Iran Reportedly Close to Production Capability of a Nuke



I see as a central theme on the part of the Iranian mullocracy, a certain whining about the absence of nuclear weapons in the hands of Islamist nations. A number of (predominately hard line religious rulers) are being vocal about being at the end of a wagging finger that takes offense at somehow being left behind in the total destruction business.

Putting nuclear weapons in the hands of religious zealots is just simply an inherently dangerous exercise. The Middle East is already a highly unstable area. The absolutely vicious Iran vs. Iraq war in the not too distant past, Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait more recently and the list goes on. Just imagine if these entities had access to nukes. The prospect is absolutely chilling. Iran and Iraq during their 8 year long slugfest managed to do substantial damage and cause phenomenal loss of life. It’s likely that only the lack of “better” technology stopped them from obliterating entire cities and populations in the course of a single afternoon. Does anyone really believe the Iran vs. Iraq war would not have rivaled the death tally of Stalin or Mao if they had the ability to slaughter on a grander scale? Remember, Holocausts and mass murder work best if you can complete them quickly.

You cannot sweep away the religious perspectives which come into play in the M.E. Those perspectives are the focus of a huge wheel of inertia. Putting nukes in the hands of those who are predisposed toward seeking a better life in the afterlife is a good idea? How? There’s little to ponder here. We are suggesting that we put nukes under the control of religious types who are bereft of a critical thinking platform which would allow them to make valid choices. These are people whose direct beliefs on their ultimate destiny is to put into effect the very elements of the end times, possibly without even realizing they are doing it (subconsciously). So they simply edge closer to a conflict, oblivious to the fact that there is no ultimate paradise to ascend to and they simply cause disastrous events to occur and then sit back and watch as nations promptly blow each other up because they believe that is the worlds ultimate destiny.

One must remember though that if Iran, for example, acquires nukes, that instantly becomes a direct threat to every other M.E. nation. The race is then on to arm and to out arm the neighbor. History has shown that a bigger and better weapon blended with religious fervor has been less that favorable to living a productive life.

UN nuclear warning after discovery of extra 209kg of uranium in Iran

UN nuclear warning after discovery of extra 209kg of uranium in Iran - Times Online

Iran has enriched sufficient uranium to amass a nuclear bomb – a third more than previously thought – the United Nations announced yesterday.

The International Atomic Energy Agency said it had discovered an additional 209 kilograms of low-enriched uranium previously undeclared to inspectors, taking Tehran over the threshold of “nuclear breakout capability” of a ton of fissile material.

UN officials cautioned that many practical obstacles to the production of a bomb remain, and inspectors reported that Iran had slowed down on building its uranium enrichment capacity, a possible goodwill gesture to the new administration in Washington.

But the crossing of what has long been held as a red line in Iran’s nuclear programme dramatically add to the urgency in dealing with its ambitions and heighten tensions with Israel which has repeatedly declared it will not tolerate Iran reaching nuclear capability.

The additional uranium was discovered during its annual physical inventory of nuclear materials at the sprawling desert enrichment plant at Natanz.
I completely agree with Iran. Why shouldn't Islamic Nations have access to the same weapons that we've hoarded (and used)?

Perhaps instead of being hypocritical and denying other countries access to these weapons, we should get rid of ours and demonstrate a sincere desire for world peace.
I completely agree with Iran. Why shouldn't Islamic Nations have access to the same weapons that we've hoarded (and used)?

Perhaps instead of being hypocritical and denying other countries access to these weapons, we should get rid of ours and demonstrate a sincere desire for world peace.
You do understand that the pre-fab “president” of Iran thinks himself the Mahdi, right?
Didn't our last president believe the same thing? What's yer point?

Or maybe I should ask, "Whatsa Madhi you?"

Hee-hee... I crack myself up sometimes.
... if Iran, for example, acquires nukes, that instantly becomes a direct threat to every other M.E. nation.
What should be done about Israel's nuclear capabilities?
Didn't our last president believe the same thing? What's yer point?

Or maybe I should ask, "Whatsa Madhi you?"

Hee-hee... I crack myself up sometimes.
Bush was too stupid to understand anything. Did you bother to read any of what accompanied my original post?

What do you think the implications are of a belligerent Iranian mullocracy trans-shipping radioactive material to places such as Syria or to their occupation army (Hizzbollocks), in Lebanon? Where do you think this material will end up?

Bush was too stupid to understand anything. Did you bother to read any of what accompanied my original post?

Yeah, I read up to, "Putting nuclear weapons in the hands of religious zealots..." and realized you offered little insight and only reactionary bigotry.

So I stopped there.

I'm really worried about any nuclear facilities in Iran, due to it being so prone to earthquakes.]

Brilliant! Any country that experiences earthquakes should hereby dismantle their nuclear industries. SG, I like the way you think.
Yeah, I read up to, "Putting nuclear weapons in the hands of religious zealots..." and realized you offered little insight and only reactionary bigotry.

So I stopped there.

Brilliant! Any country that experiences earthquakes should hereby dismantle their nuclear industries. SG, I like the way you think.
At least show that they are earthquake prepared. Compare the numbers of earthquake deaths in Iran to the number of earthquake deaths of similar magnitude in Japan, which is also highly seismically active. I'm not as concerned at the Japanese nuclear power facilities in earthquake zones as I would be at Iranian nuclear facilities in earthquake zones. Japan shows more earthquake preparedness and responsibility than Iran, by far.

Take a peek at the study I posted.
I have a friend who was an engineer on the San Lois Obispo nuclear power plant...they didn't know how to design for earthquakes, so they built the plant on roller bearing footings and then put in all the pipes (the coordination drawings were so awful the asbuilts for the actual piping were three times a big as the design drawings)...and then after everything was installed they went back and added the shock absorbers to the pipe hangers...of course the issue is if the shock absorbers all go to their limits to assist the pipe in bending and not breaking in many (read hundreds) of locations where cross overs occur the pipes will be banging together...

good old american know how....we've moved on from design then build to build then design...:eek:

is it just me or does anyone else see some ironic symbiosis between this thread and the 'how to meet G!d' thread....:eek:
Yeah, I read up to, "Putting nuclear weapons in the hands of religious zealots..." and realized you offered little insight and only reactionary bigotry.

So I stopped there.
Less Disney and more practical application may be what is needed. I actually see little to recommend the shiite Iranian vision of a global apocalypse to bring forth their mahdi.

It’s a worldview that represents a psychosis of self hate. The problem of course is that fundies believe in a vision of a flawed humanity that deserves destruction. They inch closer to enabling the events that may cause widespread destruction. They actually create these self fulfilling prophecies.

What’s truly frightening is this scenario taking place with a nuclear armed Endtimer who has a vision of causing events to bring forth the Mahdi.

In the Shia Islamic eschatology mythos, the messiah who will come to herald in the endtime, after restoring peace and justice (Islamic peace and justice!), is referred to as the mahdi. The raving loon who thinks himself the “president” of Iran talks about the mahdi a lot. He apparently believes he is tasked with bringing back the mahdi.

Iran leader's U.N. finale<br> reveals apocalyptic view

"I emphatically declare that today's world, more than ever before, longs for just and righteous people with love for all humanity; and above all longs for the perfect righteous human being and the real savior who has been promised to all peoples and who will establish justice, peace and brotherhood on the planet," Ahmadinejad said. "Oh, Almighty God, all men and women are your creatures and you have ordained their guidance and salvation. Bestow upon humanity that thirsts for justice, the perfect human being promised to all by you, and make us among his followers and among those who strive for his return and his cause."

Extend a helping hand to the recalcitrant malcontents! Cajole them on to the bandwagon! Here we go! ”Row, row, row your boat....”
At least show that they are earthquake prepared.
The arrogance of humans is to think they can be prepared. Every time we think we've out-smarted nature she shows us we'll never get the upper hand.

Let's just say this... if you keep a well-charged fire extinguisher handy, then you can have nuclear power plants and weapons.
Less Disney and more practical application may be what is needed. I actually see little to recommend the shiite Iranian vision of a global apocalypse to bring forth their mahdi.
See what you fail to acknowledge is that WE'RE the dangerous nation here.

WE'RE the ones who invaded Iraq, destroyed the infrastructure, killed hundreds of thousands of civilians over NOTHING!

WE're the country that practices torture, imprisonment and rendition.

It's no wonder that other countries seek to have some means to defend themselves against us. I WOULD TOO!

So instead of worrying about Iran, I suggest we continue on our current path of reforming the United States of America. And by our actions the other countries of the world will see that there is less reason to fear us.

That would be a good place to start.
See what you fail to acknowledge is that WE'RE the dangerous nation here.

WE'RE the ones who invaded Iraq, destroyed the infrastructure, killed hundreds of thousands of civilians over NOTHING!

WE're the country that practices torture, imprisonment and rendition.

It's no wonder that other countries seek to have some means to defend themselves against us. I WOULD TOO!

So instead of worrying about Iran, I suggest we continue on our current path of reforming the United States of America. And by our actions the other countries of the world will see that there is less reason to fear us.

That would be a good place to start.
That doesn’t even attempt to address the fact that Mahmoud “apocalypse now” Ahmadinejad is not looking to acquire nukes as a defensive measure against the U.S.

The “endtimes” is a part of his religious dogma. Acquiring nukes (and using them), could be one way to initiate the events that usher in the endtimes.

But cheer up. If radioactive fallout from an exchange or nuclear accident in the M.E. were to occur and cook you to a golden brown, you can be secure in the knowledge that you deserved it, anyway.
If its true, then its a marvelous marvelous news. Looking forward to see their first nuke-boom. And beware of US, they definitely will attack. I wish Arabs shared this Persian foresight & love of knowledge.

And for the scared people, how many nukes have Americans lost in the last 60 years? Any clues? How many times a US plane has accidentally taken off with a nuke in it. And well, the biggest of all, how many men have Americans killed just to test a new bomb design? We survived all that, we'll survive this too.

As far as end times are concerned, there are enough zealots in US & Israel thinking about it.
Putting nuclear weapons in the hands of religious zealots is just simply an inherently dangerous exercise.
Zealots of any kind are dangerous, including Zionists and state militarists.

Btw, Israel has refused to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.
Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Israel is believed to have 150 nuclear weapons.

I look forward to the next installment in the usual one-sided line of argument.
But cheer up. If radioactive fallout from an exchange or nuclear accident in the M.E. were to occur and cook you to a golden brown, you can be secure in the knowledge that you deserved it, anyway.
I'll be finger-lickin' good.

mmmmmmmm... crispy.
"Whatsa Madhi you?"



aMahdi bring you pizza and you kids fighta huh??? !
right or wrong of whether its fair or not, the world would be a far more dangerous place if Iran were to get nukes.

I mean they still stone people to death and execute homosexuals as per shariah law.