Iran Reportedly Close to Production Capability of a Nuke

So I will skip passed your usual agenda of attacking the west/mostly america lol
To me it seems a bit funny that "the west" would do a thing, & then criticize other when they follow. Ofcourse every nation does that at the peak of its power. Just that, right now, its the west. Tomorrow it might be China. So no hard feelings :)
I don't think we've given him the opportunity to demonstrate whether he operates in good faith or bad. Engage Iran diplomatically and it should become evident what sort of faith he deals in.
One of the prerequisites for diplomatic engagement is that the countries mutually accept the principle of not seizing each other's diplomats; that's serious bad faith.
Yes it was a long time ago that Iran did that, but we still haven't had any acknowledgement from them that it was wrong, and many of the hostage-takers are still in positions of authority.
Yes it was a long time ago that Iran did that, but we still haven't had any acknowledgement from them that it was wrong, and many of the hostage-takers are still in positions of authority.
Doesn't mean you can't have representatives meet in a neutral location.

Maybe the U.S. could promise not to engage in any more illegal wars.

That would be a good start to a negotiation.
Yes, I am a pacifist. When we possess so many tools to solve problems, why do we continually reach for invasion, destruction and death?

Citizenzen, I agree with you. But there are some cases were war is necessary.

I am zen Buddhist. I have allegiance with all beings, even poorly shaved ones.

I am very interested in learning more about zen Buddhism. I went to a talk once by a zen leader who said that some of their members are Jews. He said they are Jew-Bu's :D . He said there is no conflict between being a Jew and a zen Buddhist.

I don't think we've given him the opportunity to demonstrate whether he operates in good faith or bad. Engage Iran diplomatically and it should become evident what sort of faith he deals in.
I can understand why you feel this way. But I have seen some of Ahmadinejad's actions which concern me a great deal. I gave you a couple of examples.

WWII may be the only "justifiable" war that I can think of.

So it sounds to me like you consider some exceptions as well ?
am very interested in learning more about zen Buddhism. I went to a talk once by a zen leader who said that some of their members are Jews. He said they are Jew-Bu's :D . He said there is no conflict between being a Jew and a zen Buddhist.

The first wedding I attended while at the Zen Center of Los Angeles was a Jewish/Buddhist ceremony. The first meditation retreat had a Lutheran Minister attend. Zen has nothing to do with religion and frankly, neither do I.

I can understand why you feel this way. But I have seen some of Ahmadinejad's actions which concern me a great deal. I gave you a couple of examples.

For the last five years, the U.S. has been one of the worst offenders in the world when it comes to human rights, war crimes and torture. I think one could ask, why should any country deal diplomatically with us?

So it sounds to me like you consider some exceptions as well ?

I gave you the only one I could think of, WWII.