Obama vs. A. Schwarzenegger


All Natural
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A question on whether we should change the constitution in these areas.

I think Arnold Schwarzenegger would have been a fine presidential candidate but I heard that law does not make him eligible for president for life. Then why make him eligible for Senator or Governor? Isn`t this some sort of major discrimination against first-generation American immigrants?

He might have beat Obama too, IMO!

Shouldn`t it be that all US citizens are eligible to become president? Anyways if Americans didn`t see a person fit to become president, American or no American, that person would never become president anyway.

And I think Schwarzenegger should at least be given a chance to be able to try to become president.

I think Arnold Schwarzenegger would have been a fine presidential candidate

In what ways?

TheKhan said:
Anyways if Americans didn`t see a person fit to become president, American or no American, that person would never become president anyway.

I disagree.

Anyway, I can't imagine this country run by Arnold Schwarzenegger. No, wait! I can. It involves him jumping out of planes and parachuting into enemy territory with heavy weapons. He'd redefine what it means to be Commander-in-Chief!! He'd show those girly men how it's done!

Ooooh! Oooh! Where do I mark my ballot?


Seriously, Dubya was enough of a Rambo, and Reagan was enough of a B-Movie catastrophe. The last thing we need is another actor in the White House.

But think of the ratings!! Oh, yes. The whole world will be watching, and loving it, I'm sure.


/sarcasm off
..Dubya was enough of a Rambo..

But think of the ratings!! Oh, yes. The whole world will be watching, and loving it, I'm sure.

Come on now! After Dubya.. anyone would be better..

At least a quarter if not half of Obama`s votes were for his looks, GW, and his Sinatra voice. You guys know how American politics works.

Arnold might have crushed Obama. It was the only chance the Republicans had in my opinion.

I say no discrimination for the first generations!, Obama is 1.5 generation naturalized American, fyi, although first generations would always be a long shot, come on now ! Give us a chance too, and Arnold is our best.. :cool:

I read somewhere once that Arnie is very very keen on capital punishment and as governor of the state never gives reprive. Is this true?
I read somewhere once that Arnie is very very keen on capital punishment and as governor of the state never gives reprive. Is this true?

I don`t know, Arnie`s European so I expect him to utilize his common sense. There are many serial killers in California, in the form of organized crime. Dumb teenagers even dare shoot at Marines.

I do know Texas is even for capital punishment for teenagers and mentally handicapped people. I disagree with that take, and I`m almost sure Arnie would personally disagree too, since he`s not from Texas.