New World Outline

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I'm mostly curious about peoples opinion's here.

Me personally, I think there should be a resource based economy, like that of The Venus Project. Public Access learning, activities, and business ventures. Business doesnt exactly imply monetary gain, with business ventures I mean, the business of improving society through means of scientific research, inventions, etc. Public access learning should mean free education as far as the student desires, in as many courses he/she desires from theory to practice and application of. Art, in all forms, should have a public forum open to all artists, and art lovers, with super advanced searching capabilitys through intensive cross-referencing, psychological profiling, and potentially mind mapping(if technology prevails). Keep in mind, this world would be peaceful and spiritually inclined. Therefore the disciplines instilled in the average person would retain their material desires, and keep society clean, and not over crowding with a competitive nature of fancy belongings.

Edit: feel free to get more intricate than I did=]
What kind of revolution are you seeking to incite to achieve these aims?

If it involves non-violence and nudity, you can count me in! that of The Venus Project.

Well, the idea that if everyone in the world lived like a billionaire, then everything would be kool is not really found in practice. I mean, look at the billionaires around you and their actions. Are they really all the pacifist vegetarian types?? They are the most aggressive people on the planet, because all they care about is getting more money, more mansions, more power.
I'm mostly curious about peoples opinion's here.

Me personally, I think there should be a resource based economy, like that of The Venus Project. Public Access learning, activities, and business ventures. Business doesnt exactly imply monetary gain, with business ventures I mean, the business of improving society through means of scientific research, inventions, etc. Public access learning should mean free education as far as the student desires, in as many courses he/she desires from theory to practice and application of. Art, in all forms, should have a public forum open to all artists, and art lovers, with super advanced searching capabilitys through intensive cross-referencing, psychological profiling, and potentially mind mapping(if technology prevails). Keep in mind, this world would be peaceful and spiritually inclined. Therefore the disciplines instilled in the average person would retain their material desires, and keep society clean, and not over crowding with a competitive nature of fancy belongings.

Edit: feel free to get more intricate than I did=]

I think we already have some of these things and people are actively pursuing them. It operates under the framework of capitalism.

The problem, in my view, is that the consumer- and market-driven capitalist economy promotes selfishness, self-interest and narcissism rather than community-connectedness which is what I believe the world needs today. The world needs more community-connectedness and less competition. People need to share more. By sharing more and competing less, we can reduce resource and energy usage. Due to community-connectedness, the responsible behaviour of companies will no longer come from seeking to reduce financial losses incurred from negative public image and law suits, but loss of symbiotic relationships with people individually, collectively and communally.

Because people will be less concerned about their own personal value individually, in competition with others, as driven by jealousy and envy, and will be more interested in their place in the community, people will need less materially. The result of more community-connectedness is less narcissism, more humility, more modesty, less jealousy and envy, less crime, less rape, less domestic violence and depression.

Because people will have more time for recreation they will be able to find the time to pursue healthy lifestyles, abstain from processed foods and eat healthily. They will drink tea, eat leafy greens, ingest anti-oxidants, delay/prevent cancer and heart disease, have a reduced chance of getting diabetes, eat less sugar, etc. They will take herbal medicines to fight diseases and illnesses. Women won't feel so bad about being fat or skinny and men won't worry so much about the size of their salary packages, value of their home/car, etc. Men and women will have more time to appreciate and love each other. There will be less divorces and more happily married people. People won't worry so much about unemployment because there will be work for everybody and people won't care how much money they are being paid because they are not competing with anyone else for prestige or pride. They're not trying to impress anyone. More importantly, they have a place in the community. It's not how much money or assets you have. It's the value of the work you do.

1st Disclaimer: I am not a socialist or environmentalist, I am just acknowledging social, political and economic reality. The present economic systems of the West are impractical.:) Relentless competition is wasteful in terms of energy and resources.

Besides, this isn't communism. It's partially socialist but still partially capitalist. What we'd have here is community-driven capitalism, rather than consumer- and market-driven capitalism. Consumer- and market-driven capitalism are about selfishness, self-interest, narcissism and maximisation of profits. Community-driven capitalism, on the other hand is about people contributing work individually and receiving credit for it, but not in the form of money. The credit they receive is praise from the community, which serves as an encouragement to either work harder or to continue making the same contribution.

The trouble with communism is that people did not receive praise or credit for their contributions. Communism dehumanised people. It was collectivism at the expense of individualism. People were treated like robots, tools and instruments. Communism did not value people as individuals. In the system I am proposing, there will be a balance between individualism and collectivism. This balance ensures that individuals in a community will not go too far in pursuit of their place in the collective that they become narcissists. At the same time, people will be given proper credit and will not be exploited as tools.

The collective has no more power than the individual. Where judgmentalism may occur, you are either innocent until proven guilty, or sinless unless someone can prove you are a dishonest, malign, deceitful, exploitative or arrogant person. People's choices are respected. The community accepts individuals as they are.

There will be less individual private ownership of property. People will be encouraged to share and not to hoard.

Capitalism will continue to function to some extent, to provide funds for smart people to contribute intellectually (ie. scientists and engineers), to buy lab, equipment, machines and tools for labourers to be physically strong and able to work. The funds, however, will not be provided for the purpose of increasing private ownership of property, but only to get work done for the community.

You don't get a house by paying for it. You have to work for it. Maybe you could build it yourself. But I guess because of births and deaths that have taken place since the beginning of humanity, it would be impractical to build a house just because you needed one.

Houses will instead be awarded to people on the basis of usefulness. Smart people, scientists and engineers will have houses fitted with technology and lab equipment. Strong people will have weight-training equipment. Researchers, academics, professors and historians will have libraries. Business-people will have safes in which to put their money. Computer scientists will have computers. Artists will have canvases. But people won't buy these things for themselves. The community will provide these things for them.

People will not actually "own" a house. They will move around and live wherever society needs them. What I mean is, they live where they work. That saves resources and energy for transportation. Your work-place is within walking distance. You sleep in your office, factory or laboratory.

Perhaps there should be a return to the good old days where, if a father was a carpenter, the son was also a carpenter. Some people will change professions, some will inherit it from their parents. Mass education won't be necessary in all places. Everybody, due to community-connectedness, will be educated. Everybody will be a teacher of some sort. Most often, it may be your parents. You won't go to school to learn things. You will learn things from friends and family. The community, not the school, will teach and educate you.

Furthermore, today's people are mostly educated to work with a capitalist economic system. In the model I am proposing, people won't be educated on capitalism, but how to work as part of a community.

Because it isn't a consumer- and market-driven economy, there will be fewer brand names. Besides, who needs brands when you have community-connectedness? Brands are for selling. Community is about working together. When you work together and share things, you won't have to buy and sell as often.

2nd Disclaimer: This is not a manifesto! It is not a complete specification of the economic system I am proposing. Moreover, I haven't said much about the implementation, just a combination of "the ideal results" and a vague idea of the approach.
Great post!^..

In response to code, obviously the world isnt in the place it should be, we need maturity and development that can only come with restating the theory of education.
2nd Disclaimer: This is not a manifesto! It is not a complete specification of the economic system I am proposing.
I propose we put our shoulders to a glacier, push real hard, and see if we can't get it moving the opposite direction.

You may propose any system you like.

But that glacier ain't goin' nowhere.
I propose we put our shoulders to a glacier, push real hard, and see if we can't get it moving the opposite direction.

You may propose any system you like.

But that glacier ain't goin' nowhere.

I was temporarily being an idealistic, utopian dreamer.
I'm mostly curious about peoples opinion's here.

Me personally, I think there should be a resource based economy, like that of The Venus Project. Public Access learning, activities, and business ventures. Business doesnt exactly imply monetary gain, with business ventures I mean, the business of improving society through means of scientific research, inventions, etc. Public access learning should mean free education as far as the student desires, in as many courses he/she desires from theory to practice and application of. Art, in all forms, should have a public forum open to all artists, and art lovers, with super advanced searching capabilitys through intensive cross-referencing, psychological profiling, and potentially mind mapping(if technology prevails). Keep in mind, this world would be peaceful and spiritually inclined. Therefore the disciplines instilled in the average person would retain their material desires, and keep society clean, and not over crowding with a competitive nature of fancy belongings.

Edit: feel free to get more intricate than I did=]

Ill drink to that!!

Have you wached the zeitgeist addendum?
I did..I think the for the most part the ideas presented in that movie are sound. Imho
Ill drink to that!!

Have you wached the zeitgeist addendum?
I did..I think the for the most part the ideas presented in that movie are sound. Imho

Yes I have seen it. I didnt really think Fresco was about his business that much after checking out the website, etc. But download the Zday supplies from the zeitgeist movement website. It has a much better presentation of the venus project.
Yes I have seen it. I didnt really think Fresco was about his business that much after checking out the website, etc. But download the Zday supplies from the zeitgeist movement website. It has a much better presentation of the venus project.

personally. I got alot of what I was thinking a long time ago.
The information was not new to just confirmed what alot of my thoughts 10 years ago...

Anyway..hope "his ideas" come to physical reality in my lifetime...
Our world, regardless of what "system" used is based upon the ideal of competition....against others.
Everywhere you look you will see that is the dominant foundation.
So to get anywhere, that universal drive needs to be refocused on another target.
As it has been said before, if we humans faced some kind of threat to our survival which would be say an asteroid or alien invasion, we would put aside all our disputes pretty fast and stand together.
So what does it take?
shawn said:
As it has been said before, if we humans faced some kind of threat to our survival which would be say an asteroid or alien invasion, we would put aside all our disputes pretty fast and stand together.
So what does it take?

Namaste shawn,

interesting question.

well... i think that an alien invasion would do it but, as history has demonstrated, when technologically inferior beings meet technologically superior ones the inferior culture is conquered and most often obliterated. so whilst we'd all work together it would be, i'm afraid, all for naught.

there are, i think, three main things which would capture the collective imagination and inspiration of the world and create something of a unified collective striving towards:

we've seen the beginnings of this with the relatively recent ability of humans to enter and explore space outside of our atmosphere. like some other futurists i'm of the opinion that once an international space station is created on the moon.. the first human colony.. our world will forever change in a positive manner. of course that won't be the case for everyone and it won't be happening in the next 10 years.

the second thing i think that would create the same sort of effect would be a worldwide pandemic that was similar to the European Black plague yet global in scale. such a crisis would necessitate the remaining people to join together in a way which prosperity hardly ever does.

we are talking in a way about a progressively changing world society and the third way in which i see that change happening...and we're seeing it happen... is ubiquitious technology, in particular the web and the ability for vastly disparate groups of beings to directly engage each other in dialog and discourse short circuiting the entrenched political systems and adversaries.

i actually think that all three of these forces are working in the world today and we're seeing a tectonic shift in the way that humans and society interact, how beings perceive others and how they perceive themselves. any societal shifts of this nature will clearly have negative repercussions one of which is an oversaturation of information... we simply don't have the necessary skills and tools to sort and process all the information which we quite suddenly have available to us. this information overload can create a huge sense of anxiety and fear which can be difficult to overcome.

as i've aged in this body i've come to appreicate some time worn homilies more than ever:

patience is a virtue.

you can't build an omlete without breaking some eggs.

life is like a penny; it's made of copper and has Lincoln's head on it.

well... the first two seem apropos for our discussion :)


I have seen on several occasions and under different circumstances how adversity can (at times) bring out the best in people and level the playing field where people will actually put aside their differences and pull together to get through the crisis.
But, on the other hand, I have also seen adversity bring out some of the worst qualities in people.
At one point I figured that whoever is architecting the massive conspiracies and other terrible things in our world (call them the illuminati for lack of a more precise moniker) were horribly evil.
Now I am of a slightly different point of view as I also see that you can't make an omelet without breaking eggs.
Some people refuse to change, so one has to be content to wait till they die off (the downside being they continue to infect others with their mental virus), or somehow speed the process up, which seems to be the game plan at times.
Great post!^..

In response to code, obviously the world isnt in the place it should be, we need maturity and development that can only come with restating the theory of education.
Namaste PMB,

ah the new weird odor raises its head...

"obviously the world isnt in the place it should be"

Now don't you go 'shoulding' me, what I 'should' do, what he 'should' do.

We'll never get anywhere shoulding, we can't come to a consensus as to whether man has influenced the weather or we even had to change the name to climate change rather that global warming just to show we don't know what we are talking about.

We can't agree on religion or whether there is a god or not or how many or definition of what is is. Oral sex isn't sex etsextera...

So we are now ready to deam what should be? Or what could be?

I love the folks that think businesses shouldn't be in business to make money. Like the folks that think money should be lent without interest.

Carnegie, Rockefeller, Gates, Forbes...these selfish men are doing more to create the world that many think 'should' be.