Designing a New Religion


Soul Adventurer
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Considering that all major religions predict the end of an era and the coming of a new prophet and further considering that we are fast approaching the ultimate carrying capacity of the Earth it seems reasonable to me that a major new religion or philosophy could very well be on the horizon.

If you were charged by God, the Universe, the people, the Illuminati or who/whatever to design a new religion for the whole Earth and all of mankind taking into account modern scientific knowledge and comparative religious study what would your new religion look like?

Would your religion have one God, many Gods or no God at all?

And what about rituals and institutions? Would there baptism, monastic communities, etc.? Should there be priests or religious professionals?

And what about things like marriage? Same sex marriage? Polygamy? Monogamy?

Should there be any religious articles such as rosaries, the Mormon's undergarments, the Sikh's combs and daggers?

Any dietary restrictions?

I have some ideas myself that draws from Buddhism, Christianity, Mormonism and Sikhism among others but I get fuzzy when it comes to how to draw lines around God and the Universe.
Hi TealLeaf,
Maybe the discussion here
would be a good start.

Oh, will you just forget the Golden Rule for a moment? I'd rather go on an ego trip.:D

If you want a new religion, I reckon I could invent a dozen of them and watch its adherents make war with each other. I'd manipulate the circumstances and somehow get rich from the conflicts.

I wouldn't be the "official founders" of the religions I create. Rather, I'd be some ghostwriter selling manifestos at a good price for anyone who's got the money.

Basically, it's where I put religions out for sale for people to buy. I come up with the great ideas and make money selling them. Then I flee the city as the cult takes hold and go somewhere else . . .

Nobody will ever know it was me. Mwhahahahaha . . . .:D:D:D

I would pretend to work for their founders. But really, I work for nobody but myself. Because I invented these religions, I know how to assimilate and blend in. I can masquerade as a follower of hundreds of religions.

At some point I will be able to settle down for an easy life doing my own thing, living out my days. Meanwhile, the world around me falls apart. Everybody else's life is a nightmare except for my own.

The only person I have to be afraid of, though, is God Himself.

If it was a computer game, I'd do it. Maybe not real life . . . :D

Even if God didn't exist, I imagine people would hate me if they found out. My perfect life would be shattered.

I guess then, it would be time to build an army of robots to fight off my enemies! It's bit like the I Am Legend movie. I'm at war with the world!

Oh boy . . . this keeps getting worse. So the people fight back, I build my army and they redouble their efforts to wipe me out. So there's an arms race and I end up being public enemy number one.

Oh boy . . . I think it would result in me turning into some kind of anti-christ. Watch me as I fight the world! The forces of good and evil are gathering for Armageddon and I am horrified to find out that I am Anti-Christ! No......!!!!!!!!!

I'm a good man . . . I just went down the wrong path . . . I didn't mean to . . . it was just an accident . . . the people forced me to do it.

I am thrown before God to answer for my crimes against humanity . . . I plead not guilty!

But anyway, I can't believe I just wrote this.:eek: It's the story of my turn toward the dark side.

Evil is just so . . . seductive. All I wanted was a taste of power . . .
Huh? :eek:

Wake up, Salty!!

Here, have some coffee:
Would your religion have one God, many Gods or no God at all?

There would be several Gods, they would all look like lizards but would be different colours depending on their rank.

And what about rituals and institutions? Would there baptism, monastic communities, etc.?
There would be baptism using water, as is traditional to denote cleansing. Monastic communities would be called newteries.

Should there be priests or religious professionals?
Yes and they shall be known by their crocodile shoes and bags.

And what about things like marriage? Same sex marriage? Polygamy? Monogamy?
Anything goes. One for spawn and all for spawn.

Should there be any religious articles such as rosaries, the Mormon's undergarments, the Sikh's combs and daggers?

Any dietary restrictions?
No tofu. It’s just evil.

I have some ideas myself that draws from Buddhism, Christianity, Mormonism and Sikhism among others but I get fuzzy when it comes to how to draw lines around God and the Universe.
Do we need another religion or philosophy? OK, let's hear it. I bet mine's better. Or more popular. Which is pretty much the same thing.

How about getting rid of all our concepts of God to begin with and replace it with only a sense of unknowing, a sense of wonder and awe at that which is.
Next we can stop making up arbitrary rules for others to follow.
Afterwards we can release all people from a sense of devotion motivated by fear, to be replace by a sense of doing good for it's own sake.
Considering that all major religions predict the end of an era and the coming of a new prophet and further considering that we are fast approaching the ultimate carrying capacity of the Earth it seems reasonable to me that a major new religion or philosophy could very well be on the horizon.

If you were charged by God, the Universe, the people, the Illuminati or who/whatever to design a new religion for the whole Earth and all of mankind taking into account modern scientific knowledge and comparative religious study what would your new religion look like?

Would your religion have one God, many Gods or no God at all?

And what about rituals and institutions? Would there baptism, monastic communities, etc.? Should there be priests or religious professionals?

And what about things like marriage? Same sex marriage? Polygamy? Monogamy?

Should there be any religious articles such as rosaries, the Mormon's undergarments, the Sikh's combs and daggers?

Any dietary restrictions?

I have some ideas myself that draws from Buddhism, Christianity, Mormonism and Sikhism among others but I get fuzzy when it comes to how to draw lines around God and the Universe.

I don't have to "design" a new religion as I already adhere to one, Baha'i Faith. Basically we also acknowledge

"Considering that all major religions predict the end of an era and the coming of a new prophet.." and believe Bab and Baha'u'llah have fulfilled this ...

Baha'is accept One God..the same God as believed in the major religions.

Baha'i Faith has few rituals other than those each believer performs daily such as ablutions and obligatory prayer... There is no professional clergy, monastics, baptism. Institutions are elected by the believers and there are some appointive positions that are limited in responsibility.

Marriage is monogamous and between males and females.

There are no special "religious articles"..Some use prayer beads but they are not required.

There are no dietary restrictions. Alcohol, drug consumption is forbidden unless prescribed by a doctor.

Generally Baha'is look for a future that is very optimistic with world peace and elimination of prejudice.

- Art:)
"Considering that all major religions predict the end of an era and the coming of a new prophet.." and believe Bab and Baha'u'llah have fulfilled this ...

Yeah, but in order to fulfill all those prophecies the Baha'is had to take a non-literal and non-linear view of time equating 2,000 stated years with twenty actual years and such. Then Baha'i doctrine states that there will be a new prophet in 1,000 stated years. With the speed at which cultural and technology are evolving and with the coming end of an era marked by peak oil and the Earth's maximum carrying capacity it is easy to argue that a new prophet could fulfill Baha'i prophecy at any time.

Baha'is accept One God..the same God as believed in the major religions.

I like the way you and other Baha'is brush aside Hindus, Buddhists and Sikhs as non-major religions. Where do you get off?

Marriage is monogamous and between males and females.

Wasn't the founder of the Baha'i religion a practicing polygamist?
TealLeaf wrote:

Yeah, but in order to fulfill all those prophecies the Baha'is had to take a non-literal and non-linear view of time equating 2,000 stated years with twenty actual years and such. Then Baha'i doctrine states that there will be a new prophet in 1,000 stated years. With the speed at which cultural and technology are evolving and with the coming end of an era marked by peak oil and the Earth's maximum carrying capacity it is easy to argue that a new prophet could fulfill Baha'i prophecy at any time.

My comment:

Thanks for your post tealeaf... You know I'm not really here to argue all I wanted to do was simply state the Baha'i position.

But in response to your post, the Baha'is believe though that a new Prophet or Manifestaion will appear "in no less than a thousand years" from the time this was revealed which was around 1871. So this could actually be more than a thousand years... There's nothing magical in our belief about a a thousdand years.. Since the principles of Baha'u'llah are still needed such as establsihing a world governemnt and an internatiopnal tribunal, a world auxiliary language with a universal educational system and establsihing the equality of men and women we still have a lot longer to go..

I like the way you and other Baha'is brush aside Hindus, Buddhists and Sikhs as non-major religions. Where do you get off?

My comment:

Whose brushing them aside? Baha'is acknowledge Hinduism and Buddhism as major religions. Baha'is are more numerous in India today than anywhere else in the world. While we really don't have any position per se on Sikhism we admire their good qulaities and are on pretty good terms with them.

Wasn't the founder of the Baha'i religion a practicing polygamist?

True, Baha'u'llah was raised in a Muslim society and had more than one wife.. The revelation on monogamy came after wards.. and was the standard for Baha'is in the time of Abdul-Baha. So Baha'is are monogamous.

Thanks for your post though.

- Art

I find it a bit rude of you to try to hijack this thread to essentially proselytize the Baha'i religion.

This thread is not about any extant religion. It is about creating a new religion.

I'd appreciate it if you would stick to the subject at hand.


PS- By the way your comment about "One God..the same God as believed in the major religions." either brushes aside Hinduism, Buddhism and Sikhism as not being major religions or it brushes aside their polytheistic beliefs in multiple Gods.
How about getting rid of all our concepts of God to begin with and replace it with only a sense of unknowing, a sense of wonder and awe at that which is.

I've considered that but I think for most people it wouldn't be enough for them. Not only do people want definitive answers but in times of trouble and uncertainty to inculcate a sense of wonder and awe could lead folks to panic and/or depression. After all there is a lot to be said for confidence even the ignorant confidence of inexperience and youth.

Next we can stop making up arbitrary rules for others to follow.

I'm not so sure all the rules are so arbitrary nor are they for others to follow.

On the first account you take a dietary restriction like the Jewish Kashrut where you're not supposed to eat pork. The rule seems arbitrary but if one considers that pork generally spoils faster than other meat and there was no refrigeration at the time it makes. Similarly with something like circumcision. It seemed to be the height of arbitrary but low and behold it helps prevent diseases like AIDS.

As for the rules being for others to follow I don't see it that way. I figure the rules are for us to follow. I suppose a religion like Islam seeks to impose its rules on others but that's not the kind of religion that I am thinking of.

Afterwards we can release all people from a sense of devotion motivated by fear, to be replace by a sense of doing good for it's own sake.

How do you define good? Feeding the hungry? Buying booze for an alcoholic? Distributing free birth control? Being a vigilante crime stopper?
I've considered that but I think for most people it wouldn't be enough for them. Not only do people want definitive answers but in times of trouble and uncertainty to inculcate a sense of wonder and awe could lead folks to panic and/or depression. After all there is a lot to be said for confidence even the ignorant confidence of inexperience and youth.
A love of the Truth would be more than enough to instill wonderment. :rolleyes:

I'm not so sure all the rules are so arbitrary nor are they for others to follow.
Everyone has their own individual hang-ups. Different cultures have their own cultural hang-ups. However, some hang-ups can be universal among humans, irregardless of culture. The rules should probably address the more universal hang ups. (Like having respect for life and individuals, and showing mercy to others.)

On the first account you take a dietary restriction like the Jewish Kashrut where you're not supposed to eat pork. The rule seems arbitrary but if one considers that pork generally spoils faster than other meat and there was no refrigeration at the time it makes. Similarly with something like circumcision. It seemed to be the height of arbitrary but low and behold it helps prevent diseases like AIDS.
Any rule should have a full, logical explanation behind it that clearly explains the need for the rule, and the benefit of following it. Otherwise, individual hang-ups will likely be projected onto others who do not have that particular hang-up.

As for the rules being for others to follow I don't see it that way. I figure the rules are for us to follow. I suppose a religion like Islam seeks to impose its rules on others but that's not the kind of religion that I am thinking of.
Projecting cultural hang-ups onto others can be problematic. Hence, the need for clear and logical explanations for the reasons behind the rules. Without that clear reasoning, people can become unreasonable when it comes to imposing rules.

How do you define good? Feeding the hungry? Buying booze for an alcoholic? Distributing free birth control? Being a vigilante crime stopper?
Have you been eating from that tree in the middle of the garden? ;)
I've considered that but I think for most people it wouldn't be enough for them. Not only do people want definitive answers but in times of trouble and uncertainty to inculcate a sense of wonder and awe could lead folks to panic and/or depression. After all there is a lot to be said for confidence even the ignorant confidence of inexperience and youth.

Yup, many need the security of their chosen mythology

I'm not so sure all the rules are so arbitrary nor are they for others to follow.
Most popular religions seek for others to follow their dictates. Ever hear of Focus On the Family? Why do you think there are so many religious organizations in politics?

On the first account you take a dietary restriction like the Jewish Kashrut where you're not supposed to eat pork. The rule seems arbitrary but if one considers that pork generally spoils faster than other meat and there was no refrigeration at the time it makes. Similarly with something like circumcision. It seemed to be the height of arbitrary but low and behold it helps prevent diseases like AIDS.
So why follow a rule if it is outdated?

As for the rules being for others to follow I don't see it that way. I figure the rules are for us to follow. I suppose a religion like Islam seeks to impose its rules on others but that's not the kind of religion that I am thinking of.
So we should all just fall in line eh?

How do you define good? Feeding the hungry? Buying booze for an alcoholic? Distributing free birth control? Being a vigilante crime stopper?

Well, your point is well taken, though a bit of a slippery slope. I was kinda going for a sunum bonum kind of thing here.
The point being that it is still pretty low on the moral development scale to be motivated by a reward/punishment model.
Tea leaf,

Let me also add my welcome to the Interfaith Forums.. I had no intention to hijack or proselytize your thread!

In friendship

- Art:)
I'd focus on providing false expectations for the poor, meek and weak. And at the same time some pats on the back for the greedy and successful. Whilst creating a comfortable space for those tossed out of other religions.

And I'd make it available in wii, psp, and whatever other electronic format in game form....
my rules

1.NO hitting each other,
2.Share with each other,
3.You break it, you bought it
4.Feed and water the animals first.
5.Respect the old, you hope to be there one day
6.children are precious but they still need "tweaking"
7.Look after each other like you are related, cos you are.
8.Money is only paper and you wipe your b-m with paper.
9.there IS someONE for everyone, dont stop looking til you find him/her. thankful and grateful that you are alive to be thankful and grateful.

that is the ten commandments of the GREY.
my rules

1.NO hitting each other,
2.Share with each other,
3.You break it, you bought it
4.Feed and water the animals first.
5.Respect the old, you hope to be there one day
6.children are precious but they still need "tweaking"
7.Look after each other like you are related, cos you are.
8.Money is only paper and you wipe your b-m with paper.
9.there IS someONE for everyone, dont stop looking til you find him/her. thankful and grateful that you are alive to be thankful and grateful.

that is the ten commandments of the GREY.