Give up AC to save future generations?


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Give up AC to save future generations?

I am inclined to think that each human generation must consider itself as the steward of the earth and therefore must make available to the succeeding generations an inheritance undiminished to that received.

In this context what does "careful and responsible management" mean? I would say that there are two things that must be begun to make the whole process feasible. The first is that the public must be convinced that it is a responsible caretaker and not an owner and secondly the public must be provided with an acceptable standard whereby it can judge how each major issue affects the accomplishment of the overall task. This is an ongoing forever responsibility for every nation but for the purpose of discussion I am going to speak about it as localized to the US.

Selfishness and greed are fundamental components of human nature. How does a nation cause its people to temper this nature when the payoff goes not to the generation presently in charge but to generations yet to come in the very distant future? Generations too far removed to be encompassed by the evolved biological impulse to care for ones kin.

How is it possible to cause a man or woman to have the same concern for a generation five times removed as that man or woman has for their own progeny? I suspect it is not possible, but it does seem to me to be necessary to accomplish the task of stewardship.

Would it be possible to cause the American people to reject completely the use of air-conditioning so that generations five times removed could survive? Is it possible to create in a person a rational response strong enough to overcome the culturally developed nature of greed and selfishness? The motivation force must be instinctually based, i.e. based upon moral instinct honed through reason in the form of a science of morality.

I claim that a compelling sense of stewardship must come through a comprehension of the science of morality (yet to be developed).
Great article Dauer, very interesting reading. But the truth is, many people can live without using that summertime energy even if it is more efficient than heating. Actually, the article is a little bit of a non sequiter in that regard.

Further, if we apply the logic of the other articles on buying used cars because of the carbon released in the manufacture of hybrids to the AC issue, we could say that the production of AC equipment, including the new R410a refrigerant causes a huge amount of carbon to be released.

In addition, are they including the energy used by the indoor blower as well as the condensing unit? The cost of the 25ft or more of copper piping, the use of PVC for condensate drainage?
I think it's a little more involved than the article seems to imply.
I couldnt get the "articles" up on my computer, but heres a few tips of my own... Yes I have an airconditioner, in summer here, i need it. I recently renovated, did some research and was going to replace all my windows which are the old fashioned sash type, with lourve windows. Now, here in Australia it used to be the "norm" for people to have Lourve windows everywhere and then sometime (70s i think) these were more or less replaced with sliding aluminium etc. Louvre windows allow for maximum ventilation which , here is a good thing. However, the down side to this is that the manufacturers have realized that people want togo "green" and now the Lourve windows have increased so much in price , its just not economical. (more than 3 times the price of regualr window).
Oh, and heres another gem......... string up a clothes line, use the sun to dry your clothes. Only use the dryer when it rains (or snows).
Just a thought.
There was a wired article that dealt with green myths. Let me see if I can dig it up online. This is the main article:

Inconvenient Truths: Get Ready to Rethink What It Means to Be Green

and this is the bit about AC's which tries to debunk the idea that an AC should be a symbol of wasted energy:

Air-Conditioning Actually Emits Less C02 Than Heating

AC was just one example of what sacrifices that must be considered by a person who seeks to act in a moral fashion about what we owe to future generations.

One of the things that I liked about the article is that it challenged some of the bottom-line thinking on sustainability. I do agree that it's not a terribly in-depth assessment of the issue and I think that it would be good for people who can do without to do without.


AC was just one example of what sacrifices that must be considered by a person who seeks to act in a moral fashion about what we owe to future generations.

Ah okay. That makes more sense then.

-- Dauer
I dont know about anywhere else... but people die in Texas without AC in the summertime. young AND old. They dont build the houses the same anymore and with it being so over built the wind doesnt blow over the prairie like it used to.. it gets stopped by all the high rises and houses. lol

I really dont think I would survive without it. Getting in the car and feeling like your in an oven... makes me really sick and I get migraines really bad.

Now heating I could do without... Its easier to put on layers than to take them off.
Yeah, I've been to Texas, AC isn't an option:)
Here in Colorado you can do without it, and swamp coolers work very well.
But like Colberst says, it's about what you can do without, what you can sacrifice. I ride a motorcycle whenever I don't have to use my work truck.