From the bible




  • Unprecedented warfare.—Matthew 24:7; Revelation 6:4
  • Famine.—Matthew 24:7; Revelation 6:5, 6, 8
  • Pestilences.—Luke 21:11; Revelation 6:8
  • Increasing lawlessness.—Matthew 24:12
  • Earthquakes.—Matthew 24:7
  • Critical times hard to deal with.—2 Timothy 3:1
  • Inordinate love of money.—2 Timothy 3:2
  • Disobedience to parents.—2 Timothy 3:2
  • A lack of natural affection.—2 Timothy 3:3
  • Loving pleasures rather than God.—2 Timothy 3:4
  • A lack of self-control.—2 Timothy 3:3
  • Without love of goodness.—2 Timothy 3:3
  • Taking no note of the impending danger.—Matthew 24:39
  • Ridiculers rejecting proof of the last days.—2 Peter 3:3, 4
  • Global preaching of God’s Kingdom.—Matthew 24:14
ITS ALL HAPPENING we are living in the last days , soon God will step in , then it will be the end of critical times hard to deal with.

SOON Critical times hard to deal with.—2 Timothy 3:1 will be gone

and this verse in 2 PETER 3;13 will be a reality

But there are new heavens and a new earth that we are awaiting according to his promise, and in these righteousness is to dwell.2 peter 3;13

heavens signify rulership, and earth refers to the earthly society of people , the NEW RULING POWER is GODS KINGDOM that will step into the affairs of man
Daniel 2;44

And the NEW EARTH is the new earthly society of people who are all WLLING to be ruled by GODS KINGDOM.


"Happy are the mild-tempered ones, since they will inherit the earth. matthew 5;5

But the meek ones themselves will possess the earth,
And they will indeed find their exquisite delight in the abundance of peace.
psalm 37;11​

The righteous themselves will possess the earth,
And they will reside forever upon it.
psalm 37;29​

"Understand, O son of man, that the vision is for the time of the end."DANIEL 8:17.
JEHOVAH does not keep knowledge of future events to himself. Rather, he is the Revealer of secrets. In fact, he wants all of us to know that we are deep in "the time of the end."

What vital news that is :) the end of critical times are on the horizon:)

ITS ALL HAPPENING we are living in the last days , soon God will step in , then it will be the end of critical times hard to deal with.

Umm, sorry to go over this again, BUT
These "indicators" are not exclusive to this generation or the last 50 for that matter........ They are unfortunately indicators of man/womankind.
ancient times.........
Umm, sorry to go over this again, BUT
These "indicators" are not exclusive to this generation or the last 50 for that matter........ They are unfortunately indicators of man/womankind.
ancient times.........
:) no worries its ok to go over these things again

make no mistake the signs of the times are upon us.

Jesus’ disciples asked him for "the sign" of his future "presence" in Kingdom power.

In reply, he gave a composite sign made up of various features, including unparalleled wars, great earthquakes, food shortages, and earth-wide preaching about God’s established heavenly Kingdom.—Matthew 24:3-14.

Do you recognize the sign of Christ’s presence as invisible heavenly King?

Its features are being fulfilled since 1914(Matthew 24:34)

And what of the future? The Bible not only reveals that the end of this system of things is at hand but also forecasts God’s promised new day that is soon to dawn clear and bright for mankind.—2 Peter 3:13.

yes 1914 was the start of that composite
sign and the first thing Jesus mentioned was , in matthew 24 ;7 the first time that whole nations were involved in global war was 1914 the GREAT WAR, that was the beginning of pangs of distress, yes there have always been wars in the earth ,but 1914 was the FIRST WORLD WAR
From the bible

Do you believe the Bible’s promises?

The Bible foretold that many would not.

It states: “In the last days there will come ridiculers . . . proceeding according to their own desires and saying: ‘Where is this promised presence of his? Why, from the day our forefathers fell asleep in death, all things are continuing exactly as from creation’s beginning.’” (2 Peter 3:3, 4)

But such scoffers are greatly mistaken. Consider just four reasons why you can believe what the Bible says:
(1) God has intervened in earth’s affairs in the past. The Flood of Noah’s day is an outstanding example.—2 Peter 3:5-7.

(2) God’s Word accurately predicted current global conditions.

(3) All things are not “continuing exactly as from creation’s beginning.” On a scale unprecedented in history, our planet suffers from social, moral, and environmental degradation.

(4) The “good news of the kingdom” is now being preached throughout the earth, signaling that “the end will come” soon.—Matthew 24:14.
you can learn more about the hope of everlasting life under the rule of God’s Kingdom. (John 17:3)

Yes, a wonderful future awaits mankind. The very best of times lies just ahead!

Will you be a part of this future?
mee is it possible I mean even remotely possible that Jehovah Witnesses interpretation of the Bible is not 100% correct ?
mee is it possible I mean even remotely possible that Jehovah Witnesses interpretation of the Bible is not 100% correct ?

I love the fact that it is progressive , in the light of bible prophecy.

and it comforts people with the GOODNEWS that Gods kingdom which is a real goverment in heaven, will soon bring an end to all wickedness and transform the earth
into a paradise

and they honor Jehovah God , the supreme ruler of the universe.

And they promote faith in Jesus Christ,who died so that we might gain everlasting life and who is now ruling as king of Gods kingdom.

yes its all about progression inline with the bible and what it REALLY teaches
I love the fact that it is progressive , in the light of bible prophecy.

and it comforts people with the GOODNEWS that Gods kingdom which is a real goverment in heaven, will soon bring an end to all wickedness and transform the earth
into a paradise

and they honor Jehovah God , the supreme ruler of the universe.

And they promote faith in Jesus Christ,who died so that we might gain everlasting life and who is now ruling as king of Gods kingdom.

yes its all about progression inline with the bible and what it REALLY teaches

mee you quoted, but did not answer my question.

ITS ALL HAPPENING we are living in the last days , soon God will step in , then it will be the end of critical times hard to deal with.

These things have been happening for thousands of years, and JW's have been preaching the imminent end of the world for over a century. There are no signs of anything imminent anytime soon. :)
mee is it possible I mean even remotely possible that Jehovah Witnesses interpretation of the Bible is not 100% correct ?

I don't believe JW's are allowed to suggest anything other than 100%. However, every now and then the Watchtower makes changes, apparently. So the JW's will always claim to be 100% correct, even when they even prove themselves wrong. :)
I don't believe JW's are allowed to suggest anything other than 100%. However, every now and then the Watchtower makes changes, apparently. So the JW's will always claim to be 100% correct, even when they even prove themselves wrong. :)

well their theology is very tight and they seem to taught exactly what the Bible means in the JW tradition.

I seem to remember listening to a Bill Johnson Teaching and he said something along the lines of we need a loose theology, because God remains the same but the seasons change, or something like that :) and that we need presence not principles the presence of God that is :)
Even though I do not agree with mee's 'interpretation'. I do believe we are close. What do you think this is referring to in Isiah 30:25

25And there shall be upon every high mountain, and upon every high hill, rivers and streams of waters in the day of the great slaughter, when the towers fall.

I can go on but as usual, alot of people will be offended and besides...

Who has believed our message and to whom has the arm of the LORD been revealed? (Isiah 53:1)
and JW's have been preaching the imminent end of the world for :)

yes ,:)JEHOVAHS WITNESSES are the ones that have not fallen asleep to bible prophecy and chronology ,and they know just where we are in the stream of time

so rather than the end of the world , as you mentioned, it is what the bible REALLY teaches, which is the END of manmade goverments
Daniel 2;44

and the GOODNEWS about that kingdom, and its reigning king Jesus Christ, is what it is all about .

and it is certainly putting people on notice :)

yes it is quite clear to see just who are the ones making known about the GOODNEWS .

IT IS:) Jehovahs witnesses.

its all happening in this the last days

matthew 24;14
And this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come.

We certainly are living in a conclusion of a system of things.

in with the new and out with the old.

the NEW HEAVENS(rulership) and the NEW EARTH (earthly society of people)
is what it is all about. 2 PETER 3;13

that new heavenly goverment has all been setup (in 1914) daniel 2;44
and is now well established, with JESUS as a reigning king , and he has been given great aurthority , daniel 7;13-14
And that GREAT CROWD of numberless people , are being gathered to go through the GREAT TRIBULATION REVELATION 7;14

yes JEHOVAHS WITNESSES are the ones doing the will of God .

And they all have their symbolic palm branches in clear view revelation 7;9-10

Even though I do not agree with mee's 'interpretation'. I do believe we are close. What do you think this is referring to in Isiah 30:25

25And there shall be upon every high mountain, and upon every high hill, rivers and streams of waters in the day of the great slaughter, when the towers fall.

I can go on but as usual, alot of people will be offended and besides...

Who has believed our message and to whom has the arm of the LORD been revealed? (Isiah 53:1)

yes indeed :) responsive ones will enjoy wonderful blessings.


And it is a restoration prophecy not only right now in a spiritual way, for responsive ones, but it will be litral blessings in the future also .

Many other Hebrew Scripture prophecies also find fulfillment in Jesus, his Kingdom, and the good things that the Kingdom will accomplish in the future.

wow thats amazing so the JW have never been wrong about anything and have all the answers :rolleyes:. wow.

if that was the case there would be no progression :)

Jehovahs witnesses are progressive Bible students. and it is all very good

Why does the ‘faithful slave’ class have such insight? matthew 24;45-47

Because they have made God’s Word their earnest concern and they follow its direction.

Furthermore, because they have submitted to Jehovah’s direction, he has put his spirit upon them, using them in harmony with his purpose. (Luke 12:43, 44; Acts 5:32)

As the inspired psalmist long ago wrote: “More insight than all my teachers I have come to have, because your reminders are a concern to me.”—Psalm 119:99.

yes the faithful ones,
the faithful and discreet slave ,has always said
Apply what is written in the Bible. Trust in Jehovah.’ (Psalm 119:105; Proverbs 3:5, 6)

thats why they are given insight
if that was the case there would be no progression :)

Jehovahs witnesses are progressive Bible students. and it is all very good

Why does the ‘faithful slave’ class have such insight? matthew 24;45-47

Because they have made God’s Word their earnest concern and they follow its direction.

Furthermore, because they have submitted to Jehovah’s direction, he has put his spirit upon them, using them in harmony with his purpose. (Luke 12:43, 44; Acts 5:32)

As the inspired psalmist long ago wrote: “More insight than all my teachers I have come to have, because your reminders are a concern to me.”—Psalm 119:99.

yes the faithful ones,
the faithful and discreet slave ,has always said
Apply what is written in the Bible. Trust in Jehovah.’ (Psalm 119:105; Proverbs 3:5, 6)

thats why they are given insight

but are they ever wrong ?

A. Yes
B. No

its a simple question with a yes or no answer, so can you answer it ?

if it makes you uncomfortable and you would rather not, then just say so because thats ok :)
but are they ever wrong ?

A. Yes
B. No

its a simple question with a yes or no answer, so can you answer it ?

if it makes you uncomfortable and you would rather not, then just say so because thats ok :)

that light gets brighter and lighter with each passing day and it feels real comfortable.

for faithful ones

Increased Light Means Further Improvements

Jehovah is also progressively illuminating the path of his people doctrinally.

as an example

For years, the Bible Students had known that the great multitude, or the “great crowd,” spoken of at Revelation 7:9-17 was different from the 144,000, who would rule with Christ as kings and priests. (Revelation 5:9, 10; 14:1-5) However, the identity of the great multitude remained unclear.

Just as increasing morning light causes otherwise obscure objects to take on shape and color, in 1935 the great multitude was identified as those who survive “the great tribulation,” with the prospect of living forever on earth.

Later in the same year came a clarification that affected school-age children of Jehovah’s Witnesses in a number of countries.

While patriotic fervor was running high the world over, in the 1930s , the Witnesses recognized that saluting the flag is much more than a mere formalism.

In the following year, another doctrinal truth, that Christ died on a stake, not a cross, was explained.—Acts 10:39.

of cause tthose are only a small sample of the blessings that JEHOVAH gives

Having the right attitude is the key. Refusing to accept a refinement is to be left behind as Jehovahs organization moves ahead.

yes that light is getting brighter and lighter all the time , wonder what the next flash of light will bring :)

In addition to the organizational and doctrinal refinements, there have been refinements with regard to Christian conduct.

For example, in 1973 the use of tobacco was seen as a “defilement of flesh” and was to be viewed as serious wrongdoing. (2 Corinthians 7:1)

A decade later, the July 15, 1983, issue of The Watchtower clarified our position on the use of firearms. These are just some examples of the increasing light in our time.

and it is real good and benifical to us

so i will say yes yes and yes:)
bring it on i say
