Political Bias of Western Media


In the Name of God
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The bias of Western media to Israel is not new, but how long will the Western peoples totally far away from the real events around the world???
Isn't it the countries of freedom and democracy???

How America is trying to marketing democracy and freedom and openness to the countries of the world?

The aggression on Gaza showed bias large western media towards Israel..

The majority of the people in the West did not see the massacres, and Israeli terrorism, which real unimaginable.

Some believe that Israel is looking for stability and peace, and that it surrounded by countries with a tendency of aggressionand terror ,this is what has promoted Israeli propaganda through the Western media for decades.. But the fact that Israel does not want peace, and does not looking for it.with the experience Israel did not complete much of the talks which is trying to solve the conflict with the Palestinians...

It is important that many of the facts are still sheltered and hidden from the eyes of the Western peoples.​

YouTube - Censorship Of Gaza Conflict By Western Media & How It Works
Walaikum Assalam

Bias is never limited to one side... Tell me something. You live in Jordon correct?
Well, when your King Hussain kicked out the Palestinians from Jordon, what did
your media tell your countrymen? Your King, by the way, used a general from my
country (Pakistan) to kick out the PLO in ways that would be considered a war
crime in any just world.

You are upset at the situation/crisis in your neighborhood. I can understand that.
The situation in my nation is FAR WORSE then yours. But let us not start pointing
fingers at the "western peoples"... This can not be blamed on them... If you want
to talk about bias, let us start with ourselves.. What has Mubarrak of Egypt done
to help the Palestinians? What have the Saudi Sheikhs done to aid the "cause"?
Let us run the names of all the leadership of the entire Muslim world... and let us
not stop at the current time frame either.. let us take the issue all the way back
to the beginning and see where the problem began. And there, when we have
peeled back enough layers, you will find that the cause of our weakness, has
been our own selves. We have no one else to blame...

This conflict today... it has nothing to do with the Jews, or the Muslims... The
more people buy into this, the more strength the idea generates... Before one
can even talk about bias, one has to know what the bias is trying to cover up....
and to do that one has to understand the situation as it actually exists.
Israel hasn't allowed normal journalist access to Gaza, so already they are restricted on what they can report because of the Israeli restrictions.
Walaikum Assalam

Bias is never limited to one side... Tell me something. You live in Jordon correct?
Well, when your King Hussain kicked out the Palestinians from Jordon, what did
your media tell your countrymen? Your King, by the way, used a general from my
country (Pakistan) to kick out the PLO in ways that would be considered a war
crime in any just world.

Actually ,what happened in the black September 1970 was not a matter concerning the propaganda of political .It has not been used as propaganda. also , it does not mention a lot on the level of local media or Arabic media... What happened was internal confusion relating to the changing of the system of governance By the leaders of the Palestinian Liberation Organization and we knew about it from those ones whom lived and saw the bad events at that time,and not from the media.​

To recall,,King Husien has not been expelled Palestinians,they are still in Jordan have all the qualities of citizenship, including election and voting and nationality.those expelled were members of the Palestinian Liberation Organization, including Arafat, who only wanted to spark war from the east bank of the Jordan River towards Israel at that time​

But let us not start pointing fingers at the "western peoples"...​

I don't want any people in this earth face by unhuman aggression​

like what happened in Gaza. what happened more than all human perceptions... There were whole families ran over by the Zionist war machine and bombarded with weapons of internationally banned. Children who dream of a better tomorrow and more safety went with their dreams.​

I mean that the Western peoples does not know much of the facts is not because they do not want, and not because they involved in campaigns falsification of facts. But because they does not receive the facts as they are on the ground.​

Many members in many forums told me that they did not see such as any of the photos I published here in another subject , and this is evidence that most sources of information in the West is biased to Israel fully..​

What they heard that Israel had been pelted by missiles of a terrorist group and wants to protect itself....
They did not hear that Gaza Strip since months besieging( by Land, Sea and Air) and not realizations of anything from food or the requirements of life,It is home to more than 1.5 million people, mostly refugees fled from Israel's crimes in 1984 and beyond.They are distributed on a simple patch of land, that does not exceed a small town in the West..​

Before the final attack and during the siege, Israel did not stop the aggression, but continued bombing the residential areas, which cause the Palestinians life unbearable. Therefore, continued the resistance option, which they does not have other than it ,as long as the world does not see their long suffering over the years.​

Before one can even talk about bias, one has to know what the bias is trying to cover up....

and to do that one has to understand the situation as it actually exists.​

The facts, which cover on the Western peoples, are the realities of Israeli crimes against humanity before be against the Palestinians.​

The facts which hidden from the majority of the Western peoples is the reality of the support of the political western systems of the State of the global terrorism (Israel), which exceed its ambitions all the countries of the world ...Israel, which intervene in the policies of great Powers,all the leaders of the world racing in election campaigns to get closer to it, and from its lobbies.​

The fact that the taxes they pay go to Israel for its support on the grounds that it state needs the support scampering for their survival that threaten by Arabs and Muslims...In spite of the Jews and Zionist lobby have tremendous wealths much more than expected by any US citizen. And that the majority of banks and companies in the world which are mostly Jewish companies supporting Israel.​

The fact that Israel was given as compensation for abuse of Jews in Europe, price of Nazi crimes .Promise from Great Britain for Jews at the expense of an entire palestinians people, (which is the palestinian people, who was living on their land safely), the people of now scattered in all parts of the world without homeland.

Israel hasn't allowed normal journalist access to Gaza, so already they are restricted on what they can report because of the Israeli restrictions.

Hiding truth to prevent journalists indicate that there lies will be deployed to the Western world and the world, as was done in each crime committed through the years. And the entry of journalists will show reversed.​
The US has plenty of media bias.

But more to the point most of us have a limited attention span and have no or little interest in what doesn't tangibly affect us, right now, today.

Now before anyone's panties gets in a bunch as to how active and caring they are, I realize I am making a generalization, but don't personalize it, think about it...I'm speaking for the majority, who care more about whats on prime time tonight, Britney Spears and the Super Bowl (or whatever their fetish of the moment) than world or national politics.

So our media which is not nationally run and funded but gets its support from commercial vendors who pay more for stations and times most watched....all this boils down to 15 minutes of real news per day on the telly...and papers full of pomp and circumstance as well.

And yes, as pointed out elsewhere...I don't believe we over here hold the corner on bias...
I think very many people are all too aware of bias and propaganda in the media. But they are powerless to do anything about it.
Actually ,what happened in the black September 1970 was not a matter concerning the propaganda of political .It has not been used as propaganda. also , it does not mention a lot on the level of local media or Arabic media... What happened was internal confusion relating to the changing of the system of governance By the leaders of the Palestinian Liberation Organization and we knew about it from those ones whom lived and saw the bad events at that time,and not from the media.​

To recall,,King Husien has not been expelled Palestinians,they are still in Jordan have all the qualities of citizenship, including election and voting and nationality.those expelled were members of the Palestinian Liberation Organization, including Arafat, who only wanted to spark war from the east bank of the Jordan River towards Israel at that time​

There is YOUR bias right there. You are now defending the actions
of your King Hussain against the leadership of the Palestinians (PLO).
Do you know what the Egyptian side reported about Black September?
That your King was committing genocide. See my point?

like what happened in Gaza. what happened more than all human perceptions... There were whole families ran over by the Zionist war machine and bombarded with weapons of internationally banned. Children who dream of a better tomorrow and more safety went with their dreams.​

This has nothing to do with the fact that blaming
everything on the Israelis and the Western media
does NOT help our situation.

I mean that the Western peoples does not know much of the facts is not because they do not want, and not because they involved in campaigns falsification of facts. But because they does not receive the facts as they are on the ground.​
No, this is not the reason why. They have all the facts available to
them if they only choose to look. The real reason why they do not care
to look is the same reason why you refuse to acknowledge the real issue:
Our Own Guilt
in this situation. Presently, and historically.

They refuse to look at their own guilt as well, just like everyone else.
It is a human weakness, it has NOTHING to do with the media. Everyone
has the facts available to them if they only choose to look, but very few
actually do, and even when they see reality staring back at them, very
few actually change their minds.

No, this is not the reason why. They have all the facts available to
them if they only choose to look. The real reason why they do not care
to look is the same reason why you refuse to acknowledge the real issue:
Our Own Guilt in this situation. Presently, and historically.

They refuse to look at their own guilt as well, just like everyone else.
It is a human weakness, it has NOTHING to do with the media. Everyone
has the facts available to them if they only choose to look, but very few
actually do, and even when they see reality staring back at them, very
few actually change their minds.

It cannot be different. This is normal for life in the darkness of Plato's cave. Since we are as we are, life is as it is. No amount of arguing can change it. Water seeks its own level. As Mullah Nassr Edin said: "You cannot jump over your knees and it is absurd to try and kiss your own elbow." In the cave we have our collective limitiations.
No, this is not the reason why. They have all the facts available to
them if they only choose to look. The real reason why they do not care
to look is the same reason why you refuse to acknowledge the real issue:
Our Own Guilt in this situation. Presently, and historically.

They refuse to look at their own guilt as well, just like everyone else.
It is a human weakness, it has NOTHING to do with the media. Everyone
has the facts available to them if they only choose to look, but very few
actually do, and even when they see reality staring back at them, very
few actually change their minds.

I respect your opinion, but I do not agree with you.

media bias does not give the freedom of access to real information or factual ,this will cause the arrival of the distorted information to the receiver.

I know that the issue of media bias towards a certain side is not confined to Western countries. But deplorable that these States raises the banner of freedom and democracy, they is supposed to be an example .​

I repeat that I do not blame the Western peoples ,this was not their fault, but I kept wondering, wondering how of the States of freedom and democracy to suffer from media bias?​

I wish you to be aware of the difference between those who lived the events and saw their effects, and between those who heard of one-sided information.​
I think very many people are all too aware of bias and propaganda in the media. But they are powerless to do anything about it.

I'm trying to search for the differences between communities which practised democracy and freedom of opinion and opening-up and those which did not practice democracy and freedom of opinion.
And for my surprise, the differences are not great. States obscured by media in all societies, at different rates.​
I respect your opinion, but I do not agree with you.

media bias does not give the freedom of access to real information or factual ,this will cause the arrival of the distorted information to the receiver.

I know that the issue of media bias towards a certain side is not confined to Western countries. But deplorable that these States raises the banner of freedom and democracy, they is supposed to be an example .​

I repeat that I do not blame the Western peoples ,this was not their fault, but I kept wondering, wondering how of the States of freedom and democracy to suffer from media bias?​

I wish you to be aware of the difference between those who lived the events and saw their effects, and between those who heard of one-sided information.​

My only issue is this:

That people who live in glass houses, shouldnt throw stones.

Until we Muslims can say that we are blameless, we have
no right to start talking about problems with the media of the West.
In fact, the whole exercise becomes a waste of time, and energy
because we could be talking about our own problems instead.

That is all... And I also would like to say that I respect your opinion
sincerely, and I do not want to argue with you on this at all. As long
as we both understand each other's perspective.
My only issue is this:

That people who live in glass houses, shouldnt throw stones.

Until we Muslims can say that we are blameless, we have
no right to start talking about problems with the media of the West.
In fact, the whole exercise becomes a waste of time, and energy.



Reasoning 101 Friend:

Criticism starts with one's self...
Otherwise, it is by definition: bias

Reasoning 101 Friend:

Criticism starts with one's self...
Otherwise, it is by definition: bias


You said :

c0de said:
That is all... And I also would like to say that I respect your opinion
sincerely, and I do not want to argue with you on this at all

I understood your opinion...Why back?

I think that you have a problem... In not differentiating between the role of the media and the role of political of States.
In the West there are independent media which represent the view of the peoples whom enjoyed democracy and freedom ... But in Arab States media is not independent, often do not represent the view of the peoples whom enjoyed democracy and freedom .​

I did not claim exemplary in our media.. But I search for the best model.
Once again I am not accusing the Western peoples... The topic here relating to information-oriented...And I do not compare between the states the different circumstances do not allow for comparison​
No media is "independent"
But that is not what I was trying to say...
......... forget it... nevermind...

its your thread, say whatever you want... im out.
I'm trying to search for the differences between communities which practised democracy and freedom of opinion and opening-up and those which did not practice democracy and freedom of opinion.

And for my surprise, the differences are not great. States obscured by media in all societies, at different rates.​

All politicians claim to act in the best interests of their own citizens as well as the rest of the world, but few actually do. The power of propaganda must not be underestimated and you're correct when you say that Western Europe and North-America are just as much kept in line with endless propaganda as those living in a totalitarian dictatorship. Unfortunately, but few seem to be able to look beyond the web of lies.