Ten More Questions



1. What is truth?
2. What is a fact?
3. What is evidence?
4. What constitutes no evidence?
5. What is a delusion?
6. What is ego?
7. What is an archetype?
8. What is social conditioning?
9. What is a placebo?
10. What is indoctrination?
ok, inuk,
1. The opposite of everything my ex ever said.
2. I am woman and I am LAW. (LOL)
3. see: Law and Order (criminal intent)
4. a bad episode of NCIS
5. "Reality TV"
6. You
7. Sorry, too big a word for this simple lass
8. Having to put up with idiots who masquerade as customers.
9. Isnt that a grunge band?
10. 3 days of useles paperwork before you start a new job.
ok, inuk,
1. The opposite of everything my ex ever said.
2. I am woman and I am LAW. (LOL)
3. see: Law and Order (criminal intent)
4. a bad episode of NCIS
5. "Reality TV"
6. You
7. Sorry, too big a word for this simple lass
8. Having to put up with idiots who masquerade as customers.
9. Isnt that a grunge band?
10. 3 days of useles paperwork before you start a new job.

LOL LOL LOL a hundredfold!!!!:D:D:D

....are you playing Jeopardy? :confused:

Did you mean double jeopardy?

This is what I call living way beyond your means. Asking ten more questions when the other ten haven't been satisfactorily answered. Sometimes even ten unanswered questions can be enough to start a global depression. Go and consult your local psychologist for more advice.:D

Another foreclosure is on its way. That's the default response to people who ask too many questions.
@ Salty

Check out the first question: "What is truth?".... Pilate asked that to Jesus PBUH didn't he? The funny thing is, even Jesus PBUH just ignored him (lol).
@ Salty

Check out the first question: "What is truth?".... Pilate asked that to Jesus PBUH didn't he? The funny thing is, even Jesus PBUH just ignored him (lol).

If you're referring to John 18:38, I'd say he wasn't recorded as having given an answer. Instead Pilate goes out to tell the crowd that he has no reason to convict him.

But assuming he did ignore him, I'd like to say . . . typical politicians . . .

Jesus was always a bit of an enigma.
1. What is truth? whatever I say it is
2. What is a fact? see above
3. What is evidence? see above
4. What constitutes no evidence? we can manufacture some if there is none, don't worry
5. What is a delusion? it's what happens to other ppl when they don't believe 1) above
6. What is ego? it's whats left behid when you smear yourself in ergot paste
7. What is an archetype? she's a typist in a design office
8. What is social conditioning? the best producton the market is Lenor or Comfort. Conditioner always makes things feel soft
9. What is a placebo? its a band, the lead singer of which I quite fancy
10. What is indoctrination? it's what happens when the doctor wants to check your prostate.
1. What is truth?
2. What is a fact?
3. What is evidence?
4. What constitutes no evidence?
5. What is a delusion?
6. What is ego?
7. What is an archetype?
8. What is social conditioning?
9. What is a placebo?
10. What is indoctrination?

1. Something Pilate asked Jesus in John 18:38 but according to the records, didn't get an answer.
2. A nice bit of trivia.
3. Something you present in a court of law to prove that someone is guilty.
4. It is something presented in court that fails to prove that the defendant is guilty.
5. Without it, the world would be pretty boring.
6. Me, myself and Irene!
7. A type of arch
8. It's what makes people think and believe the way they do
9. In medical terms, it's a dud.
10. It boosts your testosterone when you want more power over others.
1. What is truth?
2. What is a fact?
3. What is evidence?
4. What constitutes no evidence?
5. What is a delusion?
6. What is ego?
7. What is an archetype?
8. What is social conditioning?
9. What is a placebo?
10. What is indoctrination?

1. a concept hotly disputed
2. existent datum
3. testimony of consensus
4. non testimony of consensus
5. someone elses actuality
6. a necessary persona of human existence
7. a jungian hypothesis
8. a habit that becomes unconscious
9. an effect
10. see no.8
1. What is truth?
2. What is a fact?
3. What is evidence?
4. What constitutes no evidence?
5. What is a delusion?
6. What is ego?
7. What is an archetype?
8. What is social conditioning?
9. What is a placebo?
10. What is indoctrination?

1. Whatever you think it is.
2. Whatever you thin it is.
3. Something used in support of your truth/fact.
4. Come again?
5. Whatever someone else thinks it is.
6. All that matters.
7. The begining of mass production.
8. Tradition programmed into the young.
9. No idea but it works wonders.
10... I don't know what that is without looking in a dictionary..
1. What is truth? Anything that doesnt include any form of consious deception
2. What is a fact? Something that can be objectively verified or an observation that many people agree on (thanks define google)
3. What is evidence? Evidence in its broadest sense includes anything that is used to determine or demonstrate the truth of an assertion (thanks define google)
4. What constitutes no evidence? a lack of or non at all of something that can demonstrate the truth of an assertion
5. What is a delusion? An idea born out of misguided or out right crazy thinking aka poppycock
6. What is ego? something that requires homostasis
7. What is an archetype? An original?
8. What is social conditioning? subconsious culture which we all create and adhere to
9. What is a placebo? The medical outcome of people who are tricked with the use of non benifical or non medicated substances sometimes showing signs of genuine healing have been reported.
10. What is indoctrination? Internalisation of virtues
1. What is truth?
2. What is a fact?
3. What is evidence?
4. What constitutes no evidence?

Evidently, these things hold different meanings to different people. Even some "scientific" types of my acquaintance have at times shifted the meanings of such as these as it suited their needs of a moment. So I can only speak for myself, knowing full well that not all agree in principle or practice. Truth to me is reality. If it is real, it is true. A fact is a reaction to or a causal agent of truth / reality. Evidence is that fact that can be recreated or demonstrated. "No evidence" cannot be proven because as we know absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. Having said this, it is also imperitive not to abuse this axiom.

5. What is a delusion?
6. What is ego?

Ego is evidence of the self, the personality. In Freudian terms, the ego is bookended by the SuperEgo and the Id, the SuperEgo roughly equating with the moral center and the Id roughly equating with the animal or hedonist desire center. The Ego is informed by both and draws its conclusions and acts accordingly. Delusion is when these (SuperEgo, Ego and Id) are deliberately misinformed either by disease process, injury or outside influence resulting in an inaccurate subjective assessment of reality.

7. What is an archetype?
8. What is social conditioning?
10. What is indoctrination?

Indoctrination is another way of saying "training" or "teaching." Social conditioning is training/teaching/indoctrination that is culturally and societally based. Archetypes are those symbols that hold "generally specific" (or "more-or-less" specific) meanings to all within that given culture or society.

9. What is a placebo?

Placebo is used to demonstrate the power of one's mind to impact on one's perceived reality, it demonstrates the power of belief as applied in one's physical "universe."

It's good to have you back around, TAO.