is it?

is it not true then that The Catholic Church teaches that every action designed to impede procreation “is intrinsically evil.” ?

and is it not true that Catholic dogma promotes the idea that each act of sexual intercourse between marriage mates must remain open to pregnancy.

or am i wrong in thinking that ?

of cause the bible does not teach those things at all,but i was just wondering if that was true of the catholic beliefs?

for me i like to stick to the bible ,and it would be up to the married couple if they used contraception or not, as long as it did not go against bible principles, such as aborting as the coil would do

"If there are serious reasons to space out births, reasons which derive
from the physical or psychological conditions of husband and wife, or from
external conditions, the Church teaches that it is morally permissible to
take into account the natural rhythms of human fertility and to have
coitus only during the infertile times in order to regulate conception
without offending the moral principles which have been recalled earlier"
(Humanae Vitae, 16).

Artificial birth control is unacceptable, but natural methods are fine. That is the teaching of the Catholic church. Again there are exceptions to the rule.

You know there is a passage in the Bible that goes to this, that you tend to ignore Mee:

"To everything there is a season,
a time for every purpose under the sun.
A time to be born and a time to die;
a time to plant and a time to pluck up that which is planted;
a time to kill and a time to heal ...
a time to weep and a time to laugh;
a time to mourn and a time to dance ...
a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing;
a time to lose and a time to seek;
a time to rend and a time to sew;
a time to keep silent and a time to speak;
a time to love and a time to hate;
a time for war and a time for peace."
ecclesiastes 3:1-8
Too bad you don't get it. For all your intelligence...
pardon my ignorance, mee, how does the "coil" assist (or whatever) in aborting?

conception happens before it gets to the womb , in the fallopian tube i think,so when it gets to the womb the coil would more than likely kill it. it is like mini abortions :eek:

The Intrauterine Device

Also called IUD, loop, or coil, this metal or plastic device is placed in the uterus. While there is uncertainty as to how it actually works, doctors believe that it prevents fertility in several ways. One of these ways probably is to prevent the fertilized egg from attaching itself to the wall of the womb.

advantages.... a reliable means of birth control.


Disadvantages....Sometimes results in bleeding or pain, and may SOMETIMES be abortive in its mode of operation.

how would a woman know if she had concieved or not, she could be having lots of mimi abortions ,:( just knowing that could be happening would rule it out for those who follow bible principles
I actually googled the iud/coil
it said that it mostly restricts the sperm from the egg, ie: not fertilization.

the coil is only in the womb not in the fallopian tube and conception happens before it gets to the womb . :(
the coil is not in the fallopian tube , the sperm and egg would get together before entering the womb ,and any sperm that made it up the fallopian tube would find an egg to get together with .

i also goggled it , and found the following at

Ectopic pregnancy

The IUD is very good at preventing normally located pregnancies – ie in the womb. So if a pregnancy does occur, there’s an above-average chance that it might be ectopic (outside the womb).
the bible does not say that contraception is wrong , but principles are involved when it comes to contraception ,in that some methods of birth control appear to be abortive.

Interesting, Mee. Previously you asserted that your viewpoint is entirely Biblical, and now it appears that you are reading into the Bible which, where I come from, is called Theology. Theology is inherently the teaching of man rather than God, because it comes out of the human mind rather than out of the word of God. So if the Bible does not say that contraception is wrong, and if contraception did exist during Biblical times (i.e. in the case of Onan), then this becomes an issue of faith.

For anyone, then, who feels that contraception is the equivalent of abortion and who feels that it goes against God's will, that person should not use contraception.

For anyone, then, who does not feel that using a condom is an act of sin, allow that one to go on making love to their husband or wife without trying to make them feel guilty.

Basically what Paul said about eating food sacrificed to idols, yeah? Mee, I'd like to commend the importance you place on the word of God. However, we should all be cautious and humble in our interpretation of that word, acknowledging the fact that our minds are small compared to God's, and our interpretations subject to that smallness.
conception happens before it gets to the womb , in the fallopian tube i think,so when it gets to the womb the coil would more than likely kill it. it is like mini abortions :eek:

The Intrauterine Device

Also called IUD, loop, or coil, this metal or plastic device is placed in the uterus. While there is uncertainty as to how it actually works, doctors believe that it prevents fertility in several ways. One of these ways probably is to prevent the fertilized egg from attaching itself to the wall of the womb.

advantages.... a reliable means of birth control.


Disadvantages....Sometimes results in bleeding or pain, and may SOMETIMES be abortive in its mode of operation.

how would a woman know if she had concieved or not, she could be having lots of mimi abortions ,:( just knowing that could be happening would rule it out for those who follow bible principles
Good thing you are not a doctor. A fallopian tube pregnancy assures the death of the fetus and the probable rendering of the woman infertile...
Quahom1;172421 Artificial birth control is unacceptable said:
OK thanks, just wanted to know
tell me, do you even know what the rhythm method is? Do you know your spouse and your cycles of fertility.

I knew my spouse's cycle like the back of my hand. That's why we had two kids, instead of ten. And there was no lack of intimacy in the mean time.
For anyone, then, who does not feel that using a condom is an act of sin, allow that one to go on making love to their husband or wife without trying to make them feel guilty.


I never mentioned the condom, i was talking about a coil , the coil is something different altogether, using a condom is not destroying a life that already exists, but the coil could be doing that.

its about respect for the life that HAS BEEN conceived.

as far as i can tell the condom would not be wrong at all:)
for a christian

respect for life comes into the picture when considering the question of using an IUD. The fact is that at present no man can state with absolute certainty whether the IUD does prevent conception from occurring.

There is mounting evidence, instead, that with an IUD in place conception can or does take place and that the product of conception is prevented from developing normally into a child.

The sincere Christian concerned about the propriety of using an IUD should seriously weigh such information in the light of a Bible-based respect for the sanctity of life.
Good thing you are not a doctor. A fallopian tube pregnancy assures the death of the fetus and the probable rendering of the woman infertile...

yes the ectopic pregnancy is not a good thing at all, it can and does make fertility problems afterwards.
even leaving a woman infertile:(
The Canadian Medical Association Journal says:
"Among pregnancies occurring with the IUD in place the spontaneous abortion rate is 41%, . . . In contrast, the rate among pregnancies in women without an IUD is 10% to 15%."​
Interesting, Mee. Previously you asserted that your viewpoint is entirely Biblical, quote]

Does the Bible condemn birth control? No, it does not.

The choice is left with the couple.

If a married couple decides to practice birth control, their choice of contraceptives is a personal matter.

However, the method of birth control a Christian couple chooses should be governed by a respect for the sanctity of life.

Since the Bible indicates that a person’s life begins at conception, Christians would avoid contraceptive methods that abort, or end the life of, the developing child