Foriegn + Indie Movies - (The Anti-Hollywood Thread)


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If there are any subtitle fanatics here,
please let me know of some good titles.
Independent flicks would also be appreciated,
especially ones you can actually find on the

Some must see ones I have seen recently,
all of these movies have won many international awards:

Turtles Can Fly - "Tortugas Vuelan" - Iraq
First Iraqi movie made post war.
Absolutley amazing film. Follows the story of
Kurdish kids who make a living in a refugee camp
collecting and selling mines....

Intimate Enemies - "L' Ennemi Intime" - France
Its about the war of Algeria's independence.
A characteristic example of the stylishness of
French cinematography... if you've seen
"Brotherhood of the Wolf", then you know what
I'm talking about.

Infernal Affairs - (original Hong Kong version of
Scorcese's "Departed") Actually, I saw Infernal Affairs II,
which is a prequel to the events in The Departed, downloading
infernal affairs I and III right now.

Mongol - Russian
Beautiful movie made in Mongolia
about the rise of Gengis Khan.

There are a lot of Brazilian, and Mexican movies that came out
a couple of years ago. You have probaly all seen City of God,
and City of Men (Brazil)... An excellent Mexican movie is
Amores Perros, by the guy who made Babel and Traffic...

I am downloading La Haine, a French movie right now.
supposed to be very good. Its about 3 friends in a Paris slum
I think its about the riots, not sure.

And watch The Kite Runner, its about afganistan, actually a
British movie but it the actors and the language
is Afgani. Awsome flick.

There is one movie which I can not find... I saw it a long time ago,
if someone remembers the name please post it here. Its about
the Bosnian war... two soldiers from opposing sides, I think one
serb, and one muslim get trapped together in a trench... if anyone
has seen this please post its title.


Most of these can be found as torrents on The Pirate Bay - The world's largest BitTorrent tracker
just make sure you get the right subtitled version.
OMG, I loved Brotherhood of the Wolf. (actually, so did my boys...)
c0de, check out KungFu Hustle........ Its a scream and beautifully filmed..... (trust me, Im a mother.... LOL)
Just buy it man, its sooooo worth it..... you just have to "put up" with the "cheesiness" for a bit, it gets better......

"buy".... movies? You mean like... with "money"?... from a "store" ?? :confused:

I am sorry Grey... I am unfamiliar with these concepts.
Well code, if its this one, get it at all cost (even if you have to pay for it ... I know, sounds weri undesi :D).

Also, do take a look at Kung Fu Soccer, same concept, same team, a lot more chineseness, & yea..... the girl (zhao wei) is prettier.
Lila dit ca (french), a very wierd love triangle between a french born algerian, his friend, & a french teenage girl.
Grey + Farhan

a lot more chineseness, & yea..... the girl (zhao wei) is prettier.
Zhao Wei??? more like Zhao WoW man !!! :eek:
Looks like zhang ziyi has some serious competition.

btw, I didnt find many seeds for a torrent, guess im
actually gonna have to go inside a real ... "movie store" ???
is that what they call it?


A few more movies came to mind:

Waltz with Bashir - Israel. This one just got released,
its raising a lot of critcal acclaim and controversy in Israel.
Its about the Sabra and Shetila massacres in Lebannon in '82.
Its animated btw. Have been trying to find a copy but so far
have been unsuccessful. Playing in film festivals so far.

Trailer: >>>

Half Nelson - Indie movie

West Beirut -

some of my personal favourites...

Spring, summer, autumn, winter…and spring.




House of flying daggers.

Crouching tiger, hidden dragon.


Pan's labyrinth.


some of my personal favourites...

Spring, summer, autumn, winter…and spring.




House of flying daggers.

Crouching tiger, hidden dragon.


Pan's labyrinth.


Thats a great selection, ive seen most of em.

Downloading Spring, summer, autumn, winter…and spring right now.

A couple of other great korean movies: Old Boy, The Host, and... cant remember the title name... about the Korean War... two brothers get separated, one joins the North Korean army and the other the South Korean army... great flick.
Thats a great selection, ive seen most of em.

A man of fine taste then. :D

Downloading Spring, summer, autumn, winter…and spring right now.

Hope you find it enjoyable. :)

A couple of other great korean movies: Old Boy, The Host, and... cant remember the title name... about the Korean War... two brothers get separated, one joins the North Korean army and the other the South Korean army... great flick.

This site any help? -

The Internet Movie Database (IMDb)

The orphanage, (french ? film)
Very well done, scarey, interesting... all good

I agree, that was a good one.

Also, just saw La Haine (Hate), a French movie
I think I mentioned earlier, finally got around to watching it.
its about the 1995 riots in Paris, and follows the story of
three friends, a Jew, an Arab and a Black dude.