Casanova and Rasputin


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After alot of thought and research I think I've philosophically discovered an important process involved in the nature of attraction when it comes to relationships. Both Casanova and Rasputin were known for there promiscuity. (something that doesn't appeal to me as a heterosexual monogamist).

I often wondered how it was possible especially seeing pictures of Rasputin and not really looking like the attractive type how he managed to jump from women to women. And I finally think I cracked what this mystic was doing to entice or seduce women and I think the same was being done by Casanova. Both Casanova and Rasputin were priests also Casanova later turned to a freemason. I think the best aphrodisiac is philosophy, being an Alpha male for modern man today is all about philosophy rather then aggression.

Anyone got any takes on this before I expose what I figured out?
There is a thought in psychology that men are attracted visually, women are attracted mentally.

That said...if all it took was brains, why are the "good-looking" dumb guys used in all those Hollywood movies instead of the smart but ugly guys? Perhaps it is a stereotype, or perhaps it is feeding a stereotype...either way, what psychological science says doesn't jibe with the "female fantasy" magazines.
It doesn't take philosophy or looks. It takes a need for contact or conquest and a line of BS that will never end or a knowledge of statistics and probability.

All you need it the impetus, and the tools. The prospects are waiting.
Last year my granddad died. The phone rang I picked up the phone and the news was told to me. Within an instance the reality of what happened had hit me, I’m quite intuitive when it comes to realising when things happen. Instead of asking questions I just started to cry over the phone and hung up, sat down and let the emotional turmoil unfold. Weeks went by, I thought I was feeling better but then the nightmares came, my Granddad was appearing in unpleasant dreams of mine.

Months later my second granddad died, only this time my reaction was one of brief sadness and disappointment. I didn’t experience the same kind of grieving as I did with the first granddad. This made me feel guilty so I was asking myself why. I theorised that going through grieving with my first granddad I was becoming emotionally numb but then I soon realised it was because the second granddad had lived in Cyprus while I lived all my life in the UK. I only ever got to see him on holidays. So it was because I was emotionally attached on a high level that I reacted the way I did with my first granddad.

Then I started to ask why do we grieve? As amazing as humans are, we are still animals. Grieving is the minds natural reaction that is very easily triggered off to a loss, it could be a loss of any kind, especially ones that we are emotionally invested in. This is evolutions only remedy for not losing that specific or similar thing again. Grieving is natures way to correct the mind so the loss does not reoccur. I think grieving is a mystical experience, that is one of the things which makes humans so amazing. In my opinion grieving can even be turned into an art form. In Cyprus there even was and sometimes still done a tradition of employing professional mourners at funerals which sulk for the death.

As for Casanova and Rasputin, I think they mastered the art of falling in love (investing/activating there own pair bonds whatever your want to call it) in women and then after not getting what they want tripping the grieving process in there mind. If you fine tune this process it is a very effective method of controlling your frame over the women you pursiut. Women’s emotional circuitry are designed slightly different and are very more intuitive, the grieving in a man creates higher value in her intuition, as mens value increases his attraction for her falls from his successful conquest, if done properly. Only problem is when some men grieve over love, it can have consequences as making them love shy, turn them abusive, nervous breakdown, suicide or pervert there natural sexual orientation to homosexuals.
Yep I absolutely do not believe in homosexuality in the slightest. I have no doubt of there equality and human rights. But I have no doubt that they are sexually perverted.

From an evolutionary perspective homosexuals shouldn’t exist. Because they can't pass there genes on.
Yep I absolutely do not believe in homosexuality in the slightest. I have no doubt of there equality and human rights. But I have no doubt that they are sexually perverted.

From an evolutionary perspective homosexuals shouldn’t exist. Because they can't pass there genes on.
I would think one with your thought process in this regard would be glad they couldn't pass their genes on.

When did you decide to become heterosexual?

All those I know had an attraction at an early age, never were attracted to the opposite sex, but were very attracted to their sex and often were embarrassed about it and suppressed it for years.

As for the other I believe it isn't that they become homosexual, but bisexuality is a part of many who are overly sexual, ie multiple partners, orgies, biseuxality just becomes part of the mix...hard to avoid the own sex or who is doing what to who when you are in the middle of a pile of slithering bodies.
It’s all an unhealthy sexual orientation. Theres a reason they call heterosexuals straight. Because of promiscuity in general and homosexuality the world is dieing from sexuality transmitted diseases. Where were these diseases hundreds, even millions of years ago? Because of the massive population expansion that humans are not designed to live in, greed gets the better of them. I can't understand lesbians either everything about a women is designed for selecting a healthy male, the way she thinks and acts are all geared up for finding one male partner. What a waste of internal and external organs.

How do you get identical twins that one is a homosexual and the other isn't? Theres countless cases of this.
How do you get identical twins that one is a homosexual and the other isn't? Theres countless cases of this.
Name a couple of these countless cases and read the files. How many gay people have you discussed this with. Having an open discussion seeking to understand may benefit you.
In the past I found afew articals googling. Even a British celebirty/singer has an identical twin who is straight and he not.
In the past I found afew articals googling. Even a British celebirty/singer has an identical twin who is straight and he not.
Again, I wonder how this affects you so much. The world is not dying from these diseases. Those that are sexually promiscuous or choose to have sex or share needles with those that are sexually promiscuous are dying of these diseases. As much as the media trys to hype it, it isn't so. Those heterosexuals and homosexuals in monagamous relationships who know the history of their partner are not at risk. The whole fear aspect was designed orginally to get more funding for research as society wouldn't do that just for a disease of homosexuals and drug users. Now the imaginary fear is used by homophobes to fuel their agenda.
Well its people like me that have a strong view on what a healthy sexual relationship should be that sets examples for people who are stepping in the wrong direction. I think we would live in a more harmonious society like this. It's also encouraged by many religions. Stuides have shown children raised by stable family life of couples remaining together throughout there whole childhood and early adulthood are healthier and do better in life. Have you ever considered that peoples perverted sexual orientation could be fulled by there subconsious sex drive that isn't harnessed efficiently? To me homosexuality is pointless, the mind is a great and powerful thing and can be set off in the wrong direction.
There is a thought in psychology that men are attracted visually, women are attracted mentally.

I agree with that.

From personal experience, I'd on purposely court a girl knowing I'm going to get my heart broken and persist, as soon as I reach that point of no return then suddenly the girl would withdraw from me and turn cold, this pattern happened time after time, with some girls this doesn't happen, only ones of certain attraction. If you don't grieve it properly you could get stuck in some sort of self sustaining love black hole and never forgetting about them, stalking them (never done that). The best way to trigger off the grieving is to start courting someone else, helps reality hit in. As long as you don't express any kind of disappointment (or abuse in some men’s case) towards being dropped she can be available to date in the future. I played around like this for a while, the results where amazing. Girls that were braking my heart, I found after my grieving for them had took its full course I couldn't fall for them as passionately as I previously did. If we started courting again they seemed to be alot more interested in me almost like the tables had turned. I'm not sure if it’s because a women’s intuition is saying this guy is still around after I broke his heart therefore he will probably stick around after sex. Or if it’s because the grieving caused me to microscopically behave and think differently towards her in a way that raised my value, I'd say it could be a combination of both and more the later, since women I had not even ever met had more interest in me that probably wouldn't otherwise as I progressed. I was messing around like this for 3 years until I got with the girl I'm currently with. If I had to give an analogy for it I would say it’s like breaking your leg, when it heals it grows back stronger, and strength is also an attraction. Or that the mind is a muscle and dating is like weight lifting. No sex has to be involved in this process although that can be hard to avoid. This can’t be done if you haven’t got a vast and strong social network as I do. Soon as I was dropped (girl becomes unresponsive to my gaming) I was straight onto the next, never the same time because I needed to be truly invested in the girl so that the grieving would be hard.