LSD, mescaline and/or other psychedelics

Out of the Box

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  • Should LSD, mescaline and/or other psychedelic drugs be legal or not?
  • Have you ever used LSD, mescaline and/or other another psychedelic drug yourself?
  • Do you know any people who've used LSD, mescaline and/or other another psychedelic drug?
  • If you've ever tried a psychedelic yourself, did you use it for entertainment, for philosophical enhancement of for Shamanic rituals?
  • ....
  • Should LSD, mescaline and/or other psychedelic drugs be legal or not?
  • Have you ever used LSD, mescaline and/or other another psychedelic drug yourself?
  • Do you know any people who've used LSD, mescaline and/or other another psychedelic drug?
  • If you've ever tried a psychedelic yourself, did you use it for entertainment, for philosophical enhancement of for Shamanic rituals?
  • ....

care to share some of your experiences opinions etc ?
  • Should LSD, mescaline and/or other psychedelic drugs be legal or not?
  • Have you ever used LSD, mescaline and/or other another psychedelic drug yourself?
  • Do you know any people who've used LSD, mescaline and/or other another psychedelic drug?
  • If you've ever tried a psychedelic yourself, did you use it for entertainment, for philosophical enhancement of for Shamanic rituals?
  • ....

  • Yes.
  • Yes.
  • Yes.
  • Yes.
  • Two times.
care to share some of your experiences opinions etc ?
  • I believe psychedelics should be legal for those of 21 years or older. I'm not sure about those younger.
  • I've used LSD twice and some other psychedelic (a synthetic equivalent to mushrooms) once.
  • All three times I used psychedelics, I did so with a more experienced user who took care of the dosage. I know a few others who used psychedelic mushrooms in their past, and one who used LSD in his past but that's about it.
  • I use psychedelics mostly for philosophical enhancement because it allows one to see and experience things from a different perspective.
  • Yes.
  • Yes.
  • Yes.
  • Yes.
  • Two times.

Could you elaborate a bit?
Could you elaborate a bit?

Some just want it all don't they... :)

Didn’t mention the Angel dust? Or DMT? They I found are the most “elite” of tools…..

Get a little perfume bottle (empty of course) fill it with PCP(angel dust) then spray it evenly over some weed… Wrap it all up in a nice paper… Maybe a coconut flavoured on heh… Light it up and rise with it…. Or for those seeking a very unpredictable yet very comical journey… Get a rag, you’re nations flag is suiting…. Soak it in Ether, spray the PCP on to it…. Enhale and on your merry way….

Or simply king of kings… Take some DMT….. Second to none.

Chin chin…


At work currently... and I am a lil bit.... Weeew.. Ye knew.....

I think my main answer for why... Would simply be... I did it for teh lulz.... But DMT... Very spiritual...

Yea man it should all be legal, your body... You make your bed, you lay in it.... I think screw it, got one shot at this life might as well enjoy it... But like you I think it should be only legal to adults who are fully capable of making their decisions......

I have used drugs for enlightenment as you say... From shrooms you get jack lol..... From weed, I can make anything have meaning....... But I mean these are the low level boys..... Where your (or mosts) minds can keep up and try to make meaning of bollocks....... But when you get up to the big hitters, you will find the majority cannot handle it, you do not ponder about mysteries and magical thoughts, you just hold on tight and enjoy the ride where ever it takes you man..... OH WOOOOOOH!! Yew knew.....
  • Should LSD, mescaline and/or other psychedelic drugs be legal or not?
  • Have you ever used LSD, mescaline and/or other another psychedelic drug yourself?
  • Do you know any people who've used LSD, mescaline and/or other another psychedelic drug?
  • If you've ever tried a psychedelic yourself, did you use it for entertainment, for philosophical enhancement of for Shamanic rituals?
  • ....

# Should LSD, mescaline and/or other psychedelic drugs be legal or not?

Yes should be compulsory :rolleyes:

# Have you ever used LSD, mescaline and/or other another psychedelic drug yourself?

Yes in my youth, LSD, Mushrooms, Ectasy, Marijuana

# Do you know any people who've used LSD, mescaline and/or other another psychedelic drug?


# If you've ever tried a psychedelic yourself, did you use it for entertainment, for philosophical enhancement of for Shamanic rituals?

All of the above.

I dont do that stuff any more
Man, it comes down to what your perception of what psychedelic........ is. lulz.

To some hell yeah weed and X are way out there... It fits with what they class as

To others perhaps not so.... For me I would say Weed can be a mid or low range one... Depends on like what strand you be smoking home slice..... Yew knew?

X... For me isn't it is a bit like speed or richmans speed (coke) just gives me energy and makes all the sad in you happy :)
Would you call Ectasy and Marihuana psychedelics?! :confused:

well I think they are classed as such,

Ecstasy on the street was sometimes MDA rather than MDMA and could be really trippy, as for Ganja I think it is classed a psychedelic but I am no expert on this.
  • If you've ever tried a psychedelic yourself, did you use it for entertainment, for philosophical enhancement of for Shamanic rituals?

I saw that horror flick Silent Hill in the theater... on 4 hits of acid.
So yea... you can call that a Shamanistic ritual if you wish...
there was definitely some "philosophical enhancement" that night...

Have you ever used LSD, mescaline and/or other another psychedelic drug yourself?
Depends on your definition of "psychedelic"... but yea... much Acid. A lot of people would actually define XtC as psych... And the combination of X with K is definitely on the psych side. By da way, unlike most people I know... I always hated weed! The only time I enjoyed it was when I was totally high on a chemical or watching a movie... well.. actually, to be honest, I was always high on weed cuz I didnt have a choice... everyone around me always had a damn joint in their mouth!

  • Do you know any people who've used LSD, mescaline and/or other another psychedelic drug?
Most of my friends preferred shrooms...
I was the only acid-head in the group.

  • Should LSD, mescaline and/or other psychedelic drugs be legal or not?
Depends.... And it's a very complicated question.
First, a word about the supposed "side-effects":

I have been clean for over 2 years now, and I can guarantee you that drugs do not result in the sort of damages that the government warns against. I started in my early teens and was dropping acid by the time I was 16 (or 17?)... Then I quit... for like, two years... then I got back into them in my freshman year in university... and this time it was insanity! Like literally every weekend we were clubbing and popping pills. And then on Sunday mornings we would be dropping Acid or eating shrooms... or doing lines of K... anything just to avoid the ecstasy downer... This went on for 2 and a half years!!! ... and then I quit everything 2 years ago (weed and smoking first, then everything else). And have there been any side-effects? NONE! There was a recent report I read too that said there are no real side-effects of ecstasy. And the doctors were actually encouraging government to downgrade xtc's classification.

So the case for illegality can not be made on health and safety issues. If that was the case, then Alcohol and smoking should be on the top of that list. I used to chain smoke for half my life, and believe me, that caused more damage then anything else. I only recently recovered from that crap. And seriously, the craving for nicotine is worse then anything else.

However, does this mean that I support drugs because there are no side-effects? No way man. I quit because of religious reasons. Not because I cared about the side-effects even if they existed. Look, it's simple: you don't get into this stuff if self-destruction is not already part of your nature... I once jumped out a plane at 12,000 feet... you think I cared about the side-effects of that activity? I reject drugs because they are forbidden by my religion, not because I cared about their side-effects. Trust me, I was born this screwed up, it wasn't the drugs!!

But the real question for me is, should I support the illegality of drugs because they are forbidden in my religion? This is a different question, and one which has to be taken in proper context. You have to ask, what does making drugs illegal actually accomplish? The Drug War is a facade, always was. It is a fact that the CIA has been involved in funneling cocaine into the poor neighborhoods. The Black community in the States was destroyed by a concerted CIA/FBI operation which funneled in drugs and alcohol into Black neighborhoods. The fact is that anyone who wants to do drugs, will do them. They will find them, illegal or not. So that also can not be the reason for making them illegal.

So this is where we are at:

  • Its not the side-effects
  • Its not the availability

So why are they illegal? Morality? Well, that doesn't make any sense. The government is no enforcer of morality.

So basically, if the government wants to make drugs illegal, then it has to go all the way and make ALL harmful things illegal, starting with alcohol and cigarettes. (I wouldn't have a problem with this, because at least they are being consistent), or just don't even try and make everything legal. But don't go half way and use the tactics for your own corrupt agendas. Because this is all that is happening now.

Last two things I want to say, drugs are bad. Obviously, they are bad, and you would have to be a nutcase to argue that they are good for you. Admittedly, there are some good and positive aspects of drugs (and this is even written in the Quran, that there is some good in them) but over all, the bad cancels out the good. Also, the idea that you can use drugs for spiritual and/or philosophical enhancement is... well... that is a totally irrelevant claim as it is completely dependent on the individual. A non-spiritual person wouldn't experience spirituality with or without drugs.
lol, not really, but I'd give it a go lol.... I think the main thing to look at though is what does a person need? I mean what do they really need lol.... There are many things that can be classed as drugs..... Yew knew..... Like say a certain social group/gathering of people... It becomes a substance we "need" We grow dependances to many things.... Words that enter our brains can be the fix...

lol... Something just seems strange about trying to say what is good for people though.... When we really do not know all these people....

"This is life. So go and have a ball. Because the world don't move to the beat of just one drum. What might be right for you may not be right for some. You take the good, you take the bad, you take them both and there you opening statement. Sit, Ubu, sit. Good dog!!"
the world don't move to the beat of just one drum.

Dude, I was just reading Chaos Theory, and apparently it does!!!
Check out this thing called "the power law" sounds kool eh?
Da PoWeR LaW!!!!! You will respect its authoritay!

Reminds me of that movie Pi. Gotta watch that one again...
it totally went over my head when I watched it like a decade ago...
but now I know what the hell it was talking about... the damn stock
market actually does follow this "power law"...

lol every time I type Power Law a frekkin guitar solo should just start playing
out of no where... like Hendrix just pops up on the screen and whales one

wait for it....


YouTube - Eddie Van Halen - Eruption

w00t !