Is God a personal God ?

By definition, G-d is ultimately transcendent.
Time is transcendent and no measurments from point A to B can be made without time.

And so He is separate from His creation (and ultimately unknowable for the same reason).
then why people use religions to define God? HIS choices, HIS intent, HIS wants and Needs...

that statement is moot

Creation is dependent on Him.
Who's HIM....? You just said 'unknowable' which would mean everything you say on that path is wrong, by your own summation.

You are maintaining an oxymoron.

I believe He is also dependent on His Creation in some ways, but not in the way that Creation is dependent on Him.
well that 'awareness' is sound but it seems you are NOT ready to know why

The distinction between "real" and "unreal" that we see in Plato, Plotinus, and some schools of Hinduism seems artificial.

an artificial school.....? cool.....

all experience is either real, created or undefined; mankind created airplanes and religions; and in each they develop over time, evolving as definitions become refined and understood

My own theoretical solution to the Transcendence/Immanence issue is that there are gradations of realness.

a worded sentence stating knowledge evolves!

and then, if you could blink and see the future; then i ask, will mankind know the truth, eventually?

Will each be able to know God, personally?

Time is transcendent and not measurments from point A to B can be made without time.

then why people use religions to define God? HIS choices, HIS intent, HIS wants and Needs...
I suspect they are often referring to the guidance system or Indwelling Spirit rather than to G-d Himself.

that statement is moot
As you wish.

Who's HIM....? You just said 'unknowable' ...
Is G-d's existence dependent on my knowledge of Him?

You just said 'unknowable' which would mean everything you say on that path is wrong, by your own summation. You are maintaining an oxymoron.
Knowledge of the path does not require knowing G-d in His totality.

an artificial school.....? cool.....
The distinction between "real" and "unreal" made in some religions and philosophies seems artificial to me.

all experience is either real, created or undefined; mankind created airplanes and religions; and in each they develop over time, evolving as definitions become refined and understood
I think you may have changed the subject here.

a worded sentence stating knowledge evolves!
I was talking about ontology. I think you are speaking of epistemology.

and then, if you could blink and see the future; then i ask, will mankind know the truth, eventually?
This is uncertain.

Will each be able to know God, personally?
I think we already do, but in an incomplete way.
can't measure from any 2 points without time

it is scientific reality

I suspect they are often referring to the guidance system or Indwelling Spirit rather than to G-d Himself.
but then how can any suggest GOD told them

Is G-d existence dependent on my knowledge of Him?

God would not be a 'word' if mankind did not create it.

Knowledge of the path does not require knowing G-d in His totality.
But the path would then be incomplete if God is not at the other end.

The distinction between "real" and "unreal" made in some religions and philosophies seems artificial to me.
they are; it is that some items experienced are/were undefinable. Hence; unreal!

the sun going up and down in the sky was God's doing but now we suggest the earth is rotating and gravity is the force behind the action.

knowledge evolves

I think you may have changed the subject here.
you said some items are real and unreal, i state knowledge evolves to define what 'was' unreal

I was talking about ontology. I think you are speaking of epistemology.
perhaps the opposite, i ground the awareness to reality/nature and it seems you associated the evolution of knowledge to a theory of that evolution even existing.

This is uncertain.
it was a hypothetical question, that i asked

your answer suggests you have no trust or faith in God 'revealing'

I think we already do, but in a incomplete way.

then why is anyone awaiting a messiah if there is no knowledge of truth, upon the arrival? Why would the majority of the religions be intent on the gift of life/understanding?

Please do not say....... everyone wants magic as their miracle. How would that offer mankind equality?

The religious imposition that mankind can or will never know the truth is why them folks are to reap the worst of the last days (judgment).

To hold a book and in one sentence say, we are unworthy and then in the other suggest God spoke to someone (prophet) and stating God's wants and needs............ is what has given the religious right the power upon this globe.

and what harms this world as a whole is the people actually believe it

they are taught to think they are less than capable of being Good

that the people need them (the church)