Atheist group sells certificates of debaptism

Peace to you too :)

Communism is not atheism. And I do not represent atheism either. I represent my own thinking and my own thinking alone. I am an atheist because I do not believe there is any God or Deity. Not believing in god or deity does not make me a communist nor a fascist nor affiliate me to any other group. It is a shameI have already stated as much twice on this thread already, but still you cannot see basic logic.
Namaste Tao, it appears what he is trying to convey is that just because some atheists do bad things it cannot be determined atheism is the cause. Same with theists or folks following x religion...unless one can show that all of X religion act like or 90% of X religion act it the fault of X religon or the people?

ie guns don't kill people. people kill people. they use guns, they use religion, as a tool or justification...

I see some logic there.
Namaste Tao, it appears what he is trying to convey is that just because some atheists do bad things it cannot be determined atheism is the cause. Same with theists or folks following x religion...unless one can show that all of X religion act like or 90% of X religion act it the fault of X religon or the people?

ie guns don't kill people. people kill people. they use guns, they use religion, as a tool or justification...

I see some logic there.
And I would too if that is the argument I saw being presented. But here it is a red herring to deflect from the pertinent points.
The greater the objective value of any truth and its potential recognition, the more society as a whole will seek its destruction. It is no different here. We either react to it or see it for what it is.
I do indeed have some issues I would love to see worked out. But this is not one of them. I am absolutely clear on this issue. It is not me or my beliefs that sanction genocide and concentration camps. But repeatedly it has been the sanction of the CC that caused and perpetrated such acts. YOU accuse me of spreading negativity and hatred but it is not me that supports a religion that repeatedly commits mass murder in its name. If the CC had not committed such acts then my words could not appear here. So if you see negativity and hatred in my words you know who to blame.

Don't you see bad behavior in any type of organization? Like political and commercial? A pattern occurs, it always seems to be people in positions of superiority that have a tendency to abuse it.

I'm glad for you ... at this time in the Catholic calendar is the time of renewal.

At the Easter Vigil Mass on Saturday, those who have been preparing through the year to be received into the Church are baptised, so that the first time they engage in the Mystery and receive the Sacrament happens immediately after the Holy Friday service, which recalls its institution. At that service the whole congregation are invited to renew their own baptismal profession.

My Church is a Dominican Priory, and so the Liturgy follows the Monastic form established by St Dominic, so it's full on 'bells and smells' and the whole community is called to an act of veneration of the Cross.


sounds great I have never been to a Catholic Church so I really know very little about it.

I have not been a Christian that long but have attended an Assemblies of God Church and now a Partners in Harvest, all good :)
It's a money thing.... End of the day do either... And you get the same outcome... You're out of pocket.... But I think you got to be more of an idiot to buy this than the other..... Oh look at me! And how I show my distain for god and silly religious people... I get some pansy ass certificate yay... I'll put it next to my worlds biggest retard certificate.

Seriously who would buy that? lol if anyone I knew did I'd be like get an effin life you loser lol
Like selling star names or plots of land on mars, it is just ludicrous designed to incense and Christians are falling for it.
I disagree, it's just a bit of fun. Though it may be used by some Christians to whip up some perverted moral outrage.

A lot of beliefs Christians have today were formed simply because Christians were duped into reacting against something they saw as a threat.

Consider, for example, the doctrine of the Trinity or Biblical Inerrancy doctrine.

I find myself shocked at the kind of folly that Christians often engage in when decades or centuries later, we read about it in the history books and wonder how such a reaction could even have happened.

The reason why I am able to say this is because I am not one of the people who got involved in one of these "conflicts." If I had, however, I would probably be just as blind and irrational. It's a question of whether you're in the periphery of a hurricane/cyclone or in the eye or centre of it.

What has happened in this thread seems like a microcosm of what happens on a larger scale.

I'm not saying that it never happens to me. I just tend to get on the scene much later than most and get to play the role of an observer.

(P.S. I have the sneaky suspicion it's part of some social experiment initiated by some government organisation like the FBI, CIA, MI5, ASIO, AFP, KGB, etc.:D)
Peace to you too :)

Communism is not atheism. And I do not represent atheism either. I represent my own thinking and my own thinking alone. I am an atheist because I do not believe there is any God or Deity. Not believing in god or deity does not make me a communist nor a fascist nor affiliate me to any other group. It is a shameI have already stated as much twice on this thread already, but still you cannot see basic logic.

Well, Tao, most communists are atheists. What I want to emphasis, Tao, is that neither atheism nor theism are the causes of atrocities. It is rather the deviated human nature....

It is true that some are committing crimes in the name of religion, yet, the question remains: is there claim true or just prtended? Most people dont take the trouble to check for this, and they take the ready news...

You said: "And I do not represent atheism either. I represent my own thinking and my own thinking alone", though you are atheist. Also, there are some Jewish, Christians, Muslms, Buddhists...who present their own thinking, and their own thinking alone...They dont present their own religion...

PS: Tao, you said you dont believe in God or deity, but I think you do believe in a creator. Dont you? I am interested...
And I would ask, for the record, was my post "brought to your attention"? Was someone wanting my tounge cut out?

Not at all - I read the thread and though, "oh, no, not again".

I think your comments above are too unbalanced and unfair - Hitler's ideology was secular but strongly flavoured by contemporary occult influences. There's no Christianity in Fascism.

What may be more interesting is to have a general thread on "ideology" in general, and have a general discussion on the pros and cons of religious and secular ideology.
It's a money thing.... End of the day do either... And you get the same outcome... You're out of pocket.... But I think you got to be more of an idiot to buy this than the other..... Oh look at me! And how I show my distain for god and silly religious people... I get some pansy ass certificate yay... I'll put it next to my worlds biggest retard certificate.

Seriously who would buy that? lol if anyone I knew did I'd be like get an effin life you loser lol

there are some people who were seriously abused and needed to change their name, their identity to survive and continue living a semi normal life whilst healing their wounds [even now there is not enough good counselling hapening in this day and age]. This analogy, whilst severe serves to illustrate not just a 'fun aspect' but a need, formally, to say goodbye to a situation that was not willingly accepted at the time as a minor [presumably].
Well, Tao, most communists are atheists. What I want to emphasis, Tao, is that neither atheism nor theism are the causes of atrocities. It is rather the deviated human nature....
Are most communists atheists? I am not so sure. But I am pretty sure that most atheists are not communists, or fascists.
To say that theism is not a cause of atrocity is absolutely false. For example the recent Genocide in Rwanda in which a million people were hacked to death by machetes was wholly inspired and encouraged by Catholic Bishops. It all started with some fool idiot claiming he had visions of the virgin Mary. The Pope sent a man to investigate these claims and he claimed them 'reliable'. The fervour increased with the Bishop of Kagali and a cadre of Hutu Catholic priests claiming that it was divine will for the Tutsi minority to be cleansed from the country. Many of the mass graves found in Rwanda are actually on church land for the Tutsi's in fear for their lives went to the churches to seek sanctuary. They did not find it. The Bishop of Gikongoro, Monsignor Augustin Misago, was personaly implicated in the murder of 82 children who had sought refuge in a church. This man or any of thr Holy Hutu Butchers were condemed by the CC? No, not a word. Quite the opposite in fact. They were smuggled to France and hidden by the CC until the French government learned of it and extradited them. So please do not tell me that 'theists' are not responsible. This is no isolated case, history is awash with such incidences.

You said: "And I do not represent atheism either. I represent my own thinking and my own thinking alone", though you are atheist. Also, there are some Jewish, Christians, Muslms, Buddhists...who present their own thinking, and their own thinking alone...They dont present their own religion...
Of course.
PS: Tao, you said you dont believe in God or deity, but I think you do believe in a creator. Dont you? I am interested...
No I do not believe in a creator. Though I admit the universe is so wonderfully strange that I could be proved wrong. If there is, it bares no resemblence to anything described in any so called holy book, these are merely the fevered imaginings of the ignorant.
I think your comments above are too unbalanced and unfair - Hitler's ideology was secular but strongly flavoured by contemporary occult influences. There's no Christianity in Fascism.
Well I am afraid that I most strenuously disagree. I think what I have said here is balanced and fair. And I am surprised that you believe the Catholic re-write of the facts. If you care to take a look at the authentic press coverage of the build up of fascism in Europe you will see that the CC is implicated and supportive in every incidence. In the rise of fascist dictatorships in Spain, Italy, Austria and Slovakia Rome heaped praise upon the regimes. Under Mussolini the Pope agreed every aid and assistance in return for making Catholicism the only legal religion in Italy. Preachers across the fascist states urged their congregations to support the fascist leaders.
Of course the CC has devoted much effort not so much to the re-write, though that is most definitely there, but to the conspiracy of silence that demands the pertinent questions are never publicly aired in the first place. Even more recently there is Rwanda, (see above post), and the wholehearted papal endorsement and collusion of Bishops with the fascist military Junta in Argentina and Chile. The CC has a totalitarian mindset and has much in common with fascism and it is thus no surprise that they make regular and willing bedmates.
Well I am afraid that I most strenuously disagree. I think what I have said here is balanced and fair. And I am surprised that you believe the Catholic re-write of the facts. If you care to take a look at the authentic press coverage of the build up of fascism in Europe you will see that the CC is implicated and supportive in every incidence. In the rise of fascist dictatorships in Spain, Italy, Austria and Slovakia Rome heaped praise upon the regimes. Under Mussolini the Pope agreed every aid and assistance in return for making Catholicism the only legal religion in Italy. Preachers across the fascist states urged their congregations to support the fascist leaders.
Of course the CC has devoted much effort not so much to the re-write, though that is most definitely there, but to the conspiracy of silence that demands the pertinent questions are never publicly aired in the first place. Even more recently there is Rwanda, (see above post), and the wholehearted papal endorsement and collusion of Bishops with the fascist military Junta in Argentina and Chile. The CC has a totalitarian mindset and has much in common with fascism and it is thus no surprise that they make regular and willing bedmates.

We spent nearly six decades of the "Cold War", where the world was essentially split between two main secular ideologies of Capitalism and Communism. During this time both sides committed a range of atrocities year after year to assert their dominance over the years.

It's interesting to see you mention Chile, as General Pinochet was effectively a US puppet who was actively brought to power from the US in order to put a stop to "Communist influences" in the country. As a US ally Britain actively supported the position and Margaret Thatcher expressed her dismay that Pinochet, historically Britain's ally under the Cold War, should face the indignity of house arrest in Britain over human rights abuses.

I'm sure you know all that - so my point is that as a British citizen, you are actively allied with British foreign policy whether you like it our not - certainly as viewed from outside of the UK.

Therefore would it be fair for you to be held account for all the historical acts of the British government - of which I'm sure we could easily draw up a long list stretching from live human experiments at Portadown at the start of the 50's, to the recent issue of rendition flights supported by UK airports - due to the fact that you're a British citizen, and you may support some but not other political policies?

I wouldn't think that fair - and yet you seem to think it's fair to ascribe all the flaws of a specific religion on individuals who share a its basic religious belief?

Also, are you really unaware that a huge amount of social progress in the UK at least - free education for children, social support and services - was brought about by active implmentation and campaigning by Christian churches in the Victorian era, who then enforced their agenda through the labour movement?

We can point fingers at any ideology - secular or religious - and demonstrate great good and great wrong. But all we're pointing out is that ideologies can be a mix of exactly that, and the foundation as to how much good or wrong is ingrained in an ideology I do not think can be argued by the criteria of being religious or secular.

It's ironic that despite the bloody historical record of the world under governance of the world's religions, it's not until the 20th century when secular government takes control of the most powerful nations of the world, that the biggest atrocities humanity has ever seen are enacted out by secular governments.

Yet surely it would be better to call out the individual wrongs of any governance or ideology, because if generalised, secularism has been the bloodiest event in human history - yet to conclude such would surely be to underline the severe and myopic limitations of generalisation in itself?
I think people opposed to certificates of debaptism are missing a point.

This is entrepreneurialism.

Someone's found an unfulfilled niche to serve as a business. If they have enough customers interested in their product the business will succeed and they will have provided a needed service.

If this is a silly waste of effort, then that will become evident soon enough.

Personally, I applaud their creativity and initiative.

What has become the CC was invented by an Emperor. Constantine the Great. It was conceived as an instrument of control and to tie the power of religions to one unified doctrine, changing a widespread polytheism into something you could manage with a single edict. Catholicism was designed to serve an Emperor and thus lends its services well to any dictator willing to give it a slice of the pie. This is why we see it time and time again doing exactly that.

When I have a contrary opinion my post deals with that opinion and can tend to do so robustly. That is my style. I intend no personal offence. I do my damnedest to provide factual accounts and do so with all integrity. Some of what I say can seem challenging but the content demands it could be nothing else. Are we forbidden to discuss that which some might find unpalatable? Because I find 1 million dead in Rwanda on this 15th anniversary of its onset rather unpalatable. And I find it odd that there is absolutely no media coverage of the central role played by the CC. As I highlighted, and you ignored except for a reference to Chile, the CC is repeatedly implicated in fascist totalitarianism. And as I explained this is what it was intended to do. Given that - is it morally right of me in discussion to ignore these facts?

When someone sets themselves up as a voice on a religion in the way that Thomas has, who is 'within' the organisational fold as Thomas is, then they have to take the rough with the smooth. I do not attack Thomas as an individual, (I like him), but I do feel compelled to highlight the innumerable hypocrisies he presents here as CC spokesperson. When he is so flippantly and arrogantly hypocritical, (in terms of what his religion gets up to), as in the "Quite" that started this thread down this track, he cannot expect to let me let him get away with it. And it was the flippancy and arrogance that got me. Maybe I did bark a little loud for such a little thing but sometimes I do get frustrated at everybody trying to be nice about religion and ignoring its vast and heinous underbelly.
there are some people who were seriously abused and needed to change their name, their identity to survive and continue living a semi normal life whilst healing their wounds [even now there is not enough good counselling hapening in this day and age]. This analogy, whilst severe serves to illustrate not just a 'fun aspect' but a need, formally, to say goodbye to a situation that was not willingly accepted at the time as a minor [presumably].

And this bit of paper that someone prints off to make a quick buck some how magically takes away pain and makes them forget the abuse?

If some preacher was a kiddy fiddler (try and let you imagination run wild here try and imagine that... :)) And I a blue eyed blonde haired choir boy with rosey cheeks and the voice of an angel (imagination may be needed a little) And he came all up on this? Yeah I would want to cut all ties to that... I would most likley kill the dude too.. Well, that is a certain... But anyway.. I'd then try my best to let that go... all memories and pain dunno I guess you would be mentally scared for life perhaps... But getting a (quick profit making) bit of paper such as this isn't going to help... But I am sure everytime you look at it, it will make those memories surface.....

And this bit of paper that someone prints off to make a quick buck some how magically takes away pain and makes them forget the abuse?

If some preacher was a kiddy fiddler (try and let you imagination run wild here try and imagine that... :)) And I a blue eyed blonde haired choir boy with rosey cheeks and the voice of an angel (imagination may be needed a little) And he came all up on this? Yeah I would want to cut all ties to that... I would most likley kill the dude too.. Well, that is a certain... But anyway.. I'd then try my best to let that go... all memories and pain dunno I guess you would be mentally scared for life perhaps... But getting a (quick profit making) bit of paper such as this isn't going to help... But I am sure everytime you look at it, it will make those memories surface.....


whoah just saying different people have different ways of dealing with closure, maybe they just want to f### their parents off, who knows? but yes the 'brights' haha are fighting back; l like sitting on fences, good view..
Is it possible to "debaptize" one's self without simultaneously taking one's self too seriously?