

Reaction score
Heres the link


Heres my score.

Quiz: What's Your Spiritual Type?


You scored 63, on a scale of 25 to 100. Here's how to interpret your score:

25 - 29

Hardcore Skeptic -- but interested or you wouldn't be here!
30 - 39

Spiritual Dabbler -- Open to spiritual matters but far from impressed
40 - 49

Active Spiritual Seeker ? Spiritual but turned off by organized religion
50 - 59

Spiritual Straddler ? One foot in traditional religion, one foot in free-form spirituality
60 - 69

Old-fashioned Seeker -- Happy with my religion but searching for the right expression of it
70 - 79

Questioning Believer ? You have doubts about the particulars but not the Big Stuff
80 - 89

Confident Believer ? You have little doubt you?ve found the right path
90 - 100

Candidate for Clergy
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I'm a sucker for quizzes so I thought I'd have a bash but I'm afraid I found the questions so simplistic and limiting that if I went ahead and answered them I wouldn't be giving genuine responses which could only lead to a meaningless answer.... so I opted out.

sorry :eek:


I'm a sucker for quizzes so I thought I'd have a bash but I'm afraid I found the questions so simplistic and limiting that if I went ahead and answered them I wouldn't be giving genuine responses which could only lead to a meaningless answer.... so I opted out.

sorry :eek:


Thats ok..I forgive you this time...But next time...ohhhh next time....
(Shakes fist like an old man)...:D
I feel like putting inappropriate questions here! Each time "my" answer is missing, I put "my" answer as number 5. (in the quiz, I nonetheless answered one of the four... but it is false in my view.)

Q1. I believe that God:
1. Exists and intervenes in daily events
2. Exists but does not intervene in daily events
3. Is a spiritual ideal, not an actual being
4. Does not exist

5: exists (is) and is pervading all.

Q5. I believe that the universe we observe:
1. Is natural in origin, but has higher spiritual aspects
2. Was created supernaturally
3. Is completely natural and has no higher aspect
4. Was created under divine guidance, but using natural physics

5. Is (one of?) the manifestation(s) of the Divine, so creating itself and being created all at once and permanently.

Q8. Evil is present in the world because:
1. Of human failings; evil has no supernatural component
2. God or a Higher Power wishes to test people
3. It is impossible to have free will without evil
4. Humanity is sinful by nature

5. there are several reasons, it is by ignorance and it is limited vision.

Q10. I believe that the Devil or demons:
1. Exist and are active on Earth, working to corrupt men and women
2. Exist in the form of temptation to sin, not as specific beings
3. Do not exist
4. Exist but only in the supernatural realm, not in this life

5: just do not know enough about them:rolleyes:, but none of the four answers are right it seems: I think they exist in form of energies, may take form as spirits, but I may be wrong.

Q11. If I had to categorize my own religious and spiritual beliefs, I would say they are:
1. Moderate; part of me is spiritual and part of me is skeptical
2. Agnostic, or hold no spiritual beliefs
3. Unshakable in my beliefs; I rarely experience doubt
4. Strongly committed to my faith, though sometimes I am troubled by unanswered questions

5: have no "doubts", but am constantly facing new questions and new experiences.

Q21. I believe there is a spirit world:
1. Made up of angels
2. Made up of the souls of people who lived before
3. Made up of spirits different from us
4. There is no spirit world

5: made of spirits AND souls of people, which are the same. But not all spirits had been people.

Q25. Do you find the keys to spiritual fulfillment through:
1. Watching people treating each other well
2. Prayer
3. Worship services
4. Books, music, or nature

5. meditation/contemplation but also worship in everyday life, which includes answer 3 and answer 4!!! Life lived as a prayer mostly without words: so here I checked the 2nd.

I did not at all understand their results, as the extremes are sceptics and clergy, I had the extremes expected as to be "spiritual" vs "religious".

I got 74:
<<70 - 79
Questioning Believer - You have doubts about the particulars but not the Big Stuff>>

I have no doubts (only some questions which "answers" will reveal themselves in time, I think, as many had already been revealed), but the doubts were probably in those questions above!
I got active spiritual seeker. Found many of the questions very limiting.
I didn't take the test.

But I am a former Beliefnet member. I left because that site was AGONIZINGLY slow... like hit-a-link-and-wait-60-seconds-for-anything-to-happen slow.

So I wandered in the wilderness...for days...and found myself at this oasis. Pardon me while I *glug*... slake my... *gulp*... thirst. AAAAHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhh.

Yes! This is what a forum is supposed to taste like!
I didn't take the test.

But I am a former Beliefnet member. I left because that site was AGONIZINGLY slow... like hit-a-link-and-wait-60-seconds-for-anything-to-happen slow.

So I wandered in the wilderness...for days...and found myself at this oasis. Pardon me while I *glug*... slake my... *gulp*... thirst. AAAAHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhh.

Yes! This is what a forum is supposed to taste like!
Welcolme to IO, citizenzen. Watch out for the old farts:

now I've pooped my pants

I wondered what that smell was...
40-49 Active Spiritual Seeker: Spiritual but turned off by organized religion

Just like Buddha.