Is God a personal God ?



Many people say that because God, the creator, is a unique and absolute being in the position of the Most High God and the being of supreme goodness, He cannot have a relationship with human beings whom He created. In other words, they say His creatures are profane, whereas, He is absolute and divine.
But from the viewpoint of love, no matter how elevated and good God is, and no matter how lowly His creatures are, they must have the same character as God if they are to have a relationship of love. They must have the same heart.
What kind of deity is God? He is a personal God, with intellect, emotion, and will.
He created human beings as His partners in love. This is an amazing fact
What kind of deity is God? He is a personal God, with intellect, emotion, and will.
He created human beings as His partners in love. This is an amazing fact
Is He the collective He or is He male to you? He has intellect, emotion, will? He has a physical brain, is a physical being?

He created human beigns as His partners? Why? How? Genesis account?
Many people say that because God, the creator, is a unique and absolute being in the position of the Most High God and the being of supreme goodness, He cannot have a relationship with human beings whom He created. In other words, they say His creatures are profane, whereas, He is absolute and divine.
But from the viewpoint of love, no matter how elevated and good God is, and no matter how lowly His creatures are, they must have the same character as God if they are to have a relationship of love. They must have the same heart.

in a sense what you share is what Genesis shares

22And Jehovah God saith, `Lo, the man was as one of Us, as to the knowledge of good and evil; and now, lest he send forth his hand, and have taken also of the tree of life, and eaten, and lived to the age,' --

and the logic to comprehend this is to experience God as all that exists at the same time.

What kind of deity is God?
The 'beginning and ending'..... Not a man on a thrown, like Zeus as men had created the image.

He is a personal God,
you would not exist without 'existance' enabling life to evolve over time. We are literally of God's existence and never separate; in fact.

with intellect, emotion, and will.
word are the creation of mankind, emotions are described by words and the 'will' is the instinct of nature (life: purposed to continue)

He created human beings as His partners in love. This is an amazing fact
How about, HE created life for mass to experience itself (existence). As when consciousness began, mankind became aware of itself (adam and eve clothed themselves).

This was both a great day and bad day in one. As when mass became aware, it left nature (the garden of eve) behind and began thinking of itself as separate and above existence.

It is by the choices of mankind that fibs even exist.

We are the embodiment of 'good and evil' upon existence as before mankind began being selfish; nature was pure to God.

BUT without choice, mankind could not understand or 'create' life by choice.


22And Jehovah God saith, `Lo, the man was as one of Us, as to the knowledge of good and evil; and now, lest he send forth his hand, and have taken also of the tree of life, and eaten, and lived to the age,' --

as mankind and the soul of each can live beyond the physical idea of life by choice. Simply by creating life and supporting life to continue; by choice, by compassion and of Love.
Is He the collective He or is He male to you? He has intellect, emotion, will? He has a physical brain, is a physical being?

He created human beigns as His partners? Why? How? Genesis account?

God made us in His image male and female. He is our Parent.
Whom does God resembles? He resembles his children. That is why God is a personal God. He is like a person.
How did God, the first Cause, shape human beings? He made us like Himself. He made us in His image. This means that the Father resembles us as we resemble the Father.
He must be a God of intellect, emotion, and will. Why? Because this is how human beings are.
He made us as His partners in love because God cannot experience love alone. If God were alone, would he say"Oh I have love and it's great"? Loves takes two.
If God is a personal God then He must have a mouth; He also must have a nose, eyes, ears, hands, feet, and a mind and heart. If God is like a person then He should have these attibutes.
At the same time God is without form and He is invisible.
If we conceive of Him as large, He is infinitely large and if we conceive of Him as small, He is infinitely small.
God made us in His image male and female. He is our Parent.
Whom does God resembles? He resembles his children. That is why God is a personal God. He is like a person.
How did God, the first Cause, shape human beings? He made us like Himself. He made us in His image. This means that the Father resembles us as we resemble the Father.
He must be a God of intellect, emotion, and will. Why? Because this is how human beings are.
He made us as His partners in love because God cannot experience love alone. If God were alone, would he say"Oh I have love and it's great"? Loves takes two.
If God is a personal God then He must have a mouth; He also must have a nose, eyes, ears, hands, feet, and a mind and heart. If God is like a person then He should have these attibutes.
At the same time God is without form and He is invisible.
If we conceive of Him as large, He is infinitely large and if we conceive of Him as small, He is infinitely small.

What?? God HAS to have a mouth,nose, eyes, ears, hands, feet and a mind and a heart. But yet God is WITHOUT form and He is invisible. Please tell me where OH where is these scriptures in the bible at. I must read these. Last time I read the scriptures God was and is SPIRIT. I don't recall 1 passage in any bible that says God looks and has the same physical features that humans have. And yet you say he is without form. Which one is it? FYI WE are not yet in the image of God. We wont be until we are changed from corruptable to incorruptable, from mortiality to immortality. Then and only then will we be in the true image of our creator. Who by the is Spirit. not physical with arms and legs.
Is God a personal God?
my answer is different to what it would have been 12months ago...
Absolutely. Personal. not necessarily private, but i didnt realize how empty my life was until i accepted and remembered that fact. Lucky for me, he didnt stop believing in me.
Just to add to that thought...
I may not be able to back up with scriptures and quotes, but for me, I dont need to.
Its simple. Its not everyones cup of tea, i agree, but He just IS. And I dont need to explain anymore than that, methinks.
Many people say that because God, the creator, is a unique and absolute being in the position of the Most High God and the being of supreme goodness, He cannot have a relationship with human beings whom He created. In other words, they say His creatures are profane, whereas, He is absolute and divine.
But from the viewpoint of love, no matter how elevated and good God is, and no matter how lowly His creatures are, they must have the same character as God if they are to have a relationship of love. They must have the same heart.
What kind of deity is God? He is a personal God, with intellect, emotion, and will.
He created human beings as His partners in love. This is an amazing fact
Fact! Rotfpmsl ! Fact!! Then why do ALL 'his' appointed representative paradigms here on Earth specialise in war and destruction? Abraham, a butcher of his own children, Muhammad a butcher of any and all that got in his way, Christianity a 2000 year old record of war and oppression. Yeh man!! Feel the love!!

What?? God HAS to have a mouth,nose, eyes, ears, hands, feet and a mind and a heart. But yet God is WITHOUT form and He is invisible. Please tell me where OH where is these scriptures in the bible at. I must read these. Last time I read the scriptures God was and is SPIRIT. I don't recall 1 passage in any bible that says God looks and has the same physical features that humans have. And yet you say he is without form. Which one is it? FYI WE are not yet in the image of God. We wont be until we are changed from corruptable to incorruptable, from mortiality to immortality. Then and only then will we be in the true image of our creator. Who by the is Spirit. not physical with arms and legs.

Do you agree that God created us in His image?That is in the bible.
We ourself are spiritual and physical beings. We do have 5 physical and 5 spitirual senses. We do have spiritual (invisible) eyes and physical eyes. If we resemble God, he resembles us. That is what I am trying to explain. We can communicate with Him. He can communicate with us. We can feel Him. He can feel us.
We say: Like father like son. We also say the son is in the father

Yes because of the fall we have a fallen nature and are separated from Him. The devil is also our father so we resemble him too.

Just to add to that thought...
I may not be able to back up with scriptures and quotes, but for me, I dont need to.
Its simple. Its not everyones cup of tea, i agree, but He just IS. And I dont need to explain anymore than that, methinks.

Thanks for sharing that, I am happy for you.
God made us in His image male and female. He is our Parent.
both poles of a system (-) and (+)
Whom does God resembles?
Nothing, as HE is everything at the same time. So the rock, the fish, the pope; all is HE

He resembles his children. That is why God is a personal God. He is like a person.
The 'image' of life is the 'light of life' in which all mass in existence is combined by the light of God

How did God, the first Cause, shape human beings?
In HIS time, the physicality of man evolved

He made us like Himself.
Knowing both Good and Evil and capable of creating life by choice; to live throughout the ages.

He must be a God of intellect, emotion, and will.
"Must be" ..........? Is a man created OPINION.....

When in reality, that 'intellect' is by men who contributed what they learned of nature (God) and conveyed the knowledge to the words we all can read.

He made us as His partners in love because God cannot experience love alone.
Shares that god is not biased but exists allowing mankind to evolve over God's time.

If God is a personal God then He must have a mouth; He also must have a nose, eyes, ears, hands, feet, and a mind and heart. If God is like a person then He should have these attibutes.
but yet, no man EVER can say, they heard God speak, seen God walk, or shook God's hand as if God was some dude sitting on a thrown as men suggest

At the same time God is without form and He is invisible.
The beginning and ending at the same time; HE is all that is, at the same time.

God is existence itself and WE are HIM experiencing life.
If we conceive of Him as large, He is infinitely large and if we conceive of Him as small, He is infinitely small.

At least you comprehend mankind is who concieved every word to even describe HIM.

and this shares that in God's time, that evolution of knowledge will reveal, as promised in all religions, that the truth will come.

The name of God is the mathematical rendition to share how existence works; equal to all mankind, perfect and true to existence.

As to know, how Life exists, then each can know Good and Bad and live to the ages by creating life by choice (in his image)

welcome to the NOW!
both poles of a system (-) and (+)
Nothing, as HE is everything at the same time. So the rock, the fish, the pope; all is HE

The 'image' of life is the 'light of life' in which all mass in existence is combined by the light of God

In HIS time, the physicality of man evolved

Knowing both Good and Evil and capable of creating life by choice; to live throughout the ages.

"Must be" ..........? Is a man created OPINION.....

When in reality, that 'intellect' is by men who contributed what they learned of nature (God) and conveyed the knowledge to the words we all can read.

Shares that god is not biased but exists allowing mankind to evolve over God's time.

but yet, no man EVER can say, they heard God speak, seen God walk, or shook God's hand as if God was some dude sitting on a thrown as men suggest

The beginning and ending at the same time; HE is all that is, at the same time.

God is existence itself and WE are HIM experiencing life.

At least you comprehend mankind is who concieved every word to even describe HIM.

and this shares that in God's time, that evolution of knowledge will reveal, as promised in all religions, that the truth will come.

The name of God is the mathematical rendition to share how existence works; equal to all mankind, perfect and true to existence.

As to know, how Life exists, then each can know Good and Bad and live to the ages by creating life by choice (in his image)

welcome to the NOW!


Are you saying that God is just energy, light etc....? What about heart and love ?

Cant we say that since the design is a reflection of the designer, like apainting is a reflection of the painter we can know about God. We can know about God through His creation all the way to human beings, the highest in the creation.

When you say that God knows good and evil, are you saying that He is also good and evil ?

I do believe God can talk to us through our conscience and in our heart. We have a voice inside that tries to guide us.
We have to be careful here not to make God in our image.

If God creates a universe, and creates sentient and rational beings within that universe, there is no necessary reason for those sentient and rational beings to know God. How can they? God exceeds their nature, therefore God exceeds their powers and capacities for comprehension. There are highly intelligent people around today who insist there is no God, nor a need for one to explain existence.

If our nature was divine, then we would know God by virtue of who we are — we would be gods, beyond ignorance, error or sin. But we are not, and we do not possess divine qualities.

It is only because God chooses to be known that we know of Him. It is only because He has endowed our nature with the capacity or capability of comprehending the Deity, our capax dei as Augustine calls it, that we can even think of God.

In post-enlightenment philosophy, the schism between objectivity and subjectivity has become close to irreparable. Objectivity is the real, subjectivity is illusion, but in God — as all the philosophers agree — subject and object coincide.

In Christianity, Divine subjectivity is the goal, but we must overcome our own subjectivity to realise the Divine Subjectivity, only possible by, through, in and with the Holy Spirit, "Let go and let be" as some might say.

It is His witness, not our witness, that is the only authentic and real expression of God:
"For all who are led by the spirit of God are sons of God … you have received the spirit of sonship. When we cry, 'Abba! Father!' it is the Spirit Himself bearing witness with our spirit that we are children of God" (Romans 8:15).

The God of Christ does not will an objective relationship (there is no freedom in that), but a subjective one, an elective one, a free choice on our part.


Are you saying that God is just energy, light etc....?
God is the combined three of all that exists. (the trinity: mass, energy, time. The corporeal, the spirit, the transcendent)

What about heart and love ?
A heart pumps blood, Love is entanglement (the gravity between mass). Such that if 2 people associate, often with many commonalities, an attractions entails,(see casimir experiment) a potential.

and often one side would put themselves up (on the line) for the other side to continue.

Cant we say that since the design is a reflection of the designer, like apainting is a reflection of the painter we can know about God. We can know about God through His creation all the way to human beings, the highest in the creation.
Mankind evolved from God's existence; life-consciousness.

Mankind just did not comprehend what evolution was until Darwin revealed the framework.

Just as most thought it was God to raised the sun for the day, and then took it upon the night but then a few contributers shared that the sun is pretty stationary and the earth rotates on an axis.

So i ask, did the magic go away or did mankind's knowledge evolve?

When you say that God knows good and evil, are you saying that He is also good and evil ?
We (mankind) are the only thing in existence that allowed evil to exist. Nature is instinctive, mankind can create. Mankind unleashed all that is bad upon this earth based on selfishness, desire or just know/read the 7 deadly sins if you like.

God is always Good, mankind is whom 'thinks' they are separate from the garden..... but if you want technical, then within existence, evil does live and it is by the choices of men, that God experiences corruption/evil/sins..... that 'loss to the common'

I do believe God can talk to us through our conscience and in our heart. We have a voice inside that tries to guide us.

that is what binds us all to existence; our consciousness!

Always follow that over your learned beliefs. As that knowledge can often build the blinders to hide the truth.

Feel the truth as you will know what is good!

That is why i say, all are equal............ period!
Just to add to that thought...
I may not be able to back up with scriptures and quotes, but for me, I dont need to.
Its simple. Its not everyones cup of tea, i agree, but He just IS. And I dont need to explain anymore than that, methinks.

no need to back it up with scriptures. Your not stating unscriptual facts. your stating that God's back in your life that your glad God did not forget you This is called grace.
Do you agree that God created us in His image?That is in the bible.
We ourself are spiritual and physical beings. We do have 5 physical and 5 spitirual senses. We do have spiritual (invisible) eyes and physical eyes. If we resemble God, he resembles us. That is what I am trying to explain. We can communicate with Him. He can communicate with us. We can feel Him. He can feel us.
We say: Like father like son. We also say the son is in the father

Yes because of the fall we have a fallen nature and are separated from Him. The devil is also our father so we resemble him too.


I believe God is creating us in His image. We won't be in God true image until we are changed from the physical flesh and blood for flesh and blood can not inheirit the kingdom of God. Once we are change into spirit then we will be in the true image of God.

What are our 5 spiritual senses??

Yes sin seperates us from the Lord. This is not Hell. Hell is mistranslated. the word in the greek and hebrew text is sheol and hades. Pit or grave or the state of the dead.
I believe God is creating us in His image. We won't be in God true image until we are changed from the physical flesh and blood for flesh and blood can not inheirit the kingdom of God. Once we are change into spirit then we will be in the true image of God.

Our spirit is already part of us. When we die, we leave our flesh and blood here.

What are our 5 spiritual senses??

The same as the physical senses but the spiritual contrepart

Yes sin seperates us from the Lord. This is not Hell. Hell is mistranslated. the word in the greek and hebrew text is sheol and hades. Pit or grave or the state of the dead.

Hell has been described in many ways. "A place without love, a place separated from God , etc...etc." I am fine with your definition
We know about hell on earth. We can see it daily.
I believe God is creating us in His image. We won't be in God true image until we are changed from the physical flesh and blood for flesh and blood can not inheirit the kingdom of God. Once we are change into spirit then we will be in the true image of God.
we live in the wake of our existence (a part of God)

What are our 5 spiritual senses??
i would like to know too

Yes sin seperates us from the Lord. This is not Hell. Hell is mistranslated. the word in the greek and hebrew text is sheol and hades. Pit or grave or the state of the dead.

or away from God.... (the garden)

such to even think you are separate you are already there
you would not exist without 'existance' enabling life to evolve over time. We are literally of God's existence and never separate; in fact.
By definition, G-d is ultimately transcendent. And so He is separate from His creation (and ultimately unknowable for the same reason).

Creation is dependent on Him. I believe He is also dependent on His Creation in some ways, but not in the way that Creation is dependent on Him.

The distinction between "real" and "unreal" that we see in Plato, Plotinus, and some schools of Hinduism seems artificial. My own theoretical solution to the Transcendence/Immanence issue is that there are gradations of realness.