Palin: Round Two


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In a farmhouse, on a farm. With goats.
Whatcha go & do that for? Starting any thread with the words Palin or Obama in them is like a flame for a moth for some folk here.;) earl
How bloody sexist! Why do you hate America?

Q. What are the chief issues on which you would like to turn your political celebrity into a new political credibility for your party and yourself?

Palin: I don’t know if it’s political celebrity but I want to put to good use my experience that I have as uh..the governor of an energy producing state to help our nation become energy independent and…and, you know, we’re going to focus here on what we can do as a team of Republican governors together because again, what we do in our states is balance budgets despite who controls our legislature. We don’t let obsessive partisanship get in the way of doin’ what’s right. We’re all about healthcare reform and doing those things in our own states to allow competition accessibility, affordability for healthcare for more of the residents in our own states. Our border states, of course, being very concerned and committed to uh, immigration reform. Those issues that we work on every day. We as a team I believe are going to be looked to and we offer up the solutions that on a national level our elected officials are going to need.

Q. You have lost the vote of women and Hispanics. What can you do to recover? (ouch)

Palin: Well, ya know, I treat everybody equally - women, Hispanics, going to…uh…work with this group of governors to serve, um, all Americans and individually in all of our states our’re going to work extremely hard but treating everybody equally and not allowing gender, race, uh, background, demographic representive, we’re not going to let that get in the way of doing what’s right for our country as a whole.

As the article says: "Nothing wrapped in nothing, stuffed with nothing."

Whatcha go & do that for? Starting any thread with the words Palin or Obama in them is like a flame for a moth for some folk here.;) earl

The trouble with you Earl is that you don't have the nerve to speak of things of substance. It is more important that people feel food. God forbid you would actually ponder the Palin phenomenon. I was watching her interviewed by Greta and Sarah was making dinner through the whole interview. Could Hillary have done that? Is it possible to once again associate politics with real human needs or are we hopelessly content with the plastic politician whose excretions we feel justified in swallowing..

She represents something that must be destroyed if politics as usual is to continue. You don't understand it and don't allow yourself to think; your loss.
Hey Nick A. I'm all for people who are able to make dinner and be interviewed, hold a conversation at the same time. That is some powerful multi-tasking, no doubt. I am being serious, believe it or not. I myself often concentrate on the food I am preparing and am not one for making conversation at the same time. I admire the quality of successful multi-tasking in a person who can do both.

But does this make one politcally qualified? I agree that food is a political issue, but not exactly in this way of being able to prepare dinner and be interviewed at the same time. I'm not real clear on what this kind of ability represents in a politician, or how it is helpful. I could go out on a limb and suggest that the image of Palin making dinner while being interviewed is a powerful symbol for a domestic woman--perhaps one who knows her place? (remember that she and John McCain rarely spoke, and you may recall the clip of McCain and Palin sitting next to each other with Katie Couric, in what supposedly was Palin's interview, both looking ever-so-slightly uncomfortable. To my mind, that image clearly demonstrated what Palin was to the McCain campaign: a prop)--who also aspires to politics.

Whether or not Hilary Clinton could make dinner and hold an interview at the same time, we may never know.

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Hey Nick A. I'm all for people who are able to make dinner and be interviewed, hold a conversation at the same time. That is some powerful multi-tasking, no doubt. I am being serious, believe it or not. I myself often concentrate on the food I am preparing and am not one for making conversation at the same time. I admire the quality of successful multi-tasking in a person who can do both.

But does this make one politcally qualified? I agree that food is a political issue, but not exactly in this way of being able to prepare dinner and be interviewed at the same time. I'm not real clear on what this kind of ability represents in a politician, or how it is helpful. I could go out on a limb and suggest that the image of Palin making dinner while being interviewed is a powerful symbol for a domestic woman--perhaps one who knows her place? (remember that she and John McCain rarely spoke, and you may recall the clip of McCain and Palin sitting next to each other with Katie Couric, in what supposedly was Palin's interview, both looking ever-so-slightly uncomfortable. To my mind, that image clearly demonstrated what Palin was to the McCain campaign: a prop)--who also aspires to politics.

Whether or not Hilary Clinton could make dinner and hold an interview at the same time, we may never know.


You seem to have accepted the plastic politician and its associated corruption as the necessary norm.

Sarah is both attractive and repulsive to many because she is genuine. That is why she can slice vegetables and talk politics at the same time. She is being truthful. As much as we complain about corrupt politics we accept it as the better alternative to being truthful.

Yes she knows her place but who decided it: her or the "Great Beast?" She did and that is the big difference. Such a woman that introduces values to plastic politics is a threat and must be destroyed for the sake of continued business as usual.
How bloody sexist! Why do you hate America?

As the article says: "Nothing wrapped in nothing, stuffed with nothing."

I think what this indicates is the same quaity the made Palin attractive to some: her rank amateurishness, which some translated into genuineness. I could appreciate that about her though would never vote for the lady for any office. The irony of course is for her to have any possible future political relevance on a national stage she will have to become much more knowledgeable about the issues and the political process itself. The trick then would be for her to still look like an amateur and not at the same time in order to tap into the basis for some of her initial appeal. earl
I think what this indicates is the same quaity the made Palin attractive to some: her rank amateurishness, which some translated into genuineness.
I disagree, Earl. Her rank amateurishness became apparent only after some interviews. Before that, she came across as a well trained attack dog.
I think what this indicates is the same quaity the made Palin attractive to some: her rank amateurishness, which some translated into genuineness. I could appreciate that about her though would never vote for the lady for any office. The irony of course is for her to have any possible future political relevance on a national stage she will have to become much more knowledgeable about the issues and the political process itself. The trick then would be for her to still look like an amateur and not at the same time in order to tap into the basis for some of her initial appeal. earl

The basic difference between us. You demand the plastic politician with knowledge of facts. I back those with character; the human attribute that allows facts to be put into a healthy perspective.

A person can easily learn facts. Character as an aspect of human perspective is hard to learn and requires a need to do so which contradicts the political mind.

Stick with your plastic politicians armed with talking points. I'll continue to respect the minority with character that has the potential to put facts into a healthy perspective that the country can truly benefit from.
The basic difference between us. You demand the plastic politician with knowledge of facts. I back those with character; the human attribute that allows facts to be put into a healthy perspective.

A person can easily learn facts. Character as an aspect of human perspective is hard to learn and requires a need to do so which contradicts the political mind.

Stick with your plastic politicians armed with talking points. I'll continue to respect the minority with character that has the potential to put facts into a healthy perspective that the country can truly benefit from.
Constantly amazed that you presume to know what I look for in anything. If given the choice of paper or plastic, I choose paper.:) OK, Nick, since you're certain you know what's in my mind, pick a number between 1 and 10.:p earl
Constantly amazed that you presume to know what I look for in anything. If given the choice of paper or plastic, I choose paper.:) OK, Nick, since you're certain you know what's in my mind, pick a number between 1 and 10.:p earl

Why should it surprise you when you make it obvious?

I think what this indicates is the same quaity the made Palin attractive to some: her rank amateurishness, which some translated into genuineness. I could appreciate that about her though would never vote for the lady for any office.

You believe you know what genuineness and amateurishness is. I would suggest that before doing that you'll have to resign from the choir.
Why should it surprise you when you make it obvious?

You believe you know what genuineness and amateurishness is. I would suggest that before doing that you'll have to resign from the choir.
This is what I'm taling about Nick-you always read into something whatever your preconceived notions are regardless of whether they fit the facts-I actually said I could appreciate her amateurishness. So, Nick at least think about what somebody actually said before you post a reply, OK. earl
This is what I'm taling about Nick-you always read into something whatever your preconceived notions are regardless of whether they fit the facts-I actually said I could appreciate her amateurishness. So, Nick at least think about what somebody actually said before you post a reply, OK. earl

You wrote:

I think what this indicates is the same quaity the made Palin attractive to some: her rank amateurishness, which some translated into genuineness. I could appreciate that about her though would never vote for the lady for any office.

But what good is your appreciation if it isn't worth a vote for any office? This reads like you appreciate the dumb blondes which is fine. Heck, Bill Clinton appreciated Monica this way. A lot of men do so as to get their way with them. I appreciate Sarah as more and with a quality of character that is worth a vote for office.

When you write these things what else is a person supposed to think?
You wrote:

But what good is your appreciation if it isn't worth a vote for any office? This reads like you appreciate the dumb blondes which is fine. Heck, Bill Clinton appreciated Monica this way. A lot of men do so as to get their way with them. I appreciate Sarah as more and with a quality of character that is worth a vote for office.

When you write these things what else is a person supposed to think?
I vote for folks based on their policy positions by and large. I don't agree with many of her views. earl
I vote for folks based on their policy positions by and large. I don't agree with many of her views. earl

So " rank amateurishness" that makes her unqualified for any office is defined by policy positions different from yours. You don't see this as typical liberal snobbishness?
So " rank amateurishness" that makes her unqualified for any office is defined by policy positions different from yours. You don't see this as typical liberal snobbishness?
This is yet another of your many examples of putting words into somebody else's mouth-clearly that is not what I said. This is what makes it tedious to dialogue with you Nick. In fact, until you knock off that annoying habit, I will not dialogue with you further about anything. earl
This is yet another of your many examples of putting words into somebody else's mouth-clearly that is not what I said. This is what makes it tedious to dialogue with you Nick. In fact, until you knock off that annoying habit, I will not dialogue with you further about anything. earl

Do what you will; it is not the issue. I like to understand Sarah from the antagonism of the liberal mindset and you've helped me to do so.. You are so intent on saying what appears to be politically correct, you don't bother to see if it makes any sense.

The liberal mindset has this annoying idea that it is right and there is something ignorant and or amateurish about those that don't admit it. You are so convinced you are right that you have no idea how snobbish it appears. It is your way; not mine.
The liberal mindset has this annoying idea that it is right and there is something ignorant and or amateurish about those that don't admit it. You are so convinced you are right that you have no idea how snobbish it appears. It is your way; not mine.

Are you sure? And are you not convinced that you are also right?
Are you sure? And are you not convinced that you are also right?

There is nothing wrong in believing you are right. The problem is the attitude towards those you disagree with. I've noticed that liberals have a very condescending attitude towards those they disagree with.

Earl tells me that "I think what this indicates is the same quaity the made Palin attractive to some: her rank amateurishness, which some translated into genuineness. I could appreciate that about her though would never vote for the lady for any office."

OK so the successful governor of Alaska demonstrates rank amateurishness and unqualified to be governor. When asked about the value of such appreciation I learn

I vote for folks based on their policy positions by and large. I don't agree with many of her views. earl.

What else can it mean but her rank amateurishness is revealed by not having Earl's views?

It is one thing to believe you are right and quite another to assume those that disagree are rank amateurs. They may actually be aware of something the liberal is not.

I've noticed this liberal mindset to take the position that the ignorant will come to see their errors once it is explained properly by the liberals. As part of the great unwashed, I don't buy it.