Presidential Nightmare


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McCain wins. He dies in office and Palin takes over (how many :eek: does that warrant?)


Obama wins. He’s assassinated by a racist.

I can’t be the only one thinking this can I?

McCain wins. He dies in office and Palin takes over (how many :eek: does that warrant?)


Obama wins. He’s assassinated by a racist.

I can’t be the only one thinking this can I?


I much prefer Sarah Palin's depth of character assuring me she would make a fine president then Joe Biden's tendency to shoot from the hip and saying the silliest things. That is a mentality that is downright dangerous.
I much prefer Sarah Palin's depth of character assuring me she would make a fine president then Joe Biden's tendency to shoot from the hip and saying the silliest things. That is a mentality that is downright dangerous.

Nick, from the other side of the great divide there's many who would say it's the other way round. Sarah Palin is not a woman to be trusted with power, she has shown the silliest things to be her most favourite things.... there's a la la la...... and they sure are dangerous concepts from a silly woman.

- c -
McCain wins. He dies in office and Palin takes over (how many :eek: does that warrant?)


Obama wins. He’s assassinated by a racist.

I can’t be the only one thinking this can I?

Snoopy, you can switch some names around and get the same sort of :eek::
Obama wins. He dies in office and Biden takes over (how many :eek: does that warrant?)


McCain wins. He’s assassinated by a racist.
Nick, from the other side of the great divide there's many who would say it's the other way round. Sarah Palin is not a woman to be trusted with power, she has shown the silliest things to be her most favourite things.... there's a la la la...... and they sure are dangerous concepts from a silly woman.

- c -

Could you give me an example of one of the silliest things that are also her favorite? Perhaps I'm missing something.
Too many to mention Nick.......

And not worth the debate. ;)

- c -

I've often felt that men of a certain spiritual quality are attracted to the same in women as I am to Simone Weil for example. She is hardly Playboy material but her writings reflect an inner beauty and purity that is greater than any other i've read. Yet most modern women would need to avoid her.

I think it is the same with women. A woman of a certain inner quality is drawn to men of a certain quality even if other men don't see it.

Sarah is no Simone but she has an inner respect for life that many women of today do not have yet this quality assures a quality of judgment essential IMO for a good president.
Nick, from the other side of the great divide there's many who would say it's the other way round. Sarah Palin is not a woman to be trusted with power, she has shown the silliest things to be her most favourite things.... there's a la la la...... and they sure are dangerous concepts from a silly woman.

- c -
Those who are in power and have been corrupted by this power have reason to fear her 'silliness.' ;)
The Nightmare continues- either man is elected and nothing of substance changes. Dems replace Republicans in Congress and fill that space by consolidating their power but not really changing anything.
OK...clearly some folk prefer Obama-Biden & some McCain-Palin. But don't think any of us can with any certainty prognosticate how any of these 4 would actually function as president. Only thing voters have to go on are policv positions and perhaps the style & tone of the campaign 1 or the other party has run.;) earl
OK...clearly some folk prefer Obama-Biden & some McCain-Palin. But don't think any of us can with any certainty prognosticate how any of these 4 would actually function as president. Only thing voters have to go on are policv positions and perhaps the style & tone of the campaign 1 or the other party has run.;) earl

The astute voter sees through the campaign BS and becomes more reliant on character. Obama's associations and attitude towards releasing documents that pertain to his citizenship reveals a lack of character which is not part of his campaign BS.
Nick A, the birth certificate issue has already been settled in case you hadn't checked that thread you started lately. As to "character," must admit that my respect for McCain's character has dropped appreciably since he tried to go for the "character" issue re Obama. But, since the guy's desperate to win, he'll try anything however dishonorable. Hey, isn't that a low mark re character? :) earl
The astute voter sees through the campaign BS and becomes more reliant on character. Obama's associations and attitude towards releasing documents that pertain to his citizenship reveals a lack of character which is not part of his campaign BS.

Nick- The issues of Obama's "associations and attitude towards releasing documents that pertain to his citizenship" are also part of the campaign BS.
McCain and Obama are both judged to be men of honor and intelligence by people whose wisdom I trust. There is an increased sense of foreboding in this election with the near collapse of the US financial system in the last few months.
To me the Presidential Nightmare reflects the feeling of "what's next," in this extraordinary election. This election reminds me of Kennedy-Nixon in 1960. Dire predictions were made by both sides at many levels. There was much character assassination, especially of John Kennedy.
Watershed elections seem to create a feeling of unrest or forboding. I have no qualms about Obama's or McCain's strength of character. Tom Brokaw, a sensible observer, judges both men to be well qualified to be President. He's expressed no forboding
about either Biden or Palin. respectfully, dmsingh
Nick A, the birth certificate issue has already been settled in case you hadn't checked that thread you started lately. As to "character," must admit that my respect for McCain's character has dropped appreciably since he tried to go for the "character" issue re Obama. But, since the guy's desperate to win, he'll try anything however dishonorable. Hey, isn't that a low mark re character? :) earl

The BC issue is not settled. There are two possibilities. Either Hawaii has the long form or it doesn't. If it does and Obama refuses its release it just means that he has something to hide related to the possibilites explained by Berg and others since people are proud or their birth certificate. If it doesn't it means there is no proof he was born in Hawaii. Both possibilities reflect weak chaaracter.

McCain should go after Obama's character more. He is afraid people will think its is racist but if Obama lacks character as evidenced through his associations and attitude towards the constitution in the BC issue, people have the right to be aware of it.

Obama is a classic demagogue as described by Kraus and has succeeded quite well in creationg this huge obama choir:

"The secret of the demagogue is to make himself as stupid as his audience so that they believe they are as clever as he." - Karl Kraus ...
Political rivalries often bring out the best/worst in people. In connection with the Obama documents issue, consider some people's willingness to:

(1) repeatedly spread false rumour without apology, thereby showing complete disdain for truth

(2) claim to be taking a stand on a Constitutional issue without showing any interest in what the Constitution intends

(3) dress up personal political bias as committed "Constitutionalism" all the while ignoring such basic legal process issues like sufficiency of evidence, harm, redressability, and court jurisdiction, and

(4) attack Obama's character after he has made it clear he won't go along with Berg's charade.

The prospects for real cultural progress in the US would be improved if this kind of lynchmob mentality and hypocrisy gave way for a genuine respect for the rule of law.
Nick A, the birth certificate thing is the biggest example of how facts mean nothing to you. If you checked the links I posted to that thread of yours, you'd know Hawaiian officials have said the certificate is legitimate. This is a phenomenal election in many ways including the fact that I cannot recall another presidential campaign where so many leading members of 1 party-in this case Republican-have come out in support of the other guy. The biggest name of course is Colin Powell, Bush's first Secretary of State. Did you catch his Meet The Press interview? Lambasted the McCain campaign for many things but he was most disgusted about that campaign's attempts to smear Obama's character. In fact, it is that that apparently outraged him enough to want to go public on air with his views. Do you consider yourself a more astute voter than Powell?:) earl
Nick A, the birth certificate thing is the biggest example of how facts mean nothing to you. If you checked the links I posted to that thread of yours, you'd know Hawaiian officials have said the certificate is legitimate. This is a phenomenal election in many ways including the fact that I cannot recall another presidential campaign where so many leading members of 1 party-in this case Republican-have come out in support of the other guy. The biggest name of course is Colin Powell, Bush's first Secretary of State. Did you catch his Meet The Press interview? Lambasted the McCain campaign for many things but he was most disgusted about that campaign's attempts to smear Obama's character. In fact, it is that that apparently outraged him enough to want to go public on air with his views. Do you consider yourself a more astute voter than Powell?:) earl

I received the same letter from Hawaii. It just was unclear as to what they had. As i said, the BC if it does exist could have details on it that would put his qualifications in question.


Thank you for emailing Governor Linda Lingle’s office.

The state registrar of the Department of Health’s vital statistics record office can verify Sen. Barack Obama’s birth certificate.

Mahalo, Office of Governor Lingle

You are a trusting type and believe those like Obama. I've worked many political parties and know politicians when they have a few drinks and think no musicians are relaxing on a break within ear shot. I'm sorry but Colin Powell is not an idol.

The point is that a person of character in respect to the constitution would release his BC and prove his qualifications. Simple enough. He won't which just means he lacks the quality of character that respects the constution. A picture is worth a thousand words.