in opposition to the answers

you have not really answered my question mee, there must be more to it than just reading the Bible ! lots of people read the Bible but how many of them know Gods will.
It's all in the bible? My question was how did he answer you? Your answer is the bible scriptures? Just repeating that just to make sure You read my question.... Could you define with some detail how the bible is an answer to your prayers?? You said you challenged god and spoke at him such as "if you are up there!?!?" Then said he answered you... The bible isn't his answer surley? As you were well aware of that book I am sure when you were praying....
lots of people read the Bible but how many of them know Gods will.
and there we have the answer , mee responded to the GOODNEWS of the kingdom matthew 24;14
Daniel 2;44
2 PETER 3 ;13 MANY DONT :) they reject it
As you were well aware of that book I am sure when you were praying....
:D no,
i wasnt aware of God steping into the affairs of man , Daniel 2;44

religious leaders in the church of England , which i used to belong to had not even mentioned it in church , and i was never pointed to the bible until reading the bible myself .

and the first time i saw DANIEL 2;44 it was an answer to my prayer, and now i know that the theme of the bible from the first book of the bible Genesis, to the last book of the bible revelation , is all about the KINGDOM and it is very good .

matthew 24;14 and i responded to it :)
It's all in the bible? My question was how did he answer you? Your answer is the bible scriptures? quote]
from the bible Daniel 2;44
when there is a drawing near to God (prayer)he draws near to you . how we respond to the answer from God is another thing , maybe we shut the door on his face so to speak:(

mee like to welcome Gods purpose for the earth, along with a GREAT CROWD of others REV 7;9-10

I have got my symbolic palm branch to welcome Gods reigning king JESUS CHRIST
So, you were praying to the christian god, and you were not aware of the bible? That sounds strange.
in my mind i didnt know for sure if there was even a God up there at the time of my first prayer . but it was the God of the bible that answered me .:)