Atheist group sells certificates of debaptism

Is it possible to "debaptize" one's self without simultaneously taking one's self too seriously?
As you can see from other current threads in this section many people have suffered terribly at the hands of the religious institutions. This can make people look for alternative ways to 'make a statement'. It seems this came about by the Church of England's refusal to remove the baptised from their registers. This would anger and frustrate me. I would not want my name to give any statistical merit to any religion nor help place Bishops in The House of Lords. There are currently 26 of them and they DO influence the legislature. Their power is entirely disproportionate to their actual support in the UK population. And in an era where we have seen the secular representation of the people attacked by the erosion of the influence of trade unions by successive governments it is outrageous that these Bishop Lords go unchallenged. So for some this is certificate is a bit of frivolity, but for others it can be a more serious issue and one they have a right to be passionate about.
whoah just saying different people have different ways of dealing with closure, maybe they just want to f### their parents off, who knows? but yes the 'brights' haha are fighting back; l like sitting on fences, good view..
Brights is a really horrible concept to me. And one of the things that really cheeses me off about Dawkins/Dawkinites.
Brights is a really horrible concept to me. And one of the things that really cheeses me off about Dawkins/Dawkinites.

yeh l think it may be a play on 'lights; l'm sure he explained it on some tv programme, he's got a personal axe to grind due to his own upbringing methinks though l haven't looked too deeply into it; a friend gave me a brand new copy of ' the god delusion' as he was a believer and decided he wasn't even going to read it; l never got round to it and gave it to my daughter so its now under mountains of s### in her room to be unearthed by an archeologist many moons from now!
yeh l think it may be a play on 'lights; l'm sure he explained it on some tv programme, he's got a personal axe to grind due to his own upbringing methinks though l haven't looked too deeply into it;

The man is an unapologetic atheist, an evangelizer of non-belief, and he seems to rub many people the wrong way.

But I've read the God Delusion and quite enjoyed it. And just last night I watched Dawkins lecture on youTube (YouTube - Richard Dawkins: An atheist's call to arms) and it confirmed to me he is working from a very sound philosophy.

As for "Brights"... well that's just an unfortunate choice. Dawkins should stay out of marketing and stick to what he knows best.
The man is an unapologetic atheist, an evangelizer of non-belief, and he seems to rub many people the wrong way.

But I've read the God Delusion and quite enjoyed it. And just last night I watched Dawkins lecture on youTube (YouTube - Richard Dawkins: An atheist's call to arms) and it confirmed to me he is working from a very sound philosophy.

As for "Brights"... well that's just an unfortunate choice. Dawkins should stay out of marketing and stick to what he knows best.

I do not think he went down that vein for 'marketing'. I think he meant it with all integrity to give a paradigm to people largely unrepresented. But the word choice is so eugenicist that I recoil. It is way to open to the same kind of hijacking that the religions specialise in.